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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Aurelleah

  1. This is yours right? :pinkie: It sounds amazing.

    Never made the connection between you and poniverse. :D

    1. Aurelleah


      Yep! c: thanks! I'm glad you like it!

  2. Is it alright for you to tell me,on what art software you used to make your arts? ^^;

    1. Aurelleah


      Mostly paint tool sai with some of the effects in photoshop. Mostly paint tool sai

  3. Aurellah! Saw your name in the ALBDifferent team. Did you make any of the soundtrack tunes that are in the game? Because I'm totally in love with all of the music so far! <3

    1. Aurelleah


      i havnt yet made the soundtracks, it's planned tho -- And thanks!

  4. whoa, your profile picture is amazing!! it's so cute and really well drawn!!! *squees*

  5. Happy birthday! Have a nice day today!

  6. You Sir, have a fantastic personal motto.

    1. Aurelleah


      I do what I can ;) Eventually

  7. Happy Birthday, Aurelleah!!! Have a good one!

  8. Love love love the avatar^^

    1. Aurelleah


      ^-^ It was all done in an art livestream :3 Ill be livestreaming again in around 50 mins if youd like to come

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hmm... this feed needs more activity -- Hi! :) (also, your arts is awesome :D )

  10. Congratulations on your recent ever-developing art aptitude, it's quite impressive to see that you managed such advances in a minuscule time. All of my commendations to you.

    1. Aurelleah


      Thank you for that :) Its surprising to me too, to be honest

  11. So I just got around to hearing your track on ponies at dawn. Good work, it sounds good!


    1. Aurelleah


      The artist is Pedro Handler on Deviant Art, super talented :) He's gonna make me one that's even cuter sometime this month :>

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Dear Aurelleah: As a (aspiring) fellow musician, I must say, I admire your music quite a bit. How, exactly, do you do it? Like, are the instruments real or synthesized? Do you play by sound or by prewritten sheet music? Gah, so many questions....

    1. Aurelleah


      That's a great question and I appreciate the feedback!! The instruments are sampled. That is, playing an E on the piano roll will play a sample file of a real instrument playing an E. It's called a sampler. Garage band on the iphone has a built in sampler for things like guitar which is pretty neat.


      My music is made in a digital audio workshop (DAW). The sampler is called a VSTi (also known as a plugin).


      I do know how to play several instruments (Or at le...

  14. Happy birthday =)=)=)=)=)

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