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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Marcato

  1. Considering doing some violin covers of FiM songs.

  2. http://i.imgur.com/kR6Hw6E.png Just a look at something I'm working on~ :3
  3. Looking for people interested in testing or helping with a Minecraft Mod I'm working on. ;)

  4. Aaaaaaaugh, what should I do todaaaaay... coding or music... ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marcato


      They are creative pursuits, I have no idea which one is more important. :'D

    3. Crispy
    4. ProjectRKA


      What Crispy said. Do 'em both.

  5. Aaaaah there hasn't been a Discord banner since I made one for the forums over a year ago I believe...

  6. Just came up with the perfect motif for this song I have in mind...~

  7. Fer cryin outloud.

  8. Double Tri-Tri-Tri TRIPLE THREAD.

  9. Pulling the plug...

  10. Keep the constructive and positive feedback coming folks! I'm reading every post in this thread, and thinking on each. I'll be gone between Monday and Friday, but when I get back I'll be going through the whole thread and deciding what should be done! I really appreciate the suggestions guys!
  11. Meh... going to go listen to some music... Probably won't be active the rest of the night. :/

  12. I apologize and acknowledge that these forum icons are not quite up to par with this forum. I'm really not that much of an artist to be honest, as can be plainly seen here by the fact that most of the icons were just modified vectors. I believe what happened here is that I was caught up in what I consider my fatal flaw(s), over-complication and focus. What I believe happened with some of the icons is that I did not want to repeat previously used colours too many times, therefore I let that cloud my decision of colour-matching with the rest of the icon. Rest assured, I will hopefully have these fixed up soon (provided my time tomorrow permits) and I will be enacting improvements on these more-or-less temporary icons. Again, I'm more a musician than a graphical designer. I'd happily bow out to any other skilled artist. Sorry to disappoint some of you.
  13. The new icons are being fixed so they won't be as blurry. Issues with IPS icon size limitations. Will be fixed soon. ;)

  14. Hm, that's gonna need fixing.

    1. Zoop


      yup, it does


      GET ON IT

    2. Marcato


      IPS scaled down my images! >:U

  15. Woo! Finished that project. Can't wait to see it in action~

  16. Boom, headshot.

  17. It's really funny when people try to be trolls and fail miserably~

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That was trying?

    2. Marcato


      Probably not.

    3. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Was there a troll?

  18. Something cool coming the forums way in a day or two! ;)

    1. None42069


      Foaming Mouth Guy video at the ready!

    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Finally, a vending machine that spouts out one-liners is coming to the forums?

    3. None42069
  19. I'd hit you with a big bouncing inflatable green ball.
  20. Considering doing some voice acting or singing. Feeling in a vocal mood.

  21. Just found out this item I have in maplestory that I don't care about is worth 500 million+ in-game currency. ._.

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy


    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Lel, I played that for like 3 days and the start is slow as heck so I rage quit.

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