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Everything posted by VictiniStar101

  1. I haven't taught anyone anything Same question
  2. Yes, or so I've heard Do you watch a lot of Youtube videos"?
  3. Yo- just kidding I hate it when I see people engaging in flame wars of any sort, especially on Youtube What is your opinion on the Youtube community? I'm referring to the viewers not the content creators
  4. A lot of the time in school, or around people who I think don't share my interests Judgemental
  5. You seem pretty nice as well What are the limits of what you can tolerate? (probably worded that a little awkwardly)
  6. I just turned 16 today, my obsession with MLP started this April, during the week-long break.
  7. Didn't even know this thread existed, let's see -I'm visually impaired which means I can't legally drive -My visual impairment, which is called FEVR, prevents me from seeing things at a distance, which is why before I got glasses with a bifocal, my nose used to always touch the page of any book that I read -I'm not exactly the strongest guy out there -I don't listen to mainstream music -I don't pay attention to sports at all -I'm Indian, yet I don't know what curry tastes like -I talk fast, and am one of the only kids in my AP World History class who can actually understand John Green from Crash Course. -I like to watch documentaries -I rage way too easily at games -I'm salty, but enduring -I think I still somewhat come off as arrogant -I strongly dislike family parties -I find the desire for my mom and my aunts to take soo many goddamn pictures at parites to be quite irritating -I am uncultured
  8. Happy Birthday to me and to everyone else who was born today!

  9. Eyup How often do you feel a strong urge to go to an MLP con?
  10. Don't pay any special attention to birds Are you a good conversationalist?
  11. Yes Have you joined Equestria Daily's Steam Group?
  12. I have Skype open in the background all the time, I use Google Chrome a lot as well, although for some rweason it crashes on occasion when I'm watching a Youtube video Do you prefer Sony Vegas Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro?
  13. No, unless you have something of value to me on your phone, and I have a gun. What is your zodiac sign, and do you think it suits you well?
  14. For me at least, quite difficult When you get bored, do you get depressed?
  15. The majority of my family is from and lives in India. However, apparently my great-great grandfather came to India from Iraq, so I'm also part Iraqi
  16. I enjoy I guess the night How to cure pessimism?
  17. Post a pic here when you are done with that please.
  18. Not bad, considering the GTX 760, or at least the EVGA SC ACX 2.0 model is around $270, hopefully the price of both the Broadwell CPUs and the GTX 960 will decrease.
  19. Forgot to make this earlier Last week, If I remember correctly, wasn't so good for me, in terms of how my mood was. I was depressed for at least 3 out of the 5 school days of the week, and the weekend wasn't that much better, Lately, I haven't been particularly happy during the course of the day, my mood has been a bit meh. Now to discuss something off-topic from the above I am highly concerned in regards to how good the PMVs I make are. I know that there is no set definition of quality for PMVs in general, but still, I can't bring myself to think of my PMVs as anything more then decent. Also I know that when you see or look at a piece of content that you like a lot that it can motivate you to do your best, but for me it doesn't and frankly I don't know why. I really need to start re-watching MLP, maybe that will help get rid of my pessimism
  20. I'm bored Do you feel connected to the brony community?
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