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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. You could've called this game bord vs camal.

  2. I am the villian of this story, what else could I ever be?

    1. Ribbonfree


      the sidekick of the comic relief who's there to be the joke's wingman/setup

  3. @@Blueberry Waffle "Oh ok, nice." He snooped around at more of his things and unpacked another box. He glanced over at the photo he had. "So that was you, how long ago?" He asked, trying to contiue the conversation despite his absent thoughstream as he searched through.boxes of old memories and possessions. Granted he wasn't a nosey pony, just too curious for his own good.
  4. Ooh piece oz' candy!

  5. Do you like to play with fiiarrr!!?

  6. I think I might be the physical embodiment of anger.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      *Hug tackles and noms ear* <3<3<3

  7. @@Blueberry Waffle Tempest looked around the room, letting out a long whistle. "This outta' be fun to unpack eh? 18 boxes? No problem!" He got to work on the closest box to him, ripping off the lid and unpacking it gentally next to him. "So uh... Why'd you keep one of there?" He asked holding out a sock puppet.
  8. @@Blueberry Waffle Tempest followed behind Blueberry humming to to himself to occupy the traveling time. They stopped at the Mane Fair Hotel for a moment to get their bearings and find Blue's new home. "So, according to you, your home should be just down there." Tempest pointed towards a neon lit street with Vacancy signs outside. Tempest squinted down the street and was silent in though for a moment, "Yeah! There it is, just next to the bar, well at least your not too far from a drink." He said jokingly, giving Blueberry a playful wink.
  9. @ Aknor looked back and grinned, "So this evening, be ready!" He walked off humming happily to himself as he searched for competition to earn some bit for later on. However after wandering through the site for a minute or two, he began to notice a horrid stench, "Holy mother of..." He gagged slightly on the smell alone and turned to where he could smell it from. He saw a bar almost visible reaking of nasty things. He put a rag over his muzzle walked past vowing never to go in that particular bar, and to take a shower as soon as possible.
  10. @Blueberry Waffle Tempest smiled, "'Bout time somepony round here had a good mindset like that." He got up quite quickly then stumbled around a moment, "Sorry, headrush." He shook his head and blinked a few times. "Anyway... Lets head over to your place eh?" He asked Blueberry happy with the speed the weather had cleared up in.
  11. @@Blueberry Waffle Tempest nodded, "Quite snobish too, they don't let you into the reception without a certification." He shook his head, he didn't like it when somepony acted better than the other ponies around him. He then recalled Blueberry asking for help for moving in. "Sure thing, your new home isn't too far from where I live so thats good. Theres a nice park right over by the hotel, the same one I was admiring before I got rained on and ended up here." He made a mental note to ask the local council for more rain shelters around the park area. "So, where did you say your house was again?"
  12. @@Blueberry Waffle Tempest nodded, "Yeah, the pay over here is much better than back there and the people tend to be nicer here too." After a few moments Tempest noticed that the rain had died down. "So, you want me to show you about or do you wanna' settle in to your home first?" He got up and stretched his wings out. "'Cuz I got no plans for t'day, it's all down to you Blue."
  13. @@Blueberry Waffle "They are pretty good, mind you after living here for a while I guess I've just gotten used to it." He scratyed his head womdering the last time he'd visited a resterant. Must've been... Sometime the year before on his birthday. Looking back to the pegasus next to him he had to ask, "So what did you see here that made you want to come down here from up in the sky city?" I'd love to be up there, the weather never sucks and theres so much stuff up there that's cooler. Granted they are a bit racist and they have a lot of secrets the governing bodies hide and that crime is a lot more common there... Actually yeah I like here more. If you'd like I can show you around the city after the rain dies off." He realized he'd contradicted his own question and decided to ignore himself.
  14. @@Blueberry Waffle "Thanks, I'm Tempest Shift. Sorry about being wet an' all. I was admiring the scenery by where I live at a park and the rain came outta' nowhere. Can't wait to get home and dry off next to a warm fire and a good book." He sat himself down and tried to stick his flopped over mane back up, however it was far too wet. "So anyway, what brings you to the big city?" He asked, hoping to strike up conversation to break the silence.
  15. @@Blueberry Waffle Tempest looked around after shaking himself off away from any grumpy wardens, he just wanted to sit down and wait for the rain to stop and to head back home and finish his book. he saw a lone pegasus sat down on a bench by himself, deep in a magazine. "Um hi. You wouldn't mind if I sat next to you until the rain clears up would you?" He asked the pegasus behind the magazine with a hopeful smile.
