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Dubwave Nightshadow

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Everything posted by Dubwave Nightshadow

  1. Yes. I am still alive. :fiery:

    1. Monsoon


      That's good :twi:

    2. Sunwalker


      Welcome back! 

  2. I have not been on this site in so long I almost forgot about it. I'm out of the Mlp loop pretty far so I'm excited to see what's going on. How is it going? What did I miss?  :)

  3. Did pony life already premier? I am getting mixed signals about the date. Apparently June 13, and some saying another date. I am confused. :wacko:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      @Dubwave Nightshadow I'm looking forward to it! ^_^

    3. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      Me too. Kind of nervous about what we are gonna see. :dash:

    4. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      Well, I saw it. All I can say is... Um. Actually I'd like to hear what others think before I say anything. :wacko:

  4. Happy New Year all you crazy creatures! We made it to the next Decade without the planet imploding! Yay! :kirin:

    1. Sunwalker


      Happy new year!

  5. It is hard to believe that many hours from now on this day that the last two episodes of the Mlp Gen 4 adventure will be airing. I will admit I am a bit anxious. I even made sure I was off work for this. No reruns for me. I'm catching it when it goes live. It will be bittersweet. I'm just glad I made it to this place. :coco:

  6. Hello guys. I hope you've been doing well. I'm in a bit of a melancholy mood myself. Thought maybe checking on everyone else would help me feel better. What is up with you guys? Anything interesting going on? :p

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunwalker


      I am sorry to hear. Anyways, I have never been to Bronycon either. Anyways, you shouldn't feel obligated to do any fan work, those things usually are made just for the fun of it :)

    3. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      Thank you Sunwalker. I'm past it now. :3

    4. Sunwalker


      You are welcome :)

  7. Same here. This has actually been one of the coolest things I've eve been a part of, and it inspired me to do so many things and even think in ways I may have never done had I not discovered it. We will continue on. Oh jeez. There is a Gen 5 coming. I forgot. Awesome for that.
  8. This what I really hope will happen. I'd like to see the fandom keep on creating it's own content and powering itself on.
  9. So apparently Season 9 is supposed to be the end of Mlp Fim. I have mixed feelings on this. I am happy about it because I'm glad that the show will not run to long and get turned into a cash cow kind of thing where they basically run it into the ground just to get every last bit they can out of it. On the other hand, I remember when i was first introduced to this show back in high school and how I went through that whole process of "Bronification", from denial that i am enjoying the show, to the point where I had to give in and admit I loved it, and it makes me sad that it has to end. So much really has come out of this show that I don't think either the developers or anyone in this community even saw coming. And so much of it was beautiful. So, what happens after the final episode? Where does this all go from here? Tell me what you think about all this. Tell me about what makes you happy from what this show brought to your life, and what you think about it ending. Also about where you think things go afterwards. I'm curious to hear what others have to say on this.
  10. Once again a long period without a word to say. Time to change that. A lot has happened. I don't even know if this post will have any direction. I'll just let it flow to wherever it goes, and hope that you may take something from it in whatever way you wish. What's going with you today, tomorrow, or what happened the day before on behind that one? What do you see in yourself or of yourself? Are you happy? Yes, no, unsure? Quite frankly I hope you are doing well, but let's face it. Life tends to mostly be skewed in the direction or form that we find disdain in. This seems to become more true with every passing year. In all honesty when I look out the world I begin to wonder why humanity seems as if it is pointless in all respects and why I should bother respecting it myself. I just realized something by the way. What I'm writing seems to fake to me. I think I am filtering out too much of what I'm really thinking in order to try and make sure I don't cross some imaginary line or something, like maybe offending someone or breaking the rules. Okay, I'll make sure I don't break the rules, and i don't like offending people either as I try to be a pretty courteous person myself to others, but answer me this. Should I feel bad about offending someone when what I speak or type breathes truth and silences ignorance? Should you? I really don't think so, yet that human nature in you at the same time just keeps you from saying what you really want to say to someone, like someone upsetting you or basically being such an annoyance that you'd like to knock them a good one on the skull. Please don't be like me for the majority of your life, letting people say and do things to you for the sake of wanting to be that, so called around good guy that everyone just loves, while at the same time screaming inside and sacrificing your sanity and own self image to your own demise. Get real, and be yourself. Not the yourself that everyone likes. We already have too much of that going on and quite frankly, it's BS and part of the reason why things that should get done, do not get done, or conversations that need to be had, are never spoken. I'm not saying to be a complete jerk, but realize that you sometimes, you have to hurt feelings in order to get progress. It's something that no one wants to do, but unless you speak your mind, then you will only continue to suffer, and others will be oblivious to their own short comings and issues that they cause. You say you don't like fake people? Then don't, and or stop being one yourself, and say your words. Not the words of your well liked but not true self. I think I'll close out with that. Stay frosty, and through life, keep burning through.
  11. Staff at Derpibooru is leading a mass undertaking of users to help archive art both SFW and NSFW from Tumblr before a lot of it vanishes forever. I'm actually trying to help them out myself. If you are over there, the link to that particular thread is here. It will include instructions on how you can help. https://derpibooru.org/uppers/tumblr-nsfw-upload-thread Just mainly pony related art by the way.
  12. Hello guys. I have not been around here for a while. How are things? :fluttershy:

