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Everything posted by -Octavia-

  1. Because what is logic? And being a native has nothing to do with it, I would imagine. The mane 6 became Crystal Ponies after the heart was restored. That said, the effects are probably limited to the Empire, and not outside of it.
  2. Thank you for sharing this amazing message.
  3. Wubtavks Wubrvis Wubtabja WubfaVh AJ fabj Whbravia Wintavia < F#$% yes. Wubtavia First try! (Eh, what can I say? iPod Touch)
  4. Done. Now to spend Nov. 1st to Nov. 29 thinking about which letter to type. On a(nother) serious note. I wish the best of luck to those participating, and look forward to seeing as much of the work produced as I can.
  5. We already got a similar episode in Baby Cakes. Not that they won't do it, but it would feel rather repetitive. Also...that spoiler in the title...
  6. Magic: The Gathering. A trading card game...it has quite a sizable following.
  7. I think it limits creativity a bit, which should ultimately be a guiding force to creating an OC. I do believe it can be a great starting point for working with color schemes, however, or getting ideas in general. After that, I would recommend vectoring some bases from the show so you have accurate proportions with which to work from there on out.
  8. Oi. Shouldn't you be asleep?

    1. Pucksterv


      Hehe, yeah but I had to finish a drawing first so took a bit longer c:

  9. @, We'll see how fortunate you are... Balancing the glass in her hoof, she swirled its contents to let it breathe. The resulting aroma she inhaled had noticeable traces of oak, whilst the colour, though naturally light, suggested the drink was still in its youth. It was undoubtedly a Modernist variety, if indeed it was Barolo at all. Preferring the Traditionalist's soft but tannic taste and structure, she considered the glass for a moment before passing over it. "Perhaps another time," she said, hoofing the glass back to Strike. "As it is, I must be off. Guests to entertain and whatnot. I wouldn't wish to impede my ability to play just yet."
  10. When it first came out, I used to play it all the time. I was ranked the best in several categories for the first month or so I should get back into it. Maybe. Sounds like they've added a lot since last I played.
  11. Not much point in sharing irrelevant information, to be honest. So, inside.
  12. What? I was just commenting on Twilight's pronunciation of the word "aunt".
  13. Twilight is an ant, confirmed. Here I was thinking she was going to be an aunt.
  14. I like them. Still own the same pair four years later, and they're just as good as when I first bought them. Of course, your experience may vary drastically...I've heard of people's P11s breaking after a number of months. Not sure why that would happen unless they aren't taking care of their headset. For the price, they're good. Hardly the best, but since I had upgraded from some $20 Rocketfish headset, the difference to me was night and day. It won't pick up every little sound, but the positioning of the sounds it does pick up is handy. Not overly comfortable on the head at first, but you get used to the weight. Might need to adjust the length of the headset several times, as your ears could get sore after a while.
  15. I just don't do them. Peer pressure was never a weak spot for me. Total straight edge, here.
  16. It was to be expected, I suppose. Libertarian Leftist, though I'm close to the center on both axes.
  17. Dem hazel eyes, tho... And for doodling over your assignments.
  18. Sit back with a Nebbiolo and ponder how someone on the Internet plans to do such a thing.
  19. Aria's body steadily grew numb, but the feeling was not the sea's doing. Drying her face again—for it had apparently become wet of its own accord—she stumbled over to the wheel, where a griffon currently sat in command. Under different circumstances, she perhaps would have cared that neither of the mares that had seen this boat to fruition weren't in control of it. She perhaps would have taken pride in showing the others around the ship, highlighting all the little ideas and inventions put into it that stood out from all the other bland ships that use to sail to and from the harbor in their time. As it was, she could not even bring herself to form a complete sentence. It was perhaps for the best, as the griffon abandoned the wheel for some purpose...she couldn't quite catch the words. Watching the blind one take it in their hooves, she looked to the series of levers that stood beside it. There was no point in floating along any longer than necessary...there was no saving the unicorn. They could only look forwards, to the Griffon Kingdom. Halfheartedly, she pushed the nearest lever, staring blankly past it. With a lurch, the ship began to surge faster through the waters, which churned in their wake as though from the fury of a mythological creature. For years Aria had tinkered, attempting to recreate the driving force behind the Friendship Express, that train which once connected all of Equestria in more harmonious times. Whenever she had spent time on her project, her thoughts always fled to the same place; the desire for freedom, for a carefree life, was too strong to ignore. With the boat, she and Star could have explored the open waters, where millions of stars would be strewn across the canvas of the night, each one with the potential to be a shining jewel waiting to be discovered. Star would, of course, have been the navigator, letting the stars in which she so often lost herself be their guide. They'd sail to faraway lands with constellations never beheld on this side of Equestria, each a piece of an infinite puzzle with everchanging pictures to be drawn in the sky. Star would've like that, she knew. It was now a dream deferred, perhaps indefinitely. That the engine worked now was but a bitter victory, as they left behind the only reason that they were still living. She stood against bitter wind, turning to look at the spot where the unicorn had been lost until it faded from sight, oblivious to all else but the indifferent depths to which they all must return someday.
  20. I like it, but mebbe I'm just weird like that. I mean, between the two, American vs Italian, I sing this one at the top of my lungs along with all the other Italians beside me at the time doing the same. Fills me with pride a lot more than Star Spangled Banner...prolly because the title is "Brothers of Italy".
  21. Was waiting for a certain hyperactive, sword-wielding stag before I posted this, but meh. Reliving childhood ftw: http://vocaroo.com/i/s014qq6XOuUg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Octavia-


      Goldenrod City, from Pokémon G/S/C.


      I should prolly look into some FF as well, though.

    3. long gone

      long gone

      Ah. Kinda sounded like Final Fantasy to me for some reason.

    4. Stardust*
  22. You mean...like this? I'd prolly respond thusly: "Just to piss you off." Though I believe Anderson's response was "Because I choose to."
  23. Going to put a stop to that. Now Ruby will post.
  24. Right, because roughly only one year has passed between the first season and now. Which means each season took place only in a handful of months. Them not changing in appearance makes sense (aside from Alicorn Twilight).
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