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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Slictz

  1. At the very least I won't end up in leecher hell http://i.imgur.com/aTZ8MPA.png

  2. Man, I haven't been on here in a while...

  3. Once upon a time the Greeks attacked me, they lost, badly. http://imgur.com/a/hlUKE

  4. I'm bored... Have Jesus and Zombies in a mix.

  5. Whoa! Mr. Frascotti acknowledged “Bronies”; thanked them for being great fans. My Little Pony TV Movie announced. He also mentioned that there will be a New IP for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. This new IP is for Older Girls; Teenage and above. The name of the IP will be revealed at a special “Pink Carpet Event” at San Diego Comic Con 2013. My best guess is that this is the rumored “Equestria Girls” trademark. Is stuff like this important to anyone?

    1. Bari


      What does any of that mean?

    2. StingeMuffin


      Aimed for teenage+ girls? Oh god, there will be episodes about pony relationship drama.. :P

    3. SCS


      What does IP mean in this context?

  6. On this date in 1462 something happened, but everyone forgot to write it down and soon forgot what happened.

    1. null123456


      And then everyone continued on with their everyday lives.

  7. To please the great Overlord Vicke, I've changed my name back again. Are you pleased now Vicke?

    1. Vicke


      Vicke is very pleased!


      You so cute little Slictz :3

    2. Slictz
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Vicke


      Haha xD

      Well, i can't say i was expecting it.

    3. Slictz


      My oh my... This post of mine sure turned out special didn't it...


    4. Vicke




      Please little SLictz :3?

  8. [17:37:23] Slictz: Ok chaps, really quick question here, what Harry potter movie would any of you like to see tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Bells

      Silver Bells

      order of phoenix

    3. Slictz


      It's happening tonight in the forums livestream thing-y/Equestria.tv

      we'll be watching a harry potter movie of free choice, but I wasn't sure which one to stream so I asked yoy chaos/gals.



    4.  spas-ticShotty


      First one please, like I said

  9. Finally updated my desktop to windows 8! It's quite the change to be honest. :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Metro is a cluttered mess. Microsoft should have taken a KDE workspaces approach to Metro and the traditional interface. It doesn't even feel homogenous, more like they just bolted it on. Better get used to it though, because it's going to become standard on everything from Windows Phones to the next Xbox.

    3. Slictz


      Jem: It cost me just about 45$ for the upgrade version, you can use it to upgrade all you want, but only on one computer at any given time.


      Feld0: Yes. I've been using the previews for a while now and I've found more and more neat and really good functions.


      Artemis: Have you given Windows 8 a good try? I can assure you, it might be strange at first, but you'll quickly get used to it and hopefully see that a lot of the functions you use everyday work even...

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I have, but a complete dissection wouldn't fit here.

  10. I need to organzie my computer files... I only copied one folder. >_>http://i.imgur.com/zcOp4.png Translation: "Do this for the next 173759 conflicts."

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      That's a lot of files in one folder.

    2. Evilshy


      Sounds like a porn folder.

      Also, that's a lot of potential free space.

  11. Felt like a small name change to fit what I do most on the forum.

  12. My new T-shirt will arrive soon. :3 http://goo.gl/ByI4X

  13. I joined the Forum on the 14th of October, since then I've only made 252 posts here... One might look upon me as distant, but I don't mind. I never post a lot on forums anyway. :)

    1. PonyEcho


      does it matter? were all fans of mlp in the end

  14. People look for a missing 16-teen year old girl for a month here in Norway and don't find her. Yesterday a man walking a trip found her body hidden in a forest, about 100 feet from where the search party looked. The world is cruel way too often these days.

  15. 1h into "The Mist" I'm allready banging my head into the desk over how terrible this movie is, Heck, by now I could even guess the end correctly... >_>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slictz


      In could start a Livestream if you want Vicke, but to be honest, the movie isn't really good...

      If I keep on banging my head in the table, I'm quite sure I'll get one wicked headache soon.


    3. Shadow Chaser

      Shadow Chaser

      I much prefer the Stephen King ending over the Hollywood ending.

    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      @shadowchaser i think its the same ending

  16. Hmmm, looking at it now, taking a job at a local Computer repair shop probably wasn't that good an idea in the first place. I love fixing computers and all that, it's the customers that bother me. "What do you mean you can't fix my laptop!? I only broke the front part of it!" >_>

    1. Retro*Derpy


      I heard a customer get mad Cuz the "cupholder" didn't hold his drink right and it slipped on the Cpu...cupholder=Dvd tray

    2. Retro*Derpy


      Dam u auto correct spilled*

    3. Slictz


      Some people should never have computers... But most people that can have sadly.

  17. A meal from the heavens. :3 (From the skype chat) I began with some toast which I covered in butter. I then put some boiled eggs on top, nutella, Leverpostej, a dash of salt and a slice of cheese. I then put another piece of toast on top and added Nutella, Ham, Mayo, Brown goat cheese, stawberry Jam and some sausage. I then put another piece of toast on top of that and glazed it lightly with some honey. I enjoyed the meal with a nice and cold Cuba Libre.

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay


    2. Slictz


      Mmmmmmmmmmmm is more like it! :3


    3. Vicke


      That sound horrible, Slictz xP


      To little love from Vicke :D

  18. Back from a quite nive trip to Stockholm Sweden. :)

  19. Back to the Future marathon right now! Come join! http://www.synchtube.com/r/mlpforums

  20. Memo to self: Avoid most Booru pages as the plague. Most tend to be terrible and quite strange. >_>

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