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Karma Lightwing

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Status Updates posted by Karma Lightwing

  1. I miss drinking delicious tea out of my awesome teacups every day ;(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      well try to move to a backwater place in Norway for a year perhaps? :D

    3. Malinter


      No... I think i'll stay here on my mountain of tea. :P

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      haha nice oh well hopefully I will get my tea next week cause I am all out of my leaves now.

      no idea how im gonna survive half a week without coffee or tea thought

  2. oh well I am saying a late goodnight to you guys, 2 am and I really need sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. simply creative

      simply creative

      can't wait for tomorrow

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      oh snap I hadn't realized yet, Better hide my fluttershy plushie in the closet just in case it transform into flutterbat and bite me.... WAIT I ACTUALLY DO WANT THAT....

    4. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser


  3. The shadows surrounds you BWAHAHAHAHA

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Alrighty then ;O You can live for now

    3. Monsoon


      I can live when I want XD

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      You obviously have never been eaten by a shadow before :o

  4. I am feeling jealous ofppeople I see finding love... I'm sorry I didn't mean to be jelly =(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      alsp that wasnt specific to you or this forum, I just have experienced about everyone around me getting into a relationship one way or another lately.

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      Windy Runner is a different user. I'm Wind *Chaser*.

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      woops xD sorry kinda wrote wrong in the moment ^3^ hahaha I guess im getting confushed

  5. Sometimes I imagine there isnt even a single job out there which I want to apply to that I actually is qualified for >.<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Well how good are you with math or art? There are several roles you can do in developement, some include heavy programming of mathemaltical processes(basically depends on the game and the engine), modelling, Drawing. Lighter programming :P

    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      math i can do it but not in the head i would have to work it out, and art stick figures and thats kind of it. :(

    4. DJPON-3-#Power11


      i can code though cause i took lessons in it.

  6. vegetarian

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Its not that kind of diet, I mean diet like in a balanced meal or a avoiding a special type of food.

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I don't know lot about diets sory :|

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      me neither honestly, I just know a little about what the word is used to reference. Thou I might be used it wrong, it might just be a vegetarian lifestyle... or something amongst those lines, I am terrible with synonyms... probably becauce in norway we have litterally none... or almost none

  7. Found out why I was getting sick, my damn main screen had been misplaced so it was slightly to the right of my head which is also why I had so little trouble using my third screen by just looking left. I'm surprised I havent fixed it before my neck got so stiff and aching that I litterally got sick.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      but toasters toast toast, but they don't burn toast, people burn the toast D:<

    3. Roseluck1
    4. Karma Lightwing
  8. Finally back from the mountains, probably gonna stay home until next weekend unless i decide to go for daytrips. Gonna start working 3 weeks from tomorrow. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      I wasnt hiking apple, i was staying at our mountain cabin :D

      Really awesome cabin i have to say.

    3. AppleGearRising


      Oh, I just kinda figured that...yeah XP

      Good to hear though :D

    4. ponypowa96


      Sounds like fun! Hope you had a great time!

  9. I have thus concluded I am indeed still alive!

  10. figuring out how to do a spidertrap in minecraft is a mindboggling experience. I am currently expanding it to include 3 spider spawners. I am certainly expecting impending deaths :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FlutterShy Plays

      FlutterShy Plays

      Oh ok, because I have pc too but DM

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      I never found a server I quite liked So i just stuck playing it by myself ^3^

    4. FlutterShy Plays
  11. I might just take an early bedtoday, been feeling sick all day..... feels like someone hit me with the hypetrain itself.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roseluck1


      There's a Stream? By whom? c:

      (Also I'm tippitytyping as fast as I can D: )

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      By Gungho, its like the international championship or something ;P I am interrested in how they are gonna do that.

      watch here if interrested: http://www.twitch.tv/gunghoamerica

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Starts in like 16 minutes btw. so its not on just yet.

  12. Started watching merlin today, seems like an awesome series so far o.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satsuki Kiryuin
    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Follow the Blue arrow to the right and find your path.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      The series are really good :)

  13. Nyah, I'm back nyah.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      *rolls ball of garn over to Wind Chaser*NYAAAAAAAH

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      *tosses it back* ~nya :3

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      *pounces on top of Wind Chaser* Nyah Nya :3

  14. I don't wanna be lonely anymore :( life please let me be selfish for just once.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lelouch.


