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Everything posted by Pone

  1. Does anypony here live in leatherhead england? ^^

  2. One of the funniest internet phenomonons is when you say something to someone and they instantly go into debate mode XD

    1. Dewdlz


      Feed them worms - I mean words.

  3. Ugh, logo's are so hard to think up

  4. This is pretty awesome ^^ Did you make this?
  5. I think I might go back to the classics and create a winter wrap up remix ^^

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      winter wrap up is one of my favorites =)

  6. That moment when you find out the lead synth in Europe - The final countdown was actually a Korg M1 preset

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pone


      Oh snap you got me there XD Possibly, all I know is that their is a preset that sounds exatly like The Final Countdown on the Korg M1 :P

    3. Fhaolan


      Given how popular the song was at the time, and they probably used an older Korg, I could see Korg putting it on the M1 as a 'feature'. They *might* have even asked Europe, but that's not likely. ;)

    4. Pone


      Yeah probably, I love the Korg M1, all those classic rave sounds ^^

  7. The only problem I can see is this line here: Unless its meant to be there for some reason I havent realised But apart from that its almost spot on
  8. I wonder if there's any bronies in Guam

  9. Pone

    request I can haz signature?

    I'll give it a shot Took me a while to come up with something I'd be to give to someone but after many failed attempts, this is what I came up with: If you want me to change anything just let me know, I'll be happy to
  10. @laurathevixen You missed 6 and 7 ;)http://prntscr.com/7bg95r

  11. Does anyone here listen to 90's Happy Hardcore?

  12. Does anyone here listen to 90's Happy Hardcore?

  13. Ugghhh...My internet has been slow all week! There's gotta be something wrong...

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. EmiliaBoneca


      You internet!

    3. Pone


      I think it might be a problem with the modem but idk for sure

  14. :o I'm actually making something that sounds amazing!
  15. Ahh, feels good to be back to my old avatar :P

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      i remember that avvy :D =)=)=)=)=)

  16. @, Where did they even find this post? .-.
  17. Good I think, though finding the perfect name is one hell of a challenge
  18. Hey guys ^^ I was just wondering what your first OC's were? For me, I'm still developing my first, but I helped my mate design his if that counts for anything
  19. When you accidently find a really annoying bug and it stops you from being able to do anything -.-

  20. Maybe if I have a child and me and my parter end up breaking up, maybe I can have the best of both worlds
  21. Why is coming up with the perfect name for your Ponysona so hard .3.

  22. @@LyraBae, Awesome ^^ tysm :3
  23. My D/L speed right now is actually like...10kb/s

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. Lisa


      Mine is too :/

    3. Pone


      I've been downloading a 5mb song for half an hour...

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