So this is it, then.
I have felt more at ease in the face of Death.
The world as Aria saw it changed perceptibly. Strings breaking, light dimming, silence ringing. No longer had she music to call her own, for isolation was solidifying around them until three became two as the two became one, and one of the two was leaving the rest. But it was not the words that had done it. It was the finality of it all, her last embrace, which lanced her heart mercilessly. A pain for which she would never have the words, but that did not stop it from consuming.
But...I need-...I l-...what is this? I can't-...there's nothing...words can't...what would it take? But I'm not would be selfish. I...have to let go. And I'm not sure which is more devastating...the loss, or that it's a choice. But couldn't I just-...I mean I could just...go. Along. Maybe? She's in pain...and...I can't do anything else...maybe...maybe it could be like it was before they arrived. If I just...
Aria took a few steps toward the light. It was a tantalizing notion, one that had helped dry her eyes somewhat. That they might have the adventure they wanted, to explore land and sky together, alone, undeterred by whatever chaos was consuming the western world. Just blissful existence. And yet... I can't. I'm sorry, Stellina. I should have seen...
"And then..."
How...selfish I have been to not have thought of others before myself. To withdraw without a thought of you even after what we've shared. Inaction has gotten the best of me, it seems. But no more. You have held the candle between us for far too long, and it seems the heat is finally getting to you. Now allow me to return the favour.
She strode silently, purposefully, the rest of the way, meeting Stellina's shoulder with a hoof.
"I do believe I owe you an apology. Unfortunately for you, I never was able to apologise with words all that well."
Aria allowed a small but reassuring smile to pull at her lips. She needed to make each word count, now when it mattered most, before either of them lost the world. And Stellina's eyes allowed her to do just that. Meeting them, and keeping their gaze, the cerulean hue a sea in which to lose oneself exploring, instilling in Aria the desire to express, to seek, to know, to laugh, to play. To live.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to express how amazing you have been today, which saddens me...because you are a beautiful individual who deserves to be appreciated. And I don't think you hear that often enough. What you've done...I mean, the confidence, yes, I knew you had some, but to wield it with such grace...I'll admit, it felt like you were slipping away. Because even if I had never thought that you were too good for me before, you certainly were then.
Is this an excuse to distance myself? No. That's me being a shite friend, forgive my language. I should've seen or known that you needed support. You needed to be able to depend on somepony...and that wasn't me. Well, no more. You're going to take some needed time off while I take the reigns. Celestia knows I have the face for it" Aria jested, flashing a brief smirk before assuming a serious air once again.
"But listen, you aren't taking off just yet. I agree that just sitting around isn't doing anyone any favours, but if these birds have any information that might help us, I for one am going to listen. But I assure you, once we've gotten everything we need to know, we're done here. There is absolutely no point in delaying any more than we have to. I can only hope that you'll still be around, because we need you...I need you. So, will you stay for just a bit longer? For me?"