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Shadow Beam

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Status Updates posted by Shadow Beam

  1. The Number One emote...


    it's rough man

    1. Creamy Arty
    2. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      The reaction itself, or merely the positioning? :ooh:

  2. If it isn't a trasandine fellow. Un gusto 👌

    1. FARG2003


      Sip, soy de Chile, también me da gusto conocerte xD

  3. Have a lovely New Year everyone, may your objectives for the upcoming days be attained and new friends be met. ^^

    1. ShadOBabe


      Hip hip hooray!! :yay:

    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Hooray indeed sis! :D

  4. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! ^^

  5. Hold on I know you

    1. Ando333


      can you expand?

      nvm lol

  6. 12 hours straight studying god please SPARE ME

  7. Ah, Medieval II's soundtrack is just heaven.

  8. Don't do 7 hours-long naps folks.

    1. Venomous


      I do that quite often ^^;

    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Venom pls stop 


    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I do it at least once per day.

  9. If a scarcity of time to prepare for an exam is already expunging my sanity into the abyss I cannot wait for what real life has to offer.




    really makes u think

    Resultado de imagen para thinking emoji meme

    1. Snow


      After exposure to this audio visual material the reaction of yourself or any individual is in most cases to begin to explore and consider ideas potentially leading to some form of conclusion.

    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Factually consequent to the cognitive interpretation performed through the sensitive input pertaining to the graphical representation of a certan sample of a relation that unexpectedly opposes certain societal values which conducts your own consciousness or that of a major portion of the individuals with whom you coexist in the plane of reality into a state of slight disbelief gestated through the incapacity to properly process a specific piece of information, furthermore being such fruitless cogitations coupled by a socially sensitive gesture that typically includes grasping your chin while casting a look of contemplation preferably towards a point of medium-high elevation.


    3. Snow


      That was... just... beautiful...

      I'm sorry, I don't think I can beat that! xD you sir have bested me!

  11. May those who perished tonight rest in peace; may these happenings that stir dread within us someday signify nothing but the reflection of obscure, implausible thoughts hailing a close yet unrecognizable past. 

  12. The sass of that avatar is unfathomable. Love it.

  13. Goodness gracious that was a lotta text

  14. gotta love 10 hours straigh of readin'




  15. Waking up early was a mistake.

  16. Question, weren't you one of the peeps at TAPE?



      Tape? :0c   i dont think so??

    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Mmph, maybe I just mixed it up with tumblr. 

      Anyhow, good stuff there. Resultado de imagen para hand emoji

  17. fear.jpg.0cc37758cae364c1d8d1d20a69acf2df.jpg these texts I swear

  18. 7 hour nap is no bueno.

    1. ShadOBabe


      It's not? Sounds muy bueno to me!

    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      don't trust yourself i beg of you.

      it was a mistake ;w;

  19. Stay strong, Venezuela.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      Well THAT sounds like it's probably causing some chaos... :sunny:

    3. ShadOBabe


      I hope everything will smooth over soon.

    4. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      For now it seems that the rest of the world is repudiating the action. Hopefully someone will take action.

  20. brain is the deaded


    1. ShadOBabe


      nuuuu brain is the lived

    2. Shadow Beam
  21. My stomach says no but this spicy empanada says yes.

    1. N.W.
    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      It was a mistake.


      Resultado de imagen para you could've stopped this

    3. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      Always trust your gut.

  22. Have a lovely week folk.

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