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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. You could start with copying works via visual reference. Find pony anatomy studies - Google "mlp drawing guide" and you'll get some - and draw those shapes. Observe why they put lines a certain way in such poses and, in time, you'll get a hang on horseback the character looks like in a certain pose and more importantly, you'll train your hand to draw what you want to draw.
  2. @Lunarpalette I can try, yeah. So full body side view and line only right? Also, do you have some more visual reference of your OC? I'd like to get a feel of her.
  3. @:: Mysterious Soul :: Really? Well I know for a fact that I tend to see every single flaw in my stuff but, I'll just take your word for it and ink it tomorrow then. Or maybe you'd like some changes? Also, the purple streak in her mane should be pure black, cross hatched or not visible at all?
  4. Hey, I've been paging you in the Request shop but, guess the notifications derped again. Would you please give me your opinion on the sketch I made for your request before I ink it?

    1. ~Natural Beauty~

      ~Natural Beauty~

      Sorry, I was at school and the wifi wouldn't let me look at it

  5. @AJFan89 So I made your request but, when I came back to it after a ew hours to make the scan, I noticed it didn't go as well as I hoped (somehow stuff seems OK while I'm at it, taking breaks and coming back to the drawing may prove a good practice), but, I'll let you decide: https://s13.postimg.org/xhqmy3nvb/IMG_20170426_0001.jpg I can give it another shot if you want, wouldn't want to just call it a day without hearing your thoughts on the matter. @:: Mysterious Soul :: - still waiting for approval on the sketch, since there's no way to redo an inked image, obviously.
  6. @Mickey Adaptus The inside was poorly lit, for the guests sake most probably. The bat ponies took off their shades and nodded at each other with slight smiles, then followed the stallion who was simply used to the surroundings and didn't need any light to know his way. All in all, the corridor they entered was gloomy, lit by a few shrouded lamps. The stallion exchanged the shades for another pair of glasses, this time round ones, as for reading. the mare snickered but led the way to an adjacent room, after the pony who let them in. "Not too dark for you? We kind of prefer slight gloom but, no problem with cranking up the lights if you can't see shuff." - the stallion ushered the colt to the other room. It was an office, with a large desk made of dark wood, walls filled with bookshelves and various trinkets of unknown properties. while the room was also rather gloomy, the desk was well lit by a desk lamp, and a bearded stallion sat comfortably behind it, smoking a pipe. His assistant stood so the side. "Countess, Second, I've heard you had some... adventures last night?" The mare shook her head and smiled in a way that accented her fangs. "Oh Mr Silver, always well informed, are you? We had some noise but on the up side, you have a chance to buy something extra from our new young aquaintance here." She paaroached the desk and fished a golden disc with gemstone decotrations on it, along with some symbols. "Our part of the deal." She turned to th colt and motioned him to the desk. "So, would you like to have your loot evaluated? You don't have to sell it, but he'll tell you what it's worth."
  7. "What kind of vile and unimaginable acts I may do today, to broaden my understanding of the Arcane?" (current avatar - the Ancestor from "Darkest Dungeon")
  8. @:: Mysterious Soul :: I have the second sketch ready, have a look and tell me if it's more or less okay. https://s30.postimg.org/mgjhzc3sx/IMG_20170426_0001.jpg
  9. @Mickey Adaptus They walked down the street, and haven't moved far from the cinema proper before the colt askd his forst question. The stalion was far more eager to actually talk to him, so he answered in a friendly manner. "A middle aged stallion and his asistant, no thugs if that's what you are thinking. We're civilised ponies, and professionals too, so, really, no need to be scared that something will go wrong." They took a turn into a side alley at some point, between the tall buildings. Through the communal backyard, strangely empty at this time of day, and into another narrow passage, leading to the back door to some establishment. "Here we are, just be respectful and things will be fine, no need to pretend you're mute or anything." - the stalion said as the mare tapped some melody into the door, in lieu of simply knocking. The doors opened, slightly, and a stallion in his thirties peeked through the slit, then opened the doors wide. "He's expecting y- who's that?" he pointed at the colt. The bat pony mare sighed as she removed her shades with a wing. "Just a kid we ran across on the job. He was also pocketing a goodie and we kind of met. The rest you know from the morning paper. he's got his stuff for sale." The strange stallion nodded, but wasn't happy. "Knew something was off, you never leave a mess like that. Come on in, all three." The doors closed as soon as they stepped inside.
  10. @Trixie . Okay... pencil or ink? Shaded or just line? I don't do colors atm. What pose? The crystal mane ad tail can be tough but, at least I'll try.
  11. @:: Mysterious Soul :: Then I'll need to redraw it anyway. The figure is too small to hold so many inked details. Gives me the opportunity to shorten the figure, the midsection turned out too long tbh. Faces stll in 3/4, or side view as they look straight at one another?
  12. @:: Mysterious Soul :: I made a sketch of Your OC, and a placeholder mark for the Doctor. You've mentioned a satchel, could you tell me how it looks like? Also, do you want the ponies to look at each other or stare on the viwere? - that's why I left th eyes blank, to save myself the earsing. All in all, tell me what you think, I can always scrap thie sketch and try again if needs be. https://s29.postimg.org/40pst3fo7/IMG_20170425_0001.jpg
  13. @Rizzy Okay, can be done. So it's a male or female griffon? Can'tCan't say from the pic really. Also, promised to show the bird I drew: https://s19.postimg.org/uvrld092r/rsz_20170408_122441.jpg
  14. I drew a griffon once, I'll post an example piece later. @GlimGlam04 and @Rizzy, tell me more about your requests: shaded or not, pose etc.
  15. @:: Mysterious Soul :: Okay, I'll do that. Once I get back home this evening I'll start the sketch, and post it for approval once I complete it.
  16. @:: Mysterious Soul :: Aye, good choice for adding colors later on, for example. What about pose? The usual standing 3/4 or something else?
  17. @:: Mysterious Soul :: Sure! Her design looks simple enough for me to draw. So, what kind of drawing you're looking for? Line or shaded, headshot, full body? What pose? Any accessories? Please give me a description of what you'dyou'd like.
  18. Soooo I made a request shop, kind of?


