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Everything posted by inactive_user

  1. I wouldn't really see a point in them over-dramatizing about something such as hair combing. I mean, not only does it appear relatively left to blatancy that some of them do keep their hair kept relatively well and all, you don't really need to work in something that most people would consider relatively average of people / ponies to do...... Heck, I comb my hair every single day, so I mean first hoof "proof" to myself anyway...... .-. As for the analogy to the Transformers' ability to transform, I don't see how that can really be indoctrinated into a "It's just who they are" kinda thing... I mean, the hairstyles of which each pony maintains about themselves would technically then be "who they are" not necessarily the brush, or act of brushing itself anyway.
  2. *Is out with friends* *Sees giant 30' tall Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie plushies* Me: "Ooohhhhhh!!! How much they is? I want has naow!!! ^3^" Cashier: "$130 each" Me: "O_O Oh... um...... okay... sorry......"

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Oh that is not to cover me it gives me benefits Like a State Pension and other things. This covers it: https://www.gov.uk/national-insurance/what-national-insurance-is-for

    3. inactive_user


      Oh...... I thought you meant health insurance or something. :P

    4. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Na I live in wales so I get sort of free health care from the NHS...But it comes out of my tax...IF I payed any. However I did not earn enough this year to be taxed so I am sort of clear and I have not really needed the hospital as *Touch wood* I have never been injured or ill enough to need them.

  3. Well, see...... I have a very particular system... -Phone in right front pants pocket -Wallet in left front pants pocket -Nintendo 3DS and additional favorite games in right inner jacket pocket -iPod and earbuds in left inner jacket pocket -Right glove in right outer jacket pocket, unless being worn -Left glove in left outer jacket pocket, unless being worn -Car and house keys in upper left zipped outer pocket -Not done often but, on occasion I will stick a pack of gum in the right outer zipped pocket Sorry, too meticulous? :/ I feel often I tend to be too meticulous with this kind of thing.
  4. It probably wouldn't be a good idea, considering many different aspects... but if you don't want to "wake up" to just have to go to school, you could always go to sleep just as you arrive home from school, and wake up at sometime around like midnight, so that way you have some time to just settle before you have to go to school. I mean... It certainly wouldn't make you feel as stressed and all, and would be very much more easier for those who have difficulty waking up any time earlier than what is "average" for them such as myself.
  5. Now I feel like arting. :v I felt like trying to draw a picture of some horses earlier, but then I was just like ehhh... Anyways, that picture is pretty amazing. I think it's just wonderful. A tiny bit dark I'd say, but, I mean, that aspect certainly fits the idea being that the game itself is pretty dark anyway. By dark, by the way, I mean both ideologically, as well as literally. :v
  6. I certainly do think this is a good idea. Not to mention, Rarity's couch for the icon is kinda cute too.
  7. If anything, I'm kinda afraid of insects and bugs, and arachnids, and anything else of the variety. >_< I really feel bad about ever really "killing" an insect or spider of any kind though too, so I kinda try to just let them go about their business and avoid them. .-.
  8. A lot of friends tell me I apologize wayyyyy too much...... To them I say "No I don't" as I just realized I literally just apologized to my imagination for my imagination. >3<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      That's common for a Canadian like me. We apologize very often as a gesture of being polite to one another. And it is certainly true. :)

    3. inactive_user


      Ah, yes... The stereotype thing for "all Canadians are super polite" or something. My friends actually have asked me before in mockery of that like "Nick, are you sure you're not Canadian?" >3<


      I'd never been to Canada myself (though it's one of the many places I'd love to visit) so I never exactly could know for myself how true the polite thingy is, but anyway. :v <-- Pac-Man Face. :P

    4. Osseous Rex

      Osseous Rex

      Tis what I hear from your brother.



  9. 'Tis a whole cursor pack I found. 'Tis a video that shows them, and gives a link if you want to get them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqf7d4BfW3c Unicorn magic can repair exploaded heads by the way. :v
  10. Hehe... Maybe the one for Fluttershy could be the same as the animation I have on my mouse cursor for hovering over a link. It's just Fluttershy flying hugglesqueezing Angel. It's sooooo cyoot.
  11. Awww!!! That would be sooooo cyoot! I could easily picture that for Twilight, maybe a flying Rainbow Dash... Jumping Pinkie Pie, Trotting Best Pony... Still thinking for Applejack and Rarity, and what their animations could be, but still.
  12. Oh, no no, it's okay. I'd love an idea such as that myself actually. Anything if it means I can have bestest pony as a loady thingy.
  13. Is it normal to want to cry over something for a bit, but just not seem to be actually physically capable of producing tears...? That seems to happen to me a lot now if I feel like just crying something out.

