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Mars Orbit

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Everything posted by Mars Orbit

  1. Happy Blue Appreciation day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit


    3. Flutterstep


      We couldn't afford all the actors.

    4. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      I was just thinking Uni needs to reply to this XD

      Next person to reply other than us is Uni2 XD OR CYBORG U-N-I

  2. 6/10 I was wondering if it was a moglin! I used to play that game so much
  3. Name: Mars is what my friends call me Age: Lmao Gender: Male Location: Cali Likes: Music, everything except country. Movies, haven't seen that many Disney movies though. Video games, Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favorite by far, I have so many playthroughs of that game its not even funny. YouTube. Literally anything. Dislikes: Mean people, easily offended people, people who never start a conversation or just stop responding without reason Hobbies: listening to music, gaming (I'm a console peasant), doing nothing, skating Other stuff: •Nothing
  4. Scary experience thread? Oh god. My parents old house was...strange... We'd hear whispers at night. and footsteps. One day they were having a party I was maybe 7. There was this little girl, who would was there, me and her talked, I can't really remember what we talked about, but I remember when I went to get some drinks no one would acknowledge her, I asked my dad about it and he said I was talking to myself. Nothing notable happened for maybe a year. Then it happened. The event that caused my parents to move. I was playing my Nintendo 64 in my room (it was an old system then, the Ps2 was already out, but I liked playing Pokémon snap and smash bros) Then suddenly my door slammed, the door locked (because it was a good idea to give a child a lock to their own room) and my parents who were in the living room watching t.v. ran to the room and demanded I unlocked the door. The t.v. I was playing the system on threw itself across the room and hit my dresser, my bed flipped itself, and I started hearing voices coming from all around, and by the time my dad broke down the door I was crying in the corner, traumatized by the events. That was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, I have plenty of other non;paranormal stories, but none of them compare to this.
  5. I miss jaxsie, she was a really cool person Plus a couple of other people I use to talk to a ton, but they either got banned or disappeared
  6. [insert better sleep deprivated sentence]
  7. Granted, but it gets CAW-rrupted I wish for a basket
  8. Good afternoon!

    1. Monsoon


      Good afternoon

    2. Flutterstep


      Good afternoon, Mars.

  9. 401517 Hello! Its been awhile!
  10. "What if the ocean is salty because the land never waves back?"
  11. I feel great! it's super late, but other than that I'm doing amazing!
  12. So how is everyone doing?

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      *is late* IS DOING GOOD.

    2. Flutterstep


      I'm doing alright, thanks. How are you?

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