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Everything posted by -Octavia-

  1. The image parodying Ghost in the Shell is very powerful. Thank you, Mr. Scribbler, for your work and your talent.
  2. I feel as though the argument is asinine, and not just regarding earth ponies. To suggest that any one of the three main races is superior to another undermines the quintessence of the show: harmony. There is no useless race, for each bore equal weight in their service to Equestria before the Alicorns arrived. But, for the sake of the original argument, let us reference canonical evidence regarding their usefulness: Hearth's Warming Eve http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Transcripts/Hearth's_Warming_Eve "During this frightful age, each of the three tribes – the Pegasi, the unicorns, and the Earth ponies – cared not for what befell the other tribes, but only for their own welfare. In those troubled times, as now, the Pegasi were the stewards of the weather. But they demanded something in return. Food that could only be grown by the Earth ponies." Now, I realize there will be some that cry "semantics!", and say that perhaps Pegasi and Unicorns have their own food, but simply prefer that which is grown by the Earth ponies. Let us for a moment put our target-audience caps on. How do you imagine they might interpret that phrase? Besides, later in the script, the Earth ponies are accused of "hogging all of the food," suggesting the other races do not, in fact, have means of getting sufficient amounts of it themselves. It is their passive magic, I suspect, that—as they physically interact with the earth, putting themselves into their work—is imbued in the crops. Not an effect that can be easily replicated, I think. Efficiency through the use of technology is another debate entirely, though perhaps one needs only to look to Smart Cookie growing a plant in her hoof over several seconds to see how potentially efficient they can be. Of course, we can still use the other side of the coin here as well, as we have seen Applejack running an industrialized Sweet Apple Acres in wartime. Which leads to another argument: how does one measure the capability of one race to another when each individual has a special talent they bring to Equestria? Not only special talents, but ones that transcend race? Earth ponies such as Prim Hemline, Hoity Toity, Suri Polomare, and Coco Pommel that have made names for themselves in fashion despite not having telekinesis like Rarity. Renowned musicians such as Octavia Melody, Fiddly Faddle (less so), Parish Nandermane, Coloratura, et al. who remain unassisted by magic unlike counterparts such as Lyra Heartstrings. Popstars like Sapphire Shores. Nurses like Redheart. Bussinessponies like Filthy Rich. Teachers like Cheerilee. Pastry chefs like the Cakes (and Pinkie). Are we saying that simply because these ponies are of a different race, they should be valued less? That they aren't as capable as they've proven themselves to be? That they should be cast aside because another race is theoretically inherently better? I'd hate to see the state of the world if that were the mindset today. I think someone even tried it once. *sigh* Apologies for the rant that went astray. Something about inequity always eats at me. They are fictional cartoon equines, not fictional cartoon tools to be measured for usefulness.
  3. Append my name the waiting list, if you please, for I wish to learn how to properly Role Play. Though I usually learn by doing, I could use a guiding hand in this. Perhaps it would be best for me to set aside my current style and begin anew with the basics. So, looking forward to being under the tutelage of experienced roleplayers.
  4. The spontaneous torrent of emotions had sent Aria's mind reeling, but the words on which she hung, along with Stellina's proximity, left her enraptured. Thoughts fled with reason as the warmth beckoned her to take some form of visceral action, leaving her uneasy as a slight blush began to burn its way into her cheeks. Vulnerability had created the most alluring sights and sounds, and through her eyes the light cast upon this scene was particularly rosy. But as the whispers subsided, she repressed a shiver, and once more the atmosphere between them took on a familial feeling. Aria allowed herself a moment of peace as she responded to Stellina's nudge with one of her own, and for good measure ruffled the pegasus's already disheveled mane. "Agreed, but er...," Aria's eyes briefly scanned the kitchen and adjoining room before coming up short two members, "I think joining the others will be a bit difficult when there's only one of them in the room." Motioning for Stardust to follow, Aria sauntered towards the Ranger. To her, Lilith seemed to be the most familiar with the griffons, though it was perhaps their status as Rangers with which she identified rather than understanding them as a species. Nevertheless she could only be a boon, given Aria's lack of experience with either party, and Aria needed to end this interaction swiftly yet carefully. Rather than coming to a stop in front of Lilith, she spared her a glance as she walked past. "Walk with me." Through the rest of the house and into the garden, Aria moved purposefully, each step bringing her closer to whatever lay waiting at the gazebo. Psych and Harcourt remained out of sight, but she had to press on without them. Lilith and Stellina would be enough, both guiding, one the heart and the other the mind. To be sure of the latter, she addressed Lilith. "I'm not a leader, Ms. Crow. I don't care much for it. I'm not one to impose my views on others, so I hold my tongue and keep my thoughts to myself. But as it is, things need to be done that we aren't doing with long talks and politics. So if you want to tag along, great; I'd value another set of opinions. But first I'm going to need to know what it is these Rangers are planning. You're a Ranger; One I hope is on our side. What's your take on them?"
  5. 'Twixt us there is little difference, or so I would like to think. Onwards, then, to claim myself.

