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Everything posted by SharpWit

  1. With the explosion, the Scorpion would smash against one of the ship's masts, itself pierced by a few crystal shards embedded in the wood. It flailed it's many limbs for a moment, then seemed to melt and sink like a fog, spreading out into nothingness across the deck. The arachnid was no more.
  2. @Kujamih Above the scuttling crew of ponies, the Scorpion in a diminutive state scuttled itself across the top of the airship, searching for a worthy target. At last, the white pony came into sight with the overheated crystal in hoof. It watched the strangeness of it all, too primitive a form to understand but cataloguing the information nonetheless. When the time felt right, it leapt down gracefully, landing perfectly atop the stallion's face, and only giving him enough time to stare cross eyed, plunged its stinger down, initiating a paralysis spell.
  3. @Props Valroa Nightmare Moon’s Serpent would be the first to pick up on the opposing creatures. With the flick of a tongue it would turn sharply to confront them in no time at all. Slithering with such speed, it began to lift off of the ground, avoiding the rocks below. It phased through the occasional boulder as it picked up in pace, its body stopped coiling, straightening out and glowing brighter like a meteorite refusing to land. It was coming in towards another boulder, but it needn’t phase through this time. A ways off, Carnelian’s creatures marched towards their target, but stopped when a rock fell before them. The Eagle hadn’t felt the need to fly ahead, nor had it cried out any warning of an enemy approaching. Each of the Hydra’s heads scanned a direction, looking for anything that could have thrown the stone. Their heads rose with the sound of an explosion, rearing up while the Hornet buzzed aggressively. A half dozen more rocks fell before them, the largest bounced up and passed over the Mantis having ducked it’s head, curiously turning it about 180 degrees. The rock continued to roll, partway through one of the Hydra’s feet. It lifted it to inspect, but it was nothing more than a rock. The Eagle screeched from above, and the Hydra could see a cloud of dust on the horizon. There was the sound of another explosion, closer this time, followed by a brief flicker of light. The sound of rushing air grew louder and louder, when a far off rock suddenly burst into a bajillion pieces, and the glow of the Serpent streaking towards them like a missile was dangerously visible. The Hydra braced itself while the Hornet flew forward to meet the enemy. WHAM! The nearest boulder erupted and before the landscape behind it was even visible, the Serpent swept passed the Hornet with a near miss, sending it into an uncontrollable spin, and straight into the Hydra’s gut with a flash, compressing inward until the snake like head tapped what would’ve been the behemoth’s spine had it actually had one. The First hit had landed, and so did the Hydra with a great crash on its back. The Serpent settled to the ground in a neat coil, shaking its head from the impact. It held itself high, proud to have knocked over something so many times larger than itself. It slid over to examine its work, only for a large head to suddenly slam into it. The Serpent recoiled, shaking its head in surprise. The Hydra wasn’t done for, for it’s magical origin meant it wasn’t your average monster. The Serpent struck back with a fierce fight, but it’s fangs refused to sink in. The fellow reptilian incantation was immune to it’s animalistic attacks. It struck again out of anger, but the large head simply smiled. With every head growling, it began to turn itself over to stand back upright, the Serpent narrowly avoiding being squished under its massive heel. It turned to put a safe distance between themselves when a sharp pain enveloped its lower half. The Mantis had snuck up on it and grasped it within its pincers. The Serpent furiously hissed and pulled but the pincers only dug in deeper. It raised its head to strike the smaller foe when it felt a piecing sensation in the back of its skull. The Serpent hissed once more but it was drowned out by the Hornet’s buzzing wings overhead. High above a flaming blue streak would cry out, drawing every creature’s attention. The Hydra stepped away as the untimely Hornet flew up only to be smacked off to the side by the Hydra’s tail. The Mantis would drop the Serpent limply to the ground, when all of the sudden it would also experience a sharp pain in it’s own lower half. Turning its head 180 degrees again, it saw the Timberwolf clenching down on its abdomen, and frantically began to scratch at it with its pincers. This did little to deter the spectral canid, and it fervently shook its head back and forth, the insect attaining a ragdoll effect. The Hydra not knowing the carnage occurring behind it, watched as the Phoenix and Eagle flew past each other, ghostly whisps of flame and magic trailing behind one another. Occasionally one would land a nip or wing beat on the other, but they’d shrug it off and correct their course. Finally they both veered off and back directly at each other, clashing with purple sparks shooting outwards in a wide burst, talons tearing at each other until locking up in a vice grip. The two birds swirled round, their quick descent hastily broken off just before hitting the ground. The Phoenix