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Snow Frostflame

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Status Replies posted by Snow Frostflame

  1. So @Catsle bought me the entire series to Nekopara. I have no idea what I'm getting into, so I'm going to test that out. Also thanks for the gifts Cat. :catface:

  2. Just saw the Last Jedi...... that movie sucked so much.... just from a pure movie perspective, it completely sucked. Ohgod.... 


    Space Puffins were cool though. Would rewatch for Space Puffins. 

    But not for anything else. 


    One thing I will give it points for though, it did not have much predictability and it took me by surprises by every turn.... but that is not necessarily a good thing unless you can make it into some excellent and excitingly good :T 

  3. *fires a couple of ice shards in your direction*. You've interfered with my hunt for Rave Darkmane for the last time Harcourt. There can only be one pony to claim his head, and that pony is me. Now I give you a choice, cease your interfering and stand down, or die! *draws my blade and gives it an icy flame enchantment*

  4. Most people wonder what the afterlife will be like when they die. I just wonder what loot I'll drop.

  5. Press F to pay respects

  6. Well ain't that great, spent a few hours recording and editing the Sea of Thieves alpha gameplay only to realize Rare bans users who upload gameplay of the alpha. Luckily I didn't get banned, but I'm a bit annoyed that I have to keep my video blocked now until March when the game releases.

  7. I think the time has come to finally reveal my face on this site.

  8. I think the time has come to finally reveal my face on this site.

  9. Star Wars is coming up in a few days. Gonna go to the cinema dressed up like a Stormtrooper Officer. hoping that my Code Cylinder arrives before the movie comes out, that's all I'm missing from my costume.

  10. Um... so...

    I did a thing.



  11. Um... so...

    I did a thing.



  12. Um... so...

    I did a thing.



  13. Can people discuss one topic without trying to beat the hell out of each other?

    Thats all i want for christmas. Give me that, and that will make up for this entire excuse of a year

  14. I think you are the only Swirly clone left! :muffins: 

  15. Rain in Arizona? That's weird. And cold... *shivers* >~<

  16. Welp, I created my first digital drawing! It's trashy and things because I didn't know what I was doing and I had to use a mouse, but meh. 


    I'm cringing :nom:

  17. Hello, I noticed your image isn't properly cropped. I can fix that for you if you'd like. Unless that's what you were going for.

  18. The Chinese bots have unleashed a counter attack after yesterday's defeat. Though doesn't seem as large as the first wave.

  19. Been obsessed with this one YouTuber lately... been watching hours upon hours of his videos in my off time. 

  20. The Chinese bots are attacking... and there here to offer us free entry into universities! Everyone fall back, and regroup!

  21. I'm seeing left and right people shitting on Battlefront II, from big YouTubers, to forum members, to even close friends. What they see is gravel, but I see a diamond. Perhaps I should make a video showing that Battlefront II isn't half as bad as the community says.

  22. I'm seeing left and right people shitting on Battlefront II, from big YouTubers, to forum members, to even close friends. What they see is gravel, but I see a diamond. Perhaps I should make a video showing that Battlefront II isn't half as bad as the community says.

  23. *playing some battlefront 2*

    *gets shot a continent away by a dude with paid guns*


    1. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      It isn't impossible though as I've done it. Back when I first played the game I was horrible, and would constantly die. It seemed impossible, but then I came up with strategies. Of the four primary classes, pick your best and stick with it... make sure that one gets the star cards you need before any. Another good one that can keep you from getting killed, always stick with a group, and when in a group don't be the one leading the charge. Another good tip, don't zoom in when in close quarters, in Battlefront your accuracy doesn't increase when you zoom in. When you're alone try not to sprint, especially when near enemies, because that will make you pop up on the radar. Try to get the upper hand and shoot first, ambush the enemy, aim for the head, use their abilities against them. What I mean by that last one Heavies have abilities that usually lower their movement speed, like shield and sentry... throw a grenade at them and put them in a situation where its either abort or die.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  24. *playing some battlefront 2*

    *gets shot a continent away by a dude with paid guns*


    1. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      Clearly what I'm saying is falling upon deaf ears. You will come up with strategies, and get better at the game as you play. You can't expect to start playing a game and be the amazing sharp shooter who goes 27 and 4 every match. You are going to take some hits and it may lower your self esteem, but you will get better.

      Also the other blasters you unlock aren't really better, its really a matter of preference. I play the assault class, and have every blaster unlocked for it, but I only use the standard blaster because I find it the most reliable.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  25. *playing some battlefront 2*

    *gets shot a continent away by a dude with paid guns*


    1. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      Yes, so then what's the problem? EA is only making money off of people who buy the game so greed isn't in the picture. Is it because you actually have to work for your rewards and better equipment? That's just how gaming is, hate to say. But unlike most games which determine your reward from loot boxes being random luck this one give you crafting parts, and they are very easy to collect. Save them up, build your setups for the main rolls you play. I did that, and if I showed you my current setups, you'd probably accuse me of buying microtransactions because of how good it is.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

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