    1. Randimaxis


      Be sure to bring your claim ticket.

  6. Though I use both hands as a musician, ambidexterity is the ability to use them both equally as well, and the motor skills with my left aren't quite as developed as my right. Perhaps something I should work on. Righty here.
  7. Hm. I agree with the sentiment but disagree with the examples. You overlooked perhaps one of the most crucial test errors: dichotomy. It is not an entirely invalid measure of one's type, but such tests as the ones linked will only lead to such results. If you aren't this letter, you're this letter. Hence the vague descriptions that lead to the Barnum effect (or Forer, as you call it. They are the same, at any rate). No, a far better measure would be a questionnaire or evaluation that rates your cognitive functions. These are the true traits working behind the scenes of MBTI, and each of us have four primary functions in random order. I, for instance, the ISTP, have Ti (introverted thinking) as my dominant function, Se (extraverted sensing) as my auxiliary, Ni (introverted intuition) as a tertiary, and Fe (extraverted feeling) as my inferior (and let me tell you, inferior Fe is a pain in the ass). Using cognitive functions, one can get a far better sense of how one processes and interacts with the world. Rather than looking at four letters and saying I'm introverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving, I can see where my best traits and flaws lie by the order of my functions. I absorb information best by physically interacting and commanding my environment (Se, my primary perceiving function), and process that information internally, comparing that information to a framework and seeing where it logically lies within a system (Ti). Now take a type that shares sensing and thinking in terms of the letter dichotomy. ISTJ. Compared to my Ti/Se/Ni/Fe, their function stack is Si/Te/Fi/Ne. Though we are both thinkers, my Ti processes things internally, where a system/framework must have a logical progression, and as such will constantly correct any inconsistencies it comes across. It is goal-oriented. Te (extraverted thinking) on the other hand focuses on and uses external evidence to establish some obvious proof. And it does so quite efficiently. It is object-oriented. And though we are both sensors, my Se is concerned with the concrete in the world. Not just what I can experience with my 5 senses, either, but observable trends/fashions/styles. Their Si, on the other hand, is focused on the internal: pain, hunger, numbness, what have you. Whatever the internal system is feeling. But also just as Se can follow the patterns in the world, Si is associated with remembering and preserving a past/established way of doing things. Just a few, not-particularly-in-depth examples, but it goes to show that the letter dichotomy of E v I, S v N, T v F, J v P isn't definitive. An ISTP and an ISTJ, though off by only a letter, are going to function/interact very differently in the world on average. Best to go further and measure your type by cognitive function rather than a few letters. It'll be the most accurate method in the end. But I appreciate the time you have put into your post, and your interest in the subject. Thank you for sharing. Also, I happen to know a few INFJs. You usually make for wonderful company. Octavia, ISTP
  8. Generosity is also five syllables. I am going to agree with the fake list and say Courage, even though we've yet to see any redeeming qualities about her that were not twisted by her pain.
  9. So this is it, then. I have felt more at ease in the face of Death. The world as Aria saw it changed perceptibly. Strings breaking, light dimming, silence ringing. No longer had she music to call her own, for isolation was solidifying around them until three became two as the two became one, and one of the two was leaving the rest. But it was not the words that had done it. It was the finality of it all, her last embrace, which lanced her heart mercilessly. A pain for which she would never have the words, but that did not stop it from consuming. But...I need-...I l-...what is this? I can't-...there's nothing...words can't...what would it take? But I'm not needed...it would be selfish. I...have to let go. And I'm not sure which is more devastating...the loss, or that it's a choice. But couldn't I just-...I mean I could just...go. Along. Maybe? She's in pain...and...I can't do anything else...maybe...maybe it could be like it was before they arrived. If I just... Aria took a few steps toward the light. It was a tantalizing notion, one that had helped dry her eyes somewhat. That they might have the adventure they wanted, to explore land and sky together, alone, undeterred by whatever chaos was consuming the western world. Just blissful existence. And yet... ...no. I can't. I'm sorry, Stellina. I should have seen... "And then..." Me. How...selfish I have been to not have thought of others before myself. To withdraw without a thought of you even after what we've shared. Inaction has gotten the best of me, it seems. But no more. You have held the candle between us for far too long, and it seems the heat is finally getting to you. Now allow me to return the favour. She strode silently, purposefully, the rest of the way, meeting Stellina's shoulder with a hoof. "I do believe I owe you an apology. Unfortunately for you, I never was able to apologise with words all that well." Aria allowed a small but reassuring smile to pull at her lips. She needed to make each word count, now when it mattered most, before either of them lost the world. And Stellina's eyes allowed her to do just that. Meeting them, and keeping their gaze, the cerulean hue a sea in which to lose oneself exploring, instilling in Aria the desire to express, to seek, to know, to laugh, to play. To live. To... "I don't think I'll ever be able to express how amazing you have been today, which saddens me...because you are a beautiful individual who deserves to be appreciated. And I don't think you hear that often enough. From...me. What you've done...I mean, the confidence, yes, I knew you had some, but to wield it with such grace...I'll admit, it felt like you were slipping away. Because even if I had never thought that you were too good for me before, you certainly were then. Is this an excuse to distance myself? No. That's me being a shite friend, forgive my language. I should've seen or known that you needed support. You needed to be able to depend on somepony...and that wasn't me. Well, no more. You're going to take some needed time off while I take the reigns. Celestia knows I have the face for it" Aria jested, flashing a brief smirk before assuming a serious air once again. "But listen, you aren't taking off just yet. I agree that just sitting around isn't doing anyone any favours, but if these birds have any information that might help us, I for one am going to listen. But I assure you, once we've gotten everything we need to know, we're done here. There is absolutely no point in delaying any more than we have to. I can only hope that you'll still be around, because we need you...I need you. So, will you stay for just a bit longer? For me?"
  10. Cheers. You were my 1000th brohoof.