    1. Geek0zoid
    2. inactive_user


      Is it possible to actually... like...... "run out of tears" in a lifetime actually? That seems like a reasonable explanation.

  14. I met and got to shake the hand of John Barrowman. That was really cool.
  15. I would definitely want to stay at about 10 years old... Things were so much more simpler back then. Then again... I mean, if I didn't age past that, there'd be a lot of things I'd be missing out on I guess too... Eh... .-.
  16. Today marks my 1 year anniversary of being a member here on these forums! ^3^ I guess I should summarize the year now huh? >3< Um... Let's see... In my time here, I've met all sorts of new friends, two of which I hold so very close to me... :3 (You two know who you are ;) ) Anyway, well... I may not have been "super" active on the actual forums, but the friends I've made are what counts. :)

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs* Happy anniversary to you =)=)=)=)=)=)! <3

    2. 555


      1 year huh? That's awesome Nick.

    3. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      \^o^/ One year and already walking like a pro...wait that's fallout....ummm *Shy yay*

  17. Soooo Majora's Mask 3D is fun. ^3^ I really feel pretty good about myself being I actually have at least now gotten past the first dungeon already, whereas the first times I tried to play the game as a child, I couldn't figure out how to even get past the first cycle at all... .-. Yeah, I was never too great at the LoZ games. :/ I mean, I've only ever beaten one anyway... Twilight Princes. I loved that one anyway though. ^3^

    1. 555


      Majora is inherently confusing. I can't beat it without a guide.

    2. inactive_user


      @Ike I felt the same way with it...... I have always been "meh" at the Zelda games anyway though... But now I'm a lot better at them... um... kinda...... I mean, I can figure out the puzzles and all a lot easier usually now anyway.

  18. Wow...... So that's the first time I can ever recall myself not being able to fall asleep quite literally all night... :/ Pretty much a whole 6 hours of no sleep. .-. I think I know what kept me up... but...... that's kinda private. Anyway though... good morning then I guess everypony. :P

    1. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Aaaw Nick. -_- bad sleep? Seems like some pony has a lot on their mind. I can accept your privacy, but if you need to talk later I am here -_^ *hugs and nuzzles*


      Any way yes good morning my little Fluttershy *huggles*

    2. inactive_user


      Oh, thank you Phoenix *huggles*...


      Actually, yes...... Um... Maybe I should talk to you later today about it actually... um... if you're free I mean.


      *nuzzle* Anyway... I must prepare for school I guess now... Talk to you soon brother.

    3. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      Hope everything is... alright...I'm here too if you want to talk ;)

  19. I got a 25 here... Seems about right... Though of course with recent happenings and all, my video game experience in the past year has been a lot less than what it used to be...
  20. *Checks Equestria Daily* "Up and running"... *Checks The Daily Oat* "Up and running"... *Checks My Little Face When...* "Up and running"...... *Checks MLP Forums* "Access denied by firewall"... Dangit school, of all the pony sites I love, your firewall blocked my favorite one. >3< Meh... At least I can read PMs on here during school through my email ^3^... Though I can't reply then until I'm home.

  21. So it just hit me. 10 days from now will be my one year anniversary of joining here on the forums. I should probably try to do something special to commemorate. ^3^ Though I can't think of anything at the moment. :/ But still. :3 One Year Anniversary! Yaaaaaay!!! ^3^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. inactive_user


      I would have to wait for it silly. :P It's still ten days away. >3<

    3. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      I was just saying. ;)

    4. inactive_user




      I think I'm confused here now. .-.

  22. How cool would it be if we had at least trotting animations of all the mane 6 ponies and everypony could choose who they'd like for their personal animation? Though, if that were to happen, I'd probably never use anypony other than Flutter-butter.
  23. Ah... Twas an enjoyable nap. :) I've noticed I've been taking little after school naps more often now. >3< I guess I've just hit that point where I feel I can never get enough sleep......... Okay, well...... That and...... I kinda wanted an excuse to cuddle up with my pony plushies too. :3

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