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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Wayzer

  1. Posted some blasphemously bad looking pics on the post a pic of yerself thread :P

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      I Swear Wayzer, I have seen you before XD

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt


    2. Wayzer


      agreed on pinkie not on aj

  2. RISE AND SHINE ME! yeah I'm way too lazy

  3. Well I'm off *falls asleep* so tireed.... goodnight!

  4. Working for 11 hours = not healthy for da Wayz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wayzer


      working for 11 hours is not serbon you shouldn't overwork



    3. Aerodynas


      yes! *squeeshes Wayo* :D

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      atleast you're doing something , while i'm doing nothing

  5. Ok I'm finally going to get that profile of me done! so might not be as active responding

    1. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      i'm too lazy to change my profile ;-;

    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Profile, like avatar.

  6. ugh back to work

  7. ugh, why work, why T_T

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze


      Work never changes.


    2. Wayzer
  8. Ok I'm going off for tonight, abusing some hay goodnight everypony!!

  9. feeling like a gramps for liking them old fallout soundtrack

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      When I listen to it I feel like a sir.

    2. Wayzer


      :P good ol fancy sir
  10. bored out of my mind, and having maths and french soon doesn't help :/

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OE8OJCRgCQ that was seriously the most random vid I've seen in a while
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doc. Volt
    3. Doc. Volt
    4. Wayzer


      pffft XD somehow it's getting funnier for me the more I watch it

  12. btw just returned for some play we had to attend for school

  13. aaaanypony want's natural selection 2 for kinda cheapz?

  14. Well today is going to be an interesting day for sure. Going to some modernized play of shakespeare this evening

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wayzer


      yeah so it will probably suuuck

    3. Malinter


      thats what I thought. XD

    4. Silverarrow66


      Huha:...... I did some thing like that in 6th grade! It was called shakephere in the park

  15. too tired :o I'm going to get some sleep

    1. Aerodynas


      miss ya Wayo T_T

  16. I should really get to play metal gear :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      i never played any game of metal gear ;-;

    3. Moonbacon


      Well just pointing out the metal gear solid ones have weird cutscences an example of this is the first cutscence on metal gear solid 4 which made new players go "wtf did i just watch?"


      metal gear rising however is not about stealth like the metal gear solid ones but its still a game i'd highly recommended


    4. Wayzer


      XD I think I'm going to start oldschool with mgs1

  17. Well I'll be off again for a while so seeya all later!!

  18. aaaanypony wanna play starcraft?

  19. Mmm wonder if I should use my old avatar here, just for volty XDXD

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      you will simply lose the link of your current one

    2. Wayzer


      I'll save the current one of course

  20. O_o just discoverd the girlfriend of one of my friends on school is wearing a brony shirt

    1. Malinter
    2. Wayzer


      :P lollos, there are still only like 2 peeps on the entire school who know
  21. I won't believe anything sadi today at all!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wayzer


      You're hipster anywaaayz

    3. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      NO, HIPSTERS ARE TOO MANISTREAM. I just like to be traditional. I'm even joining a cultural society soon :P

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      you are more easter than me serbon

  22. Ok so for fallout fans this is basically a must see :o

    1. ParsoOfEquestria


      read the fallout bible, it shows more in depth the lore of fallout

    2. Wayzer


      it's a whole series eh :P I've read the bible too, I just love how they visualized this one, you know the series lasts hours right? this is just the prologue.


      btw just discovered these ads made as some kinda teaser by bethesda, didn't even knew they existed

  23. have to go for a while :( cya everypony!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Baby come back.....

      Cuz any fool could see......

      That there was something,

      Between you and me.....


    3. Crystal Edge
    4. Wayzer


      omigawd XD didn't expect that *hugs all*

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