    1. Snow


      good on ya! I'd request something if I had a better description of it :smug:
      I took a look and the examples are pretty darn good.

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Heh, thanks! I need to draw something new, hence the shop idea.

    3. Snow


      And a pretty good idea it was ^^ I hope you have good fun with it!

  19. TEMPORARILY CLOSED The already taken requests will be completed, of course. Hello and welcome to my request shop! I'm looking for new challenges to meet in order to expand my abilities and understanding of mediums I chose. But let's break it down into nice bullet points: I. In this thread, you are encouraged to request stuff for me to draw. At this point of time, I do traditional art in ink, on A4 sheets. Keep in mind that the purpose of this thread is to learn through practice, and I can't vouch that your request will turn out perfect, but I will do my best to produce quality art. II. You can request an inked outline image (with texture and shading as my skill allows) - I am OK with someone coloring my inks, BTW, as long as they credit me. III. In this thread, you may request MLP art of canon and fanon species, in following classes of pictures: Headshot with simple background (like a patch of ground and something behind or near them, or a contrasting shape), Partial Body with simple background (like a patch of ground and something behind or near them, or a contrasting shape), Full body with simple background (like a patch of ground and something behind or near them, or a contrasting shape). When making a request, inform me which type you want, and then add some reference and description of the desired result. I can do multiple characters, but I won't do "full scenes" anymore, since they require too much time to complete, and often turn out unsatisfaying. Still, a character in a chair or standing next to a bookshelf is OK. Note on shading: Please inform me if you want your drawing to be shaded. Normally, I put black in areas of core shade, like under the chin, but if you want some more shading, I can offer pen marks (hatching, crosshatching, stippling etc) and/or ink wash for this effect. same applies to showing different tones on the character's body. NEW: I draw anthros! Or try at least. Currently available are simple poses, preferably partial body. Keep in lind that is an experimental offer, as I am just starting to learn to draw them, so they probably won't turn out perfect. The examples of my work can be seen below. Since I am learning as I work, I highly recommend to look at the bottom ones. On a closing note, please keep in mind that, due