      You dont have to be lonely:/ should i pm you?

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      thank you wind chaser. Hamza you can pm me if you want to, im not scary. just tired to sit alone without anyone to trust or talk to most parts of every day.

    4. lelouch.
  15. So I am back until thursday... probably early on thursday thought... And then im back to the mountains again :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      Whoa. One, I hate blood tests >3< Two, that sounds kinda crappy :C

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      I actually don't dislike doing blood tests at all. I actually used to think taking them was fun when i was smaller and i still think taking them is enjoyable. :D I know im weird huhu.

    4. AppleGearRising


      Needles make me queasy, that's all I'm saying >_<

  16. What would one do without a mom that constantly reminds you of your failures and the fact that im jobless. Reminds me why I was refusing to move home...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      No of course not, it's the people who fail that suffer more than the ones they affect, I hope you're ok :)

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      *bearhugs AGR/ApplePie*

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Don't worry i'm okay. Just a little mad thats all.

  17. I know I haven't been a lot around lately, but Hi everyone... I am somewhat still alive.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ponypowa96


      tired :D lots of university preparation and stuff to deal with but otherwise i'm good :) hbu? :D

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Tired too, mostly because of mental pressure thought. Wish life was easier sometimes. ;)

    4. ponypowa96


      haha don't we all? :D it's good to take a break sometimes!

  18. good morning and happy nightmare night everypony, must nightmare moon show you mercy on this day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noei


      And good morning.


    3. Castle_Cross


      What time is it over there??

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      its 11.23 a.m. here now :) also sorry for slow answer, my mlpforums window had bugged and didnt load the notifications :<

  19. Is it bad that I ate a whole bag of candy which tasted so terribleiI wanted to hurt myself so that I could drink my own blood.? Just for the taste you know.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      I did now, but I was outside xD my tongue was literally curling in my mouth.

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      What candy was it? x3

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Some kind of sugar coated banana scum candy with chocolate by the description. Diabetes and brain damage by the taste.

  20. So i'm back from the great outdoors. Got sunburned today as it was somewhere between 30 and 40 degrees outside ;3 Also lost 3 salmons

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      yeah, anything over a T-shirt would make me sweat like crazy. Thou I actually handle heat quite well.

    3. The Coffee Pony

      The Coffee Pony

      I'll take the heat over the constant rain or cloudless cold weather in winter any day of the week. XD

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      well yeah, We dont have that much of it normally in northern norway :D

      Or last summer was crazy, but point is we don't have many summers that get really really warm :D so a sunny day is welcome.

  21. Considering jumping on the bike tomorrow and just paddle away for like 5-8 hours until i get to our mountain cabin :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Well I don't have a job yet so i actually kinda have the freedom to do so.

    3. Frith is Magick

      Frith is Magick

      Haha, you're broke. Wait, I'm broke too. Shit, you're lucky dude.

    4. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      well I kinda live close to nature. I guess i should appreciate it more ^^

  22. Why does life have to be so complicated?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frith is Magick

      Frith is Magick

      Life is simple, people are complicated.

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Nothing in my life is simple Frith ;P

    4. Frith is Magick

      Frith is Magick

      All I said was that life is simple. People are complicated, and when you have too many in your life, complications follow.

  23. I used to be proud of being part of this forum. But sometimes you come over the wrong kind of post and loose all faith in humanity... Yeah I'm gonna stay low for a while so I don't get affected with this kinda of sillyness :| *crawls into a ball in a corner and cries*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ponypowa96


      can posts be so bad on this forum? :o

    3. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Well they can Ponypowa, some people just redefine stupidity in a way that makes me cry.

      Its worse than that guy that I was in group with that wanted to change the whole project halfway in the semester and we already were having bad time then. *sniffles* :(

    4. ponypowa96


      mh that sucks :/ hope you feel better soon, and try to remember that the vast majority of people here aren't complete dicks and do care about you :D

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