managed to fly off and back up to watch from above, as the Eagle flew past the Hydra just beside the bedraggled mantis, and begins shaking its head back and forth with great enthusiasm. The Eagle gives out a brief though harsh squawk before being silenced. Another swing of its head, and the Timberwolf is knocked back as the Hydra sees what it has done. Scrambling back to its feet, it charges the now roaring heads while growing larger in size. Leaping forth, it takes a hold of one of the heads mid-air, the others reeling in shock. Pulling it back and over as they come to the otherside of the Hydra, the Timberwolf lets go, and we see that the head’s nearly been torn off. It lifts itself back up swaying with great pain, when the Phoenix swoops down and takes hold with its talons, tearing it the rest of the way off, and dropping the snarling maw with a thump. The Timberwolf charges again, but the other heads seeing what happened, swing themselves with one hitting, and send the hound tumbling. It suspected this might happen, and neatly stops the rolling motion upright, facing its opponent. The Timberwolf paws the ground, ready to charge again but adjust the angle of attack. It’s about to pounce when a searing pain writhes up one of its rear legs. With a yelp it snaps back to see the Hornet, stinger fully embedded. Another snap and it flies off, but the Hydra is moving towards them. The Timberwolf takes a step forward but the pain is too great, and it collapses, shrinking back to its normal size. Soon the Hydra shadows over it. The Phoenix seeing this dives down but it’s too late. With a single step, the Timberwolf is crushed. Alarmed, it gets low to the ground, flying around and encircling its remaining adversaries within a wall of fire. The Hornet tries to flee over this entrapment, but the flames rise and swiftly eliminate it. The Hydra tries peering through the flames and is predictably struck from above. The Phoenix digs its talons so deep into its head of choice, it successfully dispatches it. Releasing its grip, it flies up to repeat the motion, only for the newly grown head to take revenge, intercepting the second strike and chomping down on the Phoenix’s tail. It drags the flailing avian down towards the gathering of toothy grins, as the flames begin to close in and grow higher still, with both beasts being mutually consumed. TLDR;
  4. And yet it's the team known mainly for its space program that's provided catering! I don't know if @Shiny Silvermoon has any Croissants left but rest assured, food and beverages are available on the launch pad.
  5. Mountains blown, the distance glows, Even though the sun has set. Weary eyes watch the skies, for new challenges to be met. But one tires amid those who conspire, and thou could use a little rest. Join us in good company, sip on a little something, and return to the battle refreshed! With us you'll fight the good fight, hearts, minds, and bellies full. We'll keep your spirit well and lively, with diets never dull. Fuel your fire with flames adorn, Cajun kernels popped and spice galore! Quench your thirst before every gig, with a kick of citrus and lavender sprigs! All of this and more, and you needn't spare a coin. Simply step into the moonlight, and ask to join.
  6. Rising as a mist from a cloud above, Nightmare Moon took form and surveyed the ponies below. She remained wary of them, especially that White Light who had pursued her. Her centuries of solitude from various lifetimes had taken their toll. Once she had wanted nothing more than to see them cherish her night, but one can become used to loneliness, and truly venturing away from it came with a degree of difficulty she had not expected. A small part of her even missed the wasteland of a home, but a greater part felt spurred by the success of her team and what these lesser creatures had accomplished thus far. Even if it were to add up to nothing, their efforts were a joy to witness, and she would continue to enjoy them from the calm and quiet space above, until that feeling came over her again. Just as when her reality had torn open for her to come to this place, a rush of energy abound, surged and lit up with a distant deafening blast. A few hairs stood up with the shockwave and static that rolled across her body. She did not care for this disruption, nor the declaration that proceeded. @Props Valroa Nightmare Moon stood tall upon the cloud miles away, her eyes furrowing from the words of the announcer, and the pinkness of the Strawberry Moon would subtly change. “Death’s end?” She’d snort, “More like it’s start for somepony.” Her horn would light up as she spread her wings and dropped off of the cloud, only for it and three others to come aglow and follow her initial descent. Her horn dimmed but the clouds stayed alight, each taking the form of a Serpent, Timberwolf, Phoenix, and Scorpion, but looked as though they could be living extensions of her mane and tail. She would fade into nothingness, hidden once more while her star-studded creations ventured out. @Shiny Silvermoon A slight breeze would her by, carrying with it the unmistakable voice of Nightmare Moon. “I’ll be watching over you.” The moon would be noticeably red now, seeming to glow from behind. The stars were brighter than usual and shimmered occasionally. To top off the strangeness of this, a translucent blue serpent would phase through the ship and out the other side.
