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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. It's called Plot induced stupidity as Meghan had intended for the power of love (broken aesop ahoy) to beat Chrysalis. It wouldn't meet her objective if either Celestia or the mane 6 came and saved the day. Because there was nothing for them to use it to destroy. Sure both Goku and Superman can solo the MLP verse, but they're not a totally weak verse as they're certainly above the HST for example. The fact they could move the sun and moon already places them above planet+ in destructive capability max. You don't need to see a whole planet getting blown up to see that. Having strong level of magic is actually one of the best forms of fighting as having immense strength and speed means little if said opponent can react as fast as you and blow up your head with a mere thought because you have no resistance to it. My mistake, in that case it's a matter of Plot induced stupidity as Ed Valentine clearly wanted Discord to be sick for the sake of adding a humorous end to the episode. Characters don't always dodge every attack their stats indicate they can.
  2. Without any proof to indicate they were separated away from the sun and moon itself, it's still speculation as we only know they were sent to the Moon and Sun and were in some imprisonment of some kind. Also, Tarturus provided them with nothing but a chain or open barred cage they cannot break or escape, no special form of barrier other than the gloomy environment of Tarturus. Just because he could split his head in two doesn't make him immune to a much harder to dodge microscopic disease or infection.
  3. But does that offer protection from the outside elements however? Even if they were magically sealed, does that mean they weren't affect by their environment? Sorry, but I'm going to call Occam's razor on this as we see no evidence to suggest it was an illusion, especially as he used it to casually dodge Tirek's attack at him.
  4. Even so, their biological system is far stronger than ours considering of what i've said and how Discord split his face in two to avoid an attack without concern.
  5. Celestia and Luna seemed to have survived on the Sun and Moon with no issues. Heck the mane 6 and Spike survived on the moon without needing anything special to breath whatsoever.
  6. They may not be gods as we believe, but they sure as heck can destroy planets (at least for Luna, Celestia, and Discord) via throwing a moon or sun at the planet.
  7. Fellow bronies, should I get Sonic Generations and any other reommended games that's going on Gamersgate right now?

  8. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13080-fim-feeling-pinkie-keen-episode-review/ 'Feeling Pinkie Keen' review. Come and discuss what I thought about the episode.
  9. Finished watching 'Pinkie Keen', it's pretty much Twilight being an ass in the episode and her getting punished for not believing in her friend. It remains a relatively mediocre episode in my eyes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Megas


      Would you hate me if I said it's still one of my favorite S1 episodes?

    3. Metemponychosis


      Pretty much what you said.

    4. Nuke87654


      @Megas, none at all.

  10. Also activated a free game code for Neverwinternights dimanond edtion for GOG and got a first issue of the Witcher comic book series for free. Even more reason to love CD projekt red.

  11. Made my first pre-order with Witcher 3 for PC from GOG. Had an awesome 20% of preorder deal and I love CD projekt red so I they deserved my willingness to forgo a major price reduction and sale from me.

  12. Great....just yesterday I wrote and posted my review for 'Suited for Success' and expressed how awesome it was for Rarity and the show. Now, I fear we may lost Ghostie and others.

    1. (MARVEL) Blue Blood

      (MARVEL) Blue Blood

      The club is back up now. It's just in cold waters.

    2. Megas


      Things must've gotten hectic when I was asleep. All I remember hearing was that the RFC was temporarily shut down. What happened(PM me if you want)

    3. Nuke87654


      I know, but, will the distraught participants that left be back? I'm just hoping they'll merely try to take a break to calm themselves.

  13. Join this Space Marine Chapter: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Blood_Ravens, you'll feel right in as you'll be tasked to acquire 'gifts' for the chapter. Be warned, you'll have a tough time topping that titan they stole as shown in this video game
  14. Taking tommorow off before I resume my season 1 reviews

  15. I didn't know mormons including myself were so tasty :3
  16. Happy to see my 330 GB internal hard drive works as my wii u's new external hard drive.

  17. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13061-fim-suited-for-success-episode-review/ My review for Suited for Success is up. Come offer your critiques please.
  18. 'Suited for Sucess' remains as brilliant as ever. It's probably the first episode in my season 1 review to earn a perfect score.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nuke87654
    3. ghostfacekiller39


      I get rambly when talking about Rarity xP

    4. Nuke87654


      That's what we love you for it :D

  19. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13047-fim-fall-weather-friends-episode-review/ Come and read an episode I thought was pretty underrated. Please offer your critiques.
  20. Finished watching fall weather friends, and I have to say it's a pretty underrated episode in my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Also, I don't mind Dash cheating, but how come nobody called her out for it the first time she did it in the iron pony competition or at least questioned if it was allowed.

    3. Live Forever

      Live Forever

      I was rooting for Applejack, myself, but I was wondering that too...


      It also doesn't really help that the writer, who I'm too lazy to look up the name of, made the ponies oblivious to the WHOLE. EPISODE. (Y'know, except for Pinkie and Spike. Also, they were awesome in this episode.)

    4. Nuke87654


      Strange that the marathon runners seem to not care about Rd's and Aj's competition or the effects of it as they ran by every obstacle that impeded them without issue. This was notable with the sign switch where Aj took a wrong detour but the marathon runners ran by it without issue and this was before Rd fixed it right back up I believe. I could be wrong however.

  21. Agreed that it was a little standard, and the problem is that it's the extremism itself that's often heard and taken over all else.
  22. That's not what the article was talking about though. No problem, thank you very much
  23. Merely pointing out a problem of College's allowing extremist views in policital spectrums to flourish and disallow other dissenting opinions to be heard. What the article is suggesting is to disallow such incidences to occur and encourage colleges to create a place to allow people to freely discuss their beliefs.
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