Aria considered the pegasus before her for a moment before letting a small smile play upon her muzzle. "You give me far too much credit, Stellina," said Aria lightly, ruffling her partner's mane. With that, she began a slow march towards the house, lightly brushing Stellina with her tail as she passed.
Far too much credit...
O what fickle thing you are, mind, accepting the self but not as a whole. And to let no one in whilst wanting assurance, and then rejecting assurance upon receiving it. Such can only be detrimental to your, no, my state of mind. Caught in a cycle of wanting nothing yet everything, yet perhaps still just one thing. But what? Oft do emotions elicit illogical responses, yet discriminating against them is folly...somehow. And those words, why does she say them? And why do I care? For the words? Obviously I care about her...is that not clear? And...why? Just why? Why, mind, are you leaving me in this state? Clear thyself of such thoughts, lest I become some incomprehensible husk, for I cannot hope to function well with feelings on my tongue.
So speak, you fool. You know not of what she wants. You know not of what you yourself want. You pride yourself on living in the moment? Then live in this one. Speak your mind, for once, voice your concerns. Not with that flippant tongue, but with the tongue you hardly use that wants only to appease the heart. You do have one, yes? A heart?
"Hey. You know I would never leave you."