  7. @Shiny Silvermoon Red Skies at night are a sailors delight, but darkness ever looms. Stay safe my little ponies
  8. SharpWit stepped out from out of nowhere to thank @Shiny Silvermoon for the treats from the previous match, but stopped wide eyed at the site before everyone. He set them down and retreated back to nowhere as quietly as he had came.
  9. Nightmare Moon Smiled, satisfied that some notion of royal mannerism had been adhered to. "Thank you, but your opinion was unsolicited. Besides, any success of mine is worthy of celebration." she'd say coyly. She'd look about uncertain of this white pony and his approaching drones. "As the ruler of the dream realm and waking reality, protection is the least you could offer me, as literally it's the last thing I need. However, you may assist with the sustenance." With that, she'd cast off as a blue mist and dissappear into the darkness.
  10. And if you're in need of a Berry Bolster under this Strawberry Moon, you needn't go far,,, well alright, we're pretty far out, but joining Team Moon will take you out to the stars, especially with this cool desert! So get Shaking and mosey on over!
  11. She stared at the small creature for a moment with a blank expression, then gently smiled. "I can't decide whether you'd make for a better slipper or fool in my court. However, I'll overlook this instance of ignorance, for this is a time of celebration!" Taking a few steps forward, she'd stretch her wings out and laugh as the moon glowed brightly, and then softened to a shade of rosy pink. "This is the night of the Strawberry Moon. Thy fields of berries shall be ripening and ever so sweet before you know it!" @Shiny Silvermoon "You there, with the pastries!" A large glass decanter filled with milk would appear before Nightmare Moon glowing blue with her magic. She'd pour the contents out, only for it to loop up and around in a circle, largely framing her head and body. As it spun, a cloud of steam would come off, and then a lemon would appear as well, lowered through the top of the ring slicing it in two, and then the juice of both halves being squeezed and mixed in upon landing at the bottom. Strawberries would also appear, slowly making contact with the flowing liquid as though touching a belt sander. An especially large strawberry would bounce around the ring a few times then be held aloft, while the empty decanter turned red and melted into a bowl shape. The ring shrunk down to settle within the bowl now clear and cool again, and the strawberry revealed to be sliced repeatedly fell down, each one landing perfectly arranged to make the petals of a flower. The bowl would float over and rest before the mare. "Kindly provide this Strawberry Cream Cheese with your Croissants. Victory is as certain, as that there treat is delicious."
  12. "Need I really remind subjects to show proper respect and etiquette in the presence of royalty? Not to mention keeping pets on a leash."
  13. @Shiny Silvermoon I suppose Palpatine's is not the most reassuring of smiles. Your valiant efforts appear to have paid off with this brokerage of peace between members. You make your team proud.
  14. That is frosting! Well it's actually Smuckers Magic Shell which is supposed to harden in seconds, but apparently that's only if the item in question is below 65 F. so it driplbbled off.
  15. @Shiny Silvermoon I beg your pardon? The only mistakes I've committed is the corruption of frosting on these "Half Moon" cookies I baked for us! My love for this team is mixed with ingredients and poured, baked goods meant for celebration! Instead I come back possibly abhorred, and having to face accusations? I have not an ounce of disloyalty, I mean this with absolute truthfulness. I simply tread the footsteps of royalty, for influence brings with it fruitfulness. Ounces none, sugar lots, and sweetness ever more. Forever in tune, I play for my beloved moon, until felled by the sword
  16. Seemingly out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning would strike the ground, and before the galant display of comradery, the dark mare stood turning a plain glower into a toothy smile. "Ah, forgive my late arrival little ones, I was preoccupied with the "Night Life", Hahahaha! She looked about the various players, stopping at her sister and niece. "Well well, I didn't expect a family reunion so soon after the Crystal Empire fell again? Tis a shame we must face off like this. Fret not my dears, for though a line has been drawn between us, we will come together once this business is dealt with. And think of it like this Cadence, you may be spared from having to face your beloved husband. As for the rest of Team Ponyville, I have this to say.