  16. Tempest arrived at the train station, the flight had been in vain as now he was drenched. He shook himself off accidentlly splattering a nearby station warden. "Eh... Sorry, I didn't see you there." He said sheepishly as he apologised to the now dripping warden. After a few minutes ponies rushed in and out of the train station as the passengers swapped over and collected their possessions. Tempest looked outside to see the rain had died down a little but was still enough to leave a pony looking like they'd had a long swim after being outside for more than a few minutes. He regretted not packing a coat, no matter how cumbersome they were.
  17. Tempest arrived at the park for 11:10 after having fallen asleep at his home while reading. He knew that at this time there was barely anypony about as they had work and jobs to do, he decided to soak in the view and relax on a bench near the the pond in the centre of the park. From the corner of his eye he could see a train arriving into Manehatten. As it got closer the birds that had roosted in the trees flew off in a flurry of feathers and wings. Looking around at the scenery again once the birds had settled down he noticed the air feeling slightly cooler, then it began to rain. "You've gotta' be kidding me! It's not even midday and it's raining... Ugh." He got up, spread his wings and shook them gently to get most the rain that was soaked in off and took off to the nearest rain shelter, the train station.
  18. As Tempest arrived at the shop he saw the mass of ponies scrambling to get the best offers. He walked in and headed over to the food section and put the usual things into his basket; Wheat flakes, bread, assorted leaves and to treat himself he got himself a new book to read. After queueing for a long while he finally paid for his groceries and book and set off back home. As he arrived home he decided that he'd head on over to the local park for a relief walk, bustling tension and activity in a confined space didn't help him with his claustrophobia. Although Tempest knew many people he didn't have that many friends and a quick recall in his head he only counted 6 ponies he'd actually consider friends and none of them lived in Manehatten, he'd be walking alone today. As he finished putting his groceries away he left the book on his coffee table and went to headout to take a wander about the local park which was only a couple of minutes away from his home. But first he decided that he would rest up for a short while, after a few minutes he found himself felling asleep on his couch with the book resting open on his chest.
  19. - The Story pf Blueberry Waffle - OOC - https://mlpforums.com/topic/132022-the-story-of-blueberry-waffle/#entry3898236 Tempest rolled around as he squirmed in his bed in vain in an effort to fall back asleep, "Nooo... Just five more minutes..." The sunlight didn't repond. The responded by throwing his pillow at the window in the room and groaning loudly. "I never get what I want do I?" He got out of his bed groggily, his head aching with the abrupt awakening and went into his main living space. Tempest was a blue pegasus with a blonde and orange mane, browny gray eyes and a cutiemark of a snare drum. He thought today was going to be an average, boring day. Little did he know what was about to occur, today of all days he'd make a new friend. This friend would be a great acquaintance and would eventually lead them on grand and wonderful adventures."Righty... Lets see whats new." He opened his door to pick up his copy of the paper then walked back in with it held under his wing. He leapt onto his sofa and spead himself over it, after getting comfy enough he turned his attension to his paper, the opening story was about how a chain of shop had gone broke and were selling their stocks at low prices. Tempest looked about his apartment, there was space for some new things and he needed to restock food for the week. He hummed to himself as he put on his saddlebags and head on out to the shops.
  20. Anyone got some upbeat rock/metal music? I need something with a happy beat to it and has some power behind it. So no mainstream 'music'.

    1. Discordian



      Ask and ye shall receive.

    2. MozillaToast
    3. Discordian


      I can get you a good amount of upbeat rock and metal. Just ask any time. :D

  21. Now I remember why I stopped playing halo. -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MozillaToast


      Halo has friendly fire on, so people friendly fire if they don't get what they want.

  22. I've been having a recuring nightmare where I wake (in the dream) alone in a dark and old house, i can't move and feel paralysed execpt i can move my head. Each time I do I hear a slithering sound behind me and a grinding noise to the side of me, the grimding get louder and louder until i get sudden numbness in my right arm. I try to move again and I feel tightening on my ankles and slowly start to get dragged down the room towards the pitch black corner. Then theres a sudden drop and I can see the rest of my body on the ground mutilated and bloody, then theres another drop and after a few seconds of my head rolling a swarm of snakes lunge at my face and I awaken with a massive headache and a numb arm. This may not be frightening to you but I have a huge fear or heights, dismemberment, the dark and snakes.
  23. With a trap card! But seriously, ignore them and block them if they try to harass you directly.
  24. So, what do you PvP as at max level?
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