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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Slictz

  1. Just downloaded SAI to try my hood at a vector, pics might come soon!

    1. Slictz




    2. Ezynell
    3. WinterBolt


      SAI is a fantastic program. <3 I can promise you you won't be disappointed by it.

  2. I'm looking forward to buying myself an SSD at the end of this month, I turned my comp off today and had to spend an hour afterwards fixing it up so that it would boot up again... -.-

    1. FLARE


      What size SSD are you looking to buy? just asking out of curiosity. as I do... a lot...all the time... for no reason...

    2. Slictz


      I'm planning on Purchasing the new Samsung 830 Series 128Gb version.

  3. My search for pics was unsuccesfull.. I also went to the cinema and watched the lates Sherlock Holmes movie, It wasn't bad at all. :)

    1. Slendermane


      I will probably see it this weekend.

  4. Time to go look after some possible art to use as a cover image to Eternal Bonds :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i, FS as a bunny, carrot in mouth, looking at me... i, ugh, diabetus, HEART ATTACK! SO CUTEEEEEE... *dies*

    3. Crispy
    4. Slictz


      Quick somepony here call an ambulance while I tweet this to Twitter! :P

  5. I'm off to bed now, School starts tomorrow -.- Night!

  6. Chapter 4 is now live! Hit the thread up for links and an small update.

  7. Yay, No sleep for me today... Stayed up all night playing Portal 2 With Kodiak. It was fun :D

    1. Kodiak


      It's amazing how coordinated we were without using microphones. :P

    2. AppleShy Sparkle

      AppleShy Sparkle

      When i hear that you 2 play it, i feel like i want it too ;)

    3. Slictz


      That I have to agree on Kodiak ;)

  8. It appears that Quick meme Links are spreading viscious Trojans! Stay away! This isn't a Joke people! If you do get a trojan; Irecomend Malwarebytes. http://www.malwarebytes.org/

    1. Tom The Diamond

      Tom The Diamond

      ... What are Quick meme Links?

    2. Slictz


      Shortened links and ordinary links to this page: http://www.quickmeme.com (This link is safe though)

  9. Tons O fun! It appears that Quick meme Links are spreading viscious Trojans! Stay away! This isn't a Joke people! If you do get a trojan; Irecomend Malwarebytes. Tons O fun! It appears that Quick meme Links are spreading viscious Trojans! Stay away! THis isn't aJoke people!

  10. Tons O fun! It appears that Quick meme Links are spreading viscious Trojans! Stay away! THis isn't aJoke people!

  11. Not bad at all, Anyone who watches this vid: Look at the video responses, they contain Twilight and Luna :D

  12. Time to either play Rome Total War, Play some MC or write on my Fic... What to do...

  13. Yay kinda according to EqD season 2 might be 28 episodes long :Dhttp://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/12/tour-of-hasbro-italy-and-ominous.html#comment-form

    1. Captain Marvelous

      Captain Marvelous

      come on black dragon villian *gets looks* what, I like dragons

  14. While I remeber... Happy B-Day RKA! :D


  15. Ok, After 10 hours of sleep, I'll try my hoof at writing again :)

    1. Jonke


      Good luck! =)

  16. Instead of banging my head in the keyboard trying to come up with ideas to my fic, I'll just got to bed. Night everyone.

    1. Anonymous~


      Night Slictz. :3

  17. Man, today my Inspiration to do anything at all is at an all time low... Time to pla some MC then.

  18. I'm off to start some more heavy work on Chapter 5 :D

  19. Pondering about starting Chapter 5... any thoughts?

  20. My dear followers! Chapter 4 is now done! It ended at the fine number of 5250 Words! Now it's up to my proofreader to decide when you all get to read it ;)

    1. Inkfeather


      Oh my, oh my, oh my. I need it NOW!

    2. Slictz


      That's up to Kodiak to decide. Not me ;)

  21. Chapter 2 iiiiiis now at 3870 words, and the evening just began! Time to hit 42-4300 words! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slictz


      That's the complete story's length Hayze, not this chapter ;)

    3. Inkfeather


      Also, I find you fic of great interest so when I see you posting anything, it have quite the high priority.

    4. TomokoKuroki


      That is what I meant Slictz ;) lol

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