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Status Updates posted by Mikepokemon9

  1. It's been a while since I've been on so i have a nice coltfriend named Lightning dash <3 I love my LD so much!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mikepokemon9


      we are ^_^ sorry I got distracted

    3. DashYoshi


      It's okay. ^^ Oh, I think that's awesome you two are happy with each other. *huggles* ^.^

    4. Lightning Dash

      Lightning Dash

      aw <3 *Huggles all tightly and snuggles with Mike*

  2. Hey everypony,hope your day is going good mine is going meh could be better but could be worse, *big ole huggles for everyone* <3

  3. Life has its up and downs but look past those bumps and get over em, You mean a lot to others and even more to youself dont let that go hold it tight and don't give up <3 *big huggles*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      ave you seen mylego power ponies megazords legs

    3. Mikepokemon9


      I have

      sorry got distracted

    4. TheLegoBrony
  4. Good morning everypony *huggles* im off to school, love you all

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cmthuggin21


      *huggles* Bye! Have a good time at school.

    3. redaxted


      *hug* good luck. At school, you'll need it.

    4. Flutterstep


      Have a good day :)

  5. *sigh* feeling better still feel strange but i cant let it bother me thank you guys for being here <3 love you all very much *looks at you and hugs your* you special <3

    1. Monsoon


      We love you as well and I'm so glad that you're feeling better

    2. TFarrgon


      Love u too bruh <3

    3. Mikepokemon9


      stuff just was piling up on me to much and *sigh* cant say what happened today was very helpful but meh Its my fault but evidently its not so meh im fine

  6. Im feeling so much better im sorry if i worried anypony <3 you all *big huggles and cuddles* (i need em atm)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Holiday Agnaktor
    3. Mikepokemon9


      yes lol

      sorry talking to Shadtrax on facebook ^_^


      I love you guys <3

    4. Nikola Xerdav
  7. *crys on everything i once cared for* I can't seem to help everyone I always seem to fuck things up, I cant stand failing to help anyone :'(

    1. Show previous comments  56 more
    2. Mikepokemon9


      shad talk to me in a message or some more please bud <3


      ty lunar, I promise im not like this very often

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      *Wipes Tears* This is so beautiful. *Slaps Everyone out of Joy*

    4. Mikepokemon9


      ...... not helpin

  8. Night everypony <3 you all *big good night huggles*

    1. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Sleep well! *huggles back with special night huggles* :3

  9. Hey everypony, I love you all again for the like 500th time, I'm sorry I havent been on or active anymore on forums *huggles everypony* Im sorry

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mikepokemon9


      its not ur fault talk to me on skype bud <3

    3. Monsoon
    4. Mikepokemon9


      talk to me on skype <3

  10. Morning everypony *big huggles* love you all so much, not much sleep but better than nothing

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      i feeling pretty good today =)=)=)=) what about you my friend =)=)=)?

    3. Mikepokemon9


      thats good im still a little tired tummy is upset with me cuz of what i drank last night :c something and 2 monsters lol ill be fine :) *huggles*

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      its good to hear you feeling good =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)<3<3<3<3

  11. wow its been a while *hugs everypony* love you all im off to get a little sleep hope your day/night/evening is going okay

  12. who wants to trot down into the cave of loneliness and misforution with me? anypony no please dont :/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Monsoon


      We love you too

    3. TheLegoBrony
    4. Mikepokemon9


      Temporally fixes the fucking thing i call my life shad <3 u tho bud

  13. Hello everypony just a warm message to true to bright up your day if I can, so I hope your day/night is going great if not I'm here if you wanna talk <3 *big huggles*

  14. Morning everypony *big huggles* love you all so much

    1. Oven Mitts

      Oven Mitts

      *hugs* We love you too <3

    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Good to see you well, friend. ^_^ *hugs*

    3. Fluster


      *hugs* Good morning! :P

  15. I am sooooo torn right now let all my joy and happiness out the fucking damn window or find a way to let us find a way to cope with each other *sigh* what to bucking do

    1. Brony Mata

      Brony Mata

      ... what happened?

  16. Stuff can be overwhelming and moving to fast for you to handle but remember its what makes you YOU last 48 hours have been really overwhelming for me sorry if im not active been dealing with stuff *huggles* love y'all

    1. Silver W. Valensnow

      Silver W. Valensnow

      *hugs* l know what you mean, l have this feeling of pain deep inside that won't leave. It tells me to stop living with my family, but l could never leave thm, even if it would hurt me hard ;(

    2. Mikepokemon9
  17. To many thoughts in my head, all about my life and what I can do to change it for the better, I lie to myself to make myself happy exact thanks to one special pony they have helped open my mind and see how much I've damaged myself, I appoglize anypony but its going to be rough for me a while till i get my life back in the right track *huggles*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      come one be happy


      if I was right next to you i'll give you the biggest hug

    3. twilightfan28


      Awh mike.... I'm here to chat if u need it

    4. Mikepokemon9


      *sigh* I love you all *big hugs*

  18. Good Morning everypony, I'm off to a great start ^_^ I hope you are to *huggles*

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mikepokemon9


      Good how about u ooBrony

      May u sure

    3. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      Yeah. I can physically function on this.

    4. Mikepokemon9


      :P i want to get more sleep myself some stuff happend (nothing 2 bad) last night n i only got 2 hrs of sleep then 3 more after i fell back asleep
  19. I'm off to bed everypony *hugs* I love you all so very much <3

    1. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      goodnight sleep well and let luna watch over you :) *Hugs*

    2. Flutterstep
  20. I just noticed its been a month since I've on the forums and I've enjoyed it i love all of y'all ^_^ *huggles*

  21. Im in a Much better mood thanks to Silver Snow *huggles everypony* I hope your day is going good mine is now wasnt that good b4

    1. Jeremiah


      my mood went all kaput... because of a certain group... but not Kyoshi's

    2. Mikepokemon9


      yeah *hugs* sorry about that bud like i said just remove urself and nothing bad more can happen

  22. Morning everypony *huggles* I love you all so much and i will always and will keep saying it y'all are amazing and I will never forget that. Now who needs a hug *opens arms*

  23. ugh tonight didnt go smoothly as i thought it would of mood went from amazing to just bucking terrible *huggles everypony* I'm sorry about stuff and if I worried anypony, My mnd got the best of me tonigh.I love you all and I must leave y'all a picture http://prntscr.com/85k2rx <3

    1. Flutterstep


      I'm sorry to hear that :( *hugs* I hope you feel better soon :) :) :)

  24. Not matter how much I try or how much of a good mood im in stuff always happens and just makes me shatter *sigh* why do i bother *hugs* i love you all

    1. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      ~hugs~ i wish i had a buddy to rewatch MLP with, everyone is so busy :(

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