  17. A Preamble – Part Two A tall dark alicorn could be seen walking the perimeter of the Crystal Castle. Though their time had been short, she had enjoyed her stay in the Empire. Playing alongside the loving Cadence and Shining Armor, and even the sister she had once sought to overthrow, taught her that there was something of significance when it came to family, even if that meant losing. She tried to recall something she was certain their mentor, Starswirl, had said to the royal siblings once. Something about how failure was nothing more than another step towards success when it came to practicing spells? It doesn’t matter, she thought to herself with a chuckle. For the game would continue elsewhere, and there was more at play then mere sport. It set her mind at ease to patrol the grounds, the power she wielded relaxed by the humble means of hoofsteps. She had set off with mostly smiles behind her, though she saw the disapproval hiding behind Shining’s at the news of where she would be going. It was fitting after all,,, Team Moon. By creed they had called out to her, and she knew she could not deny their covert, nor could they deny her. This is the way. Completing another orbit, she approached a split in the path. One continued around the grounds, the other lead to the Caverns of Reflection. Legend told of the magical gems inside providing insight or showing ones true self upon the many facets. Couples would often visit together, knowing their love was destined if they could see each other and not only themselves. The significance of the legend faded, and it devolved into a place for passionate youth, and finally a tourist attraction upon the Empire’s return. She expected nothing more than a pretty array of sapphires and rubies, but her curiosity of the enchanted corundum drew her in. Might be worth seeing such a thing before she departed. Shortly she found herself at the caverns. Inside she saw an array of beauty, all the colors of the rainbow bent and scattered from the daylight pouring in. Further on, the light waned and her eyes naturally picked up on the subtle edges of each crystal, even within the pitch black. Alighting her horn, the cavern came to life with a hundred thousands images of the light blue aura and the shadowy mare casting it. Peering amongst them she saw nothing special, unless you counted how exceptional she looked. A neat experience for the commoner, but she had had enough, she turned with the reflections following suit, only not stopping? They turned and spun about, falling and splitting from one another like a foal playing with a kaleidoscope. Dismayed, she put her light out, but the reflections only hastened and magnified with color! She recoiled with dismay, what sort of magic was this!? Her depth perception left her, and the walls simultaneously fell back or leapt towards her. She stood upon solid ground but couldn’t see it, with uncertainty she turned once more only for her horn to ring against a firm surface. She saw as one image stood still from the rest, then fractured before a jolt of energy travelled through her body and the reflections sped through her. Nightmares by Loryska Memories flew through her consciousness, merging but conflicting. She saw her past self, attempting to take the throne from Celestia, but no? She was also protecting it! Her power hungry sister bursting into flames in a leaping attack to take the throne for herself? That didn’t happen right!? These faces, their names! So foreign yet familiar? The Luna of Old, the mighty Daybreaker, Lunara, Nightmares come and gone!? But then she saw herself in banishment amid the grey felspar and craters, watching the pale blue dot from her prison above, only for that to be mirrored in watching her beloved moon from a greyed and frozen throne! Victorious! but not so different from the fate she had suffered for a millennium. The pain of defeat and the pride of glory, the personal injuries she’d endured and the wrath she’d inflicted, the sorrow of sin and sacrifice of her sister, coming together all at once with sad tears and joyous laughter, all a part of a hysterical choir! And just like that, the rest of the choir was silent! Except for one,,, Laughing with devilish delight and streams of mourning running down her cheeks, she collapsed. Down to a chuckle, a gritted smile, and finally an exhausted sigh. Having come to a calm she opened eyes she knew not capable of closing so taught! With a deep breath she fully regained her composure, as the last few drops fell from them, temporarily leaving stripes of blue across her cheeks before turning black again. She was no longer in the caverns, but below a willow tree, branches swaying gently in the breeze. She felt the grass beneath her, oh how soft and lush it was. Deep within she felt a presence, separate but very much a part of herself. How long has it been, truly, since we touched grass? Another deep breath filled her with the presence of life aside from her own. This majestic trunk with all of its leaf lined branches, shading this patch so small but made of thousands of green blades. Them and everything beyond, filling a void she knew all to well, for she once left no rocks unturned, no trunks un-toppled and burnt, not even a single blade of grass unwilted. It Was Ponies by NadnerbD Neither here, yet there. The same space, different place, but certainly the same mare. Nightmare Moon stood up, eyeing a pebble between the blades. She rolled it with a hoof. She bore satisfaction knowing she did so with the same effort it would take for her to move a mountain, and remembering for the first time in a long time, that the simplest things sometimes brought forth the most joy. A fog seemed to set in, and the castle faded from view. She would have to join the others soon, and readied herself to go, but having just a moment left, enjoyed the grass. Part II/III Completed
