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Everything posted by FancyHorse

  1. @@strideralchemy Ahaban looked upon the fire, noting most of it's details as his notable sense was of his sight. An uncommon form of fire, like a stranger he has yet to meet. The flames again grew,weak. Ahaban stands grabbing another small log. "Hungry little thing aren't you?" He slightly smiles talking to his personified flame buddy.
  2. Argh! Twilight, this isn't the most logical time to fall on my face.
  3. @@strideralchemy Ahaban sighed slightly in his concealed content near the warmth of the fire. For his first Equestrian holiday it was a rather enjoyable one, a shame Bulawayo had to depart but no complaints. Soon he would become rather occupied himself. He mumbled quietly.to himself.
  4. THIS RP IS CLOSED UNTIL OTHERWISE NOTICED. We appreciate those who have expressed their interest, but the time threshold has long been passed.
  5. @@AmberDust With.maps aside he sits and watches the filly draw about on her color book, carefully staying in the lines best she can control. His rough worn hands gently petting her back as if an encouragement. "It's a daisy." He says as he analysis the picture shape, "They use to be everywhere." He says, again petting her back
  6. @@strideralchemy "Ismi Aha'ban, tuli minfadlika." He speaks in his native language. "There's warm cider and food in the dining hall and I just warmed the fire. Plum must be still working in the kitchen." He says before returning by himself at the fire place. With his friend now gone he reserved himself simply enjoying the fire's warmth.
  7. @@strideralchemy @@legionbrony The two stallions departed to the door when the guard pony had opened it. "Oh ! Marhaben. Please do come in." The Arabian pony speaks forth allowing the mare inside. The zebra smiles and steps to the side as she passes allowing for passage. The two stallions exchange a cultural cheek kiss before the zebra steps out. "Enjoy yourself and stay warm. Yet to come are more storms." Bulawayo spoke in his rhyme. "Goodbye friend." Ahaban says before closing the door. "Welcome to the Hearth Warm party. " he says in quick intro to the mare.
  8. FancyHorse

    Ask Simon!

    Simon, do you secretly control the universe?
  9. @@AmberDust In the local geography section he pulled open cabinet upon cabinet sorting through the files and folders picking out the various maps. It had been too long getting proper maps and such. His current one was near destroyed. And he needed all atlases he could acquire for detail travel. Looking over about briefly he looked upon the librarian door, noting the note on the door. Bishop simply frowned only repeating the first phrase. "For the way of sin is death." Remembering verses from his young days in a Bible.school at the age of 12. He shook his head and carried the files back to Celestia. "I'm.back, oh. What's that you did?" He sits down onto the pillows and blankets looking at the green colored page. He smiles, again the rare smiles. "It's wonderful." He congratulates
  10. @@AmberDust[/b] Bishop sat down next to her and gently petted her. "Guess I know were we'll be sleeping for the night." He says scratching under her chin gently. Looking at the coloring books he opens a few along with the crayons. "Make yourself comfortable while I go check the rest out." He says again petting and standing. He leaves the flashlight near by shining about in an angle allowing most of the section to be lit up. With a small pocket LED he heads onward.
  11. @@AmberDust "Haha, okay okay girl." He smirked a bit as he followed the little filly inside. Normally he would be cautious before entering a random building. However in the past diasters, Library were reported the lest raided.or occupied building. For the most part, Bishop was comfortable entering in. Shining light along the rows upon rows they stopped at the children sections. He couldn't help but smile, stuffed animals and color posters lined along the Dusty walls and tables. Most of the books remain intact. Color books, crayons, picture books and chapter books all lining about of the selection. In the center of the small section lay blankets and.pillows thankfully no gear indicating this was not used before.
  12. Rather then continue about with Applejack, which didn't get much progress, I'd like to go for Spitfire.
  13. Amber? Would it be fine with you if Bulawayo departed from the party?
  14. Bulawayo sat back onto his seat looking about to his fellow comrades before returning to observing outside one of the dropship small view ports. His rifle now settled onto his overhead rack. Letting out an anxious sigh, he sits about in a meditative pose with his legs in a tailors position. Unsure of when the drop would be.it was a best idea to become relaxed and think about his priorities. Keep everyone on check and we'll get out of this alive.
  15. @@Swinton My.comrades? They were all childhood friends. Four of my friends still remain with. ... We've sadly lost one sometime ago. Ismael helped run the market fronts to selling my families apples. Mahki was the son of the village Primarch, sorta like a mayor as you call them. Abdullah was working as one of the field laborers for my families farm. And Nasir is a distant cousin of mine. Bulawayo is a zebra, I met him during a stationing contract at the Banana Compas Planto in Haywaii.
  16. I'm afraid I'll have to resign. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  17. Who's an awesome pone? You are. Did ya have a good New Years?
  18. @@Swinton Idmihada idashahu... Is this another Equestrian figure of speech?.
  19. I apologize greatly. I will not be active for the while. I'm having a rather rough new year. And I'd simply like to be alone. Again I apologize greatly.
  20. @@Swinton Between us as comrades, the affection is normal. After all, we are the only family we have now.
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