    1. Stardust*


      YEAH! Because I'm that awesome! :D

  11. Heh...I hyped myself up a bit too much for such a small post. *grins sheepishly*
  12. "A bit for your thoughts?" A slight shadow cast upon Stardust's muzzle called Aria, who sauntered towards the solitary comfort amidst the unknown. It was a rare sight for her to behold, indicating that the pegasus needed somepony at which she could vent. Accustomed to the plights of others, herself being still of mind, Aria played the role of ears well. And so she would wait, poised to listen, yet never to speak. Advice was never her forte.
  13. Now prepare to give him a lengthy speech about loyalty. Anyways, I live, in more ways than one. Hopefully I can redeem myself with a post by tomorrow, now that I am in a frame of mind to write one. Just thinking of something that doesn't seem forced.
  14. -Octavia-

    request shop Peri's Pony Headshots

    That it is, that it is. I do appreciate it, thank you.
  15. -Octavia-

    request shop Peri's Pony Headshots

    If I may: http://orig00.deviantart.net/5491/f/2015/286/4/b/monotone_at_the_gala_by_wubtavia-d9czoj5.png
  16. Aria has fallen into aggressive apathy is currently contemplating her existence. She shall be with you momentarily, I hope.
  17. How are you getting along, love?

    1. Adri


      I left as soon as I came

  18. Peacefully pondering paragons of propriety in prolix prose, perhaps pretentiously.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randimaxis


      Righteously rolling realizations reap rational reactions from the restless return of royally remiss realities... really.

    3. -Octavia-


      Disreputable dignitaries disseminate dissent by disparaging destitute denizens with derision, declaring them a dissonant distemper to the domicile.

    4. Randimaxis


      Xerophilous xeroxes of xenomanic Xanthocroi e-Xamples caused xerophthalmy.

  19. I really, really wish I hadn't tried writing that at 12AM on mobile. There is no way I can do your post justice.
  20. A shard of ice through the heart. The idea of Death held a morbid beauty for Aria. The idea, but never the thing itself, for it was accompanied by those things which affected her most strongly. Loss. Grief. She stood watching the procession with utmost sorrow, but never making a sound. As much as her heart was collapsing under the pain, as much as she wanted to sob so uncontrollably that everything ceased to exist, her tears remained silent. They always were. There was little she could do as each moment of agony she laid eyes on tore away another bit of her soul. Slowly, deliberately, she drew from her back her soul. Looking down at the masterfully crafted instrument, she positioned herself in preparation to play, to show, to heal. The familiar touch between hoof and neck felt like old friends picking up where they left off, as though the years of separation were just interesting flashes of sights and sounds. Indeed the last time she had played was on an occassion much like this one, sharing the burden of grief with a friend who had no one else in the world. With hooves in place, swallowing as much sorrow as she could to make it through the piece, she began to strum. It was simple rhythm, perhaps less then what Trivy deserved, but the words would be what Harcourt needed to hear, to feel, for better or worse. She could only surmise so much from his eulogy, but it would be enough...she had seen enough of the hooded figure's work in her life to put together the rest. As she strummed the last chords, she let out a shaky breath, ready to lose herself once more in that abyss that so often sought her company in her dreams.
  21. I would like to think I have a special talent as a musician, but whilst I am good, I am by no means special. I suppose my kinesthetic nature might be a talent of sorts...to learn things by doing, to feel how to move through an environment fluidly/efficiently, to understand the physical mechanics/nature of things I come in contact with. At any rate, I have an aptitude for interacting with the physical world.
  22. *taps hooves together nervously* I'm not sure how it's going to play out, or if you'll want her there...and I'm not even a songwriter or anything, so it would be more me picking out a song that already exists that's poignant and fitting, but...if Aria got to play a piece during the memorial, she...I would be grateful and honoured.
    1. Stardust*


      Absolutely beautiful! Brilliant my friend, brilliant!

  23. Hm. Not sure about most sinister, but Nightmare Moon absolutely had the best presence. That throne shot was just...hnnng.
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