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SynBassilicious Pony

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Status Updates posted by SynBassilicious Pony

  1. .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      That's a little harsh there lass, we are not all like that you know that.

    3. SynBassilicious Pony
    4. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      There are ones like that yes, but what is it different to people who like Anime. people are people not much you can do about it.

  2. .

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      The suggestive Applejack is from the show. Simple Ways, to be exact.

    2. Luminance


      C'mon! she can enjoy an apple after a long day's worth of work right!?

  3. .

    1. Riganthor


      why? I s it becuase princes flurry heart feels like poof?

  4. .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I just don't know what went wrong.

    3. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      *offer's muffin* Muffin?

    4. melody strike

      melody strike

      Omg. There's a place that only sells muffin tops and it's fabulous.

  5. .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      This happened a couple of years ago, but there was a guy who got drunk at work and started hitting on several women. It was hilarious to watch. After he was fired, the dumbass even tried to drive home. He ended up in the ditch not 20 ft off the property and prompty was arrested. Fucking idiot...

    3. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      lol yeah that guy is soooo legit *sarcasm*

    4. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      XD That's when you pull the RD card and say "sorry, I'm just too awesome for you, call back when your 20% cooler"

  6. .

    1. SynBassilicious Pony
    2. Fluttergirly


      Really cool thanks. Nice to have such support. I'm recovering from a stallion!!

  7. .

    1. Damonater


      I felt like I was just another guy trying to message you. So I opted out because its going to go nowhere anyways.

    2. SynBassilicious Pony
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