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About SuperBrony87

  • Birthday 1987-07-15

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  • Location
    Kingman, Arizona
  • Personal Motto
    Action and glory are the calling of men; as well as the hardship that accompanies the life of a lonely wanderer. Only those men whom can find favor with the ladies will be fed and invincible.
  • Interests
    Rarity... Good friends, love and relationships, beautiful girls, uplifting and positive conversations, cats, reptiles, T.V. and movies, music, superheroes, being the best person I can be.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. So I saw something and had my mind blown. MLP FIM Double Rainboom... Could this be a possible premonition that MLP is moving to Cartoon Network? I saw a video once about it. Revolving around The Hub channel shutting down to be replaced by Discovery Family. However I just got DirecTV and the channel as well as many other of my favorite channels are blacked out too. But Cartoon Network still works. So maybe if they did I could still watch MLP even The new season Season 5. Which is set to come o...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      No, it's not. Seasons one through four and Double Rainboom have literally no relation with each other. Double Rainboom is exclusively a senior project by someone in college: He developed the fan episode to graduate, but he needed two separate permissions before he could work on it.

    3. SuperBrony87


      Lok, I can see this isn't going anywhere and I know it's fan made too I saw it last night and I saw the disclaimer thingy in the intermission too... However, I tend to over think thigns and this seemed talk worthy so I wanted to pick some brains and find out what they thought... I mean just think about it. The Hub is shut down now and is now the Discovery Family Channel. MLP FIM and it's future seasons and episodes could be at risk because this channel won't let me watch it......

    4. SuperBrony87
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