    1. Sunwalker


      I am doing fine thanks! Nothing much happening with me. Anyways, I missed you :)

    2. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      You missed me? lol. I should come around more often then. I miss interacting with community as much as I use to. But life has been crazy lately so I've not had much time to get over here. :-P

    3. Sunwalker
  13. Spur of the moment sketch of a little Ling Pony.

    The Ling.jpg

  14. Just got back from seeing the Mlp movie with my little brother. It was actually very good in my opinion. ^~^

  15. Hellooo! Have not seen you in a while. Hope you've been well. :P




    1. Valencia


      hi :3 eh could be better could be worse ^^ hows you 

    2. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      I'm doing okay. Ups and downs, but more ups thank goodness. :P

  16. How long has it been since I last even looked at this blog? Lol. Quite a while. Well, let's get to talking again. Something I've personally been struggling with for quite some time. Maybe you have been too? Have you ever felt like you were not good enough? Or just not even good enough for existence? That is a good question by the way? Why are we all here? So many answers that have already been brought up on this subject. Maybe you have been through something in your past. Maybe you've been told things that were negative about you for a long time. Have you maybe even ever hurt someone, like a family member, or a friend? Have you done it multiple times and maybe begin asking why? Maybe I'm just no good. People don't like me. I should shrink away from the world and just run. All I do is hurt people. I don't even like myself. Any of this sound familiar? It does to me. Stop it. Don't make me smack that hoof, hand, paw, whatever it is of yours. Listen. We are all going to screw up, some worse than others. Even things such as not being good at something that we love can trigger these kinds of thoughts. This has happened to me many times with my drawings. If I screwed up I was so quick to take that along with other missteps in my lifetime, as an excuse to place myself in such a low place that I felt there was no way that I could get back up. This is something that is especially dangerous for those who suffer with depression, like me. Listen. Let me just make a point on all this. I don't care what you did. I don't care how many people you may have made dislike you by doing whatever you did to them. I don't care how many mistakes you have made on things you love to do, then compound all this into thinking you must be a bad person and worthless to the world. Do me a favor. Put the world aside. Put everyone else aside, and look at yourself. What do you see? Are you broken, tired, what? As I stated in another entry of mine, you are not today, who you were yesterday. Take care of yourself. Stop worrying about what the world thinks you are. What are you in your eyes? Are you so bad just because of what you messed up in the past? Can you not just become a better person? Maybe you cannot get back the people you chased away back, but you can find new ones. Maybe one day, even if they don't come back, you can still show them you are not as bad as they think you are. Become your true self. Don't lie to others and yourself. You are you now. Let go of what made you so unhappy, and go forth to become greater. Go and be happy. I know this entry is quite a mixed bag, but I hope you can find something of it.
  17. It's bad that I cannot remember so many people here that are in my list. Names and pics keep changing on me when I am gone for long Periods of Time. Some of you are still either the same or recognizable though. :P

    1. TheRockARooster
    2. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      Hello. And I obviously recognize your name.

  18. Random question. What is art to you? Please share with me. Art has become a lot to me lately. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      Oh my. Well said. Well said. o.o

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I am a poet. I weave the words.

    4. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      So I have seen in the past, and been freaked out by sometimes in your case Q. >:P

  19. If you are a Legends of Equestria player you might want to see this. Just passing it on. There has been a Cyber Attack and possible compromise of private information.


  20. I like this one a lot and it was really cute. It is nice to see Big Mac finally found love in all that chaos, but what was with the singing part? Jeez! Lol. It made me cringe so bad. I mean it was funny, but still there were times I could not look at the screen or even at least had to look though my hands on my face with one eye to force myself to watch it. Over all though, it was good. Anyone also get a feel of Justin Bieber with Feather Bangs?
  21. What goes on? My days consist mostly of work and drawing study so I am not on as much as i would like to be.:grin:

    1. CinnamonPop


      Nothing much. Just the usual fandom stuff I guess. :3

      Welcome back. ^^

    2. Dubwave Nightshadow

      Dubwave Nightshadow

      Thank you Cinny. ^~^

    3. CinnamonPop


      You're welcome Dubwave. :squee:

  22. Peace and Love on the Planet Earth~

  23. Something a friend of mine made.
  24. I hope not. I just saw a couple of the newer episodes and this show as really evolved sense I last saw it. It is wonderful in so many ways,
  25. Oh wow. I have not watched Steven U in such a long time. I have been so busy. Look at all this new stuff going on. I need to start from the beginning and catch up. O~O
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