  18. A Preamble - Part One The winds howled as they had for centuries, biting fervently at the mane and tail that flowed in spite of them and all that was. One knew their patterns well by now, and paid little attention until a slight, ever so slight shift raised a single hair. Her coat had laid perfect all of this time. With it her eyes snapped open, looking out upon her empty throne room. The most spectacular of royal chambers had long been reduced to the appearance of a prison long forgotten, time having turned most things to dust and grey, and lost to the snow and ice of the endless winter she had brought. The Dark Queen by CosmicUnicorn Slowly she lifted her magnificent wings, particulates of a bygone civilization fell from them, leaving trailing clouds to reminisce the debris of war they came from. Standing up, similar material shifted and descended hallowed steps, the cushion that padded the throne, unrecognizable as the powder her hooves left printed, making her way towards the entrance. Her horn aglow, she opened doors meant to hold an Ursa Major at bay, creaking in agony, their hinges moved with ease for her, but the ancient planks crackled and popped, splinters and sawdust cascading from within, betraying their age from weather and rot. Beyond the entrance was more of the lifeless rock she called home, Icicles stories high snapping, and snow billowing at meters height from the push. She stared out, wondering what had disturbed her, when she felt it again, even stronger. More hairs lifted out of place, and her mane pulled outwards. The winds shifted again, condensing in one location. She smiled with the satisfaction of hearing fabric tear, for reality’s was doing just that. A jagged rip through time and space appeared before her, and she smiled before turning her head around.” “Goodbye for now Equestria." Nightmare Moon said aloud. "It appears I’ve received an invitation." MWAHaHaHahahaHAA! To be continued,,,
  19. In hindsight it worked out, but her not being a "Princess" Princess was a joke for so long, and founding and being the head of a school I feel only added to how unnecessary it was for again, SO LONG
  20. @Shiny Silvermoon I think I can speak for everypony on team Moon when I say, that your spirit and determination in the face of our would be undoers is inspiring and most appreciated. You're fun play style has and continues to serve as a bright and bubbly representation in balance with the good this team is capable of. Thank you. Now if you'll pardon me, theres some business to attend to.
  21. Twas the darkest of nights, with no stars above, when the earth was shook, and too the waters thereof. Outward they swelled, exposing more than sand, while the peaks ashore split and filled with new land. Then swiftly they returned, with a mighty roar, faster than the wind rushing over the sea floor. The ground too produced a swell, lifting with it rock and decay, from the very depths of hell. Material cascaded down an ever widening slope, while mountains worth spewed forth in scope. Nature at its worst, at one another they flowed. With ravenous hunger and thirst, one could only hope they'd slow. The earthen titan, met the oceanic leviathan, and through them the world went the way of Babylon. Into one another they clashed, but when all had strewn, nothing was heard, not even a splash. Silt, soil and sediment settled into the seas. Saccharine saturations became of forgotten dreams. For the call was answered, and in swept the tides, but the glassy sheen went unseen, for twas the darkest of nights." @BornAgainBrony @Kujamih
  22. Tis fine to walk the path of darkness, if you know the way. For your stumbles shall be met with starkness, and the end of days. The darkness you claim, an abyss by another name? Thou surely jest for we are not the same. Oh so bold and distinguished, a lie only self sold and so embellished. Thou cold stare truly be a fiery glare. You are no monster under the bed, no appetite for fear without control. Rather the begrudged and restless, insisting on sleeping upon a bed of coals. The anger, it burns! Through and through it churns, glowing bright red through your cracks! The pain it lingers, dripping upon knuckled fingers, enveloped by an insatiable wax. There's the candle you hold, unrelinquished. Old spite and scold, waiting to be extinguished. Let go of the past, escape your inner crisis, or risk true darkness, and the sound of silence. Walking our path is all and well, but reaching its end is not the goal. For its end is yours, and so too is another lost soul. Thou may open thy mouths and emit rebuttals and scolds, but dare not presume. For when this one does, it does nothing but consume.
  23. Knocks. Dear Team Tartarus, You are hereby notified to vacate the premises at the MLPF World Cup Quarterfinals by May the 23rd 2023 at 8:00pm. The reason for this eviction notice letter is: Team Moon needing more space for their throne. Which is in direct violation of your rental agreement, as noted below: Us eventually tiring of your antics as entertaining as they've been, and let's face it, it's not good to turn getting your butts beaten into a habit. Speaking of butts, enjoy the fullmoon while we leave you behind in a trail of lunar dust!
  24. I don't get it either, but customer service and the store manager told me something about the scale table where you put the groceries after scanning them at a self checkout does that. They did it with their wallet once and had to replace all of their cards. Luckily I just had to select a new gift card. I've never been to Vegas, but the casino hotel near home I stayed at just offers the restaurants.
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