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Status Updates posted by Wayzer

  1. Well off to school again :o. Though I'm feeling a tad sick :/

    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      *gives medicine* :3

    2. Malinter


      fresh air will do you good. :)


    3. Wayzer


      hehe you where kinda right mal :P feeling a bit better now after having cycled

  2. Well thanks to Blissy I finally have something to put on my profile while "working" on it XD Well goodnight all! (again lol)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wayzer


      and blissy replied normal :P

    3. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      Of course! Time for me to go watch Star Trek with the hubby now hehe

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      So i'm a alien!

  3. Meep, stayed up late rp'ing. Well I guess I'll be off for the night so GOODNIGHT EVERYPONY AND SWEET DREAMS!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      BUT iS ONLY 10pm!


    2. Wayzer


      it's 2 am here lollos, :D *hugs*

    3. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      Yay hugs! *hugs*

  4. Dayum, it's about time....

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      for the clop?

  5. Ok made this one a long time ago, seems like I'm a pinkie after all T_T http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?q=NDcwMHw5NzExMDE

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      AH COME ON! MOVE ALONG! XD stop spamming! XD

    3. Wayzer


      velvet is best remedy

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      SPAM EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!



    1. AppleGearRising
    2. GrauWitz


      You're gonna make Volty very sad because of this XD

  7. Need a light?

    1. Malinter


      nope, ah'm good.

    2. Wayzer
    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Yeah homie hit me one up, aftah we gunna hit da club up in meh ghetto street, you dig?

  8. AAARGH :o WHAT AM I EVEN DOING HERE!!! must sleeepz goodnight everypony, and sweet dreams!

    1. MrPandaa


      G'night, Wayzer!

    2. Wayzer


      thnkrz bro!

    3. CMQuickfireTK


      Nighty night! I gotta stay up and do my englis... at least it's an interesting topic I'm doing. lol

  9. Aaanyhow, got works to do now D: so seeya all laterz!!

  10. I officially despise my sleepyness now

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Wayzer
    3. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      Yes, i just can't hide it anymore.

      fuck everything.

    4. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze




  11. I'll be off to bed all see you around! goodnight and sweet dreams!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      Night wayz sweet dreams and may luna walk in your dreams

    3. Wayzer


      may she walk in yours just as much Lizzy *hugs*

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      *hugs back*


      She will protect me, i hope.

      From nightmares

  12. I has come back!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheChosenPony
    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      i am so happy to see you are back *insert friend name here* you sure are the best friend a *inert specie here* could ever dream offffffffffffffffffffff *fatal error*

    4. Wayzer
  13. GET YOUR ASS BACK TO WORK!! or so my manager said, well maybe not really but I'm sure he was thinking it so I'll be off!

    1. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      :( :( really?? see you pal!
  14. http://mlpforums.com/topic/91806-whos-your-favorite-member/?p=2435636 ugh wow finally, if I didn't mention you and you have the feeling that you should, pleaaase pm me! :o I've probably forgotten you
  15. wooorkz :( for whole daaayz :(

    1. AppleGearRising
    2. Wayzer


      cuz I needz da moneys

    3. AppleGearRising


      Ohhh, i'm sooo lazy :3

  16. <3 [sends wubs]
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aerodynas


      Hmm, I did play Age of Empires 3 a ton growing up :) but I moved on to the Total War series XD hah

    3. Wayzer


      dangit I should at you on steam :P you have rome 2? really need to go now btw

    4. Aerodynas


      I do XD alright you can go

      My steam is gdalton66 :P

  17. I'm going off ta bed. CYa all :D :D

  18. Well, off to golf???? O_o

    1. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Have fun ^-^

    2. Wayzer


      Was a tad boring, fencing was more fun

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Airsoft is the ultimate sport :P

  19. Owhmygawd my teacher started his laptop today, and when he logged in I heard the first few notes of the battlefield theme. He just got waaaay cooler. XD besides that I've got that tune stuck in my head for days now. Coincidence?

    1. Dark Heart

      Dark Heart

      xD cool teacher then

    2. Wayzer
  20. Ok just still had to post this one, XD why even play this in church

    still awesome tho :D
  21. listening to nightcore in the middle of the night is, even though the name, not good for sleeping XD goodnight anyway's everypony SWEET DREAMS!!!!!!!

  22. getting to <3 dota :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wayzer


      You can have a realistic strategy game yeah, then you should try CoH

    3. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      CoH stands for? :P

    4. Wayzer


      company of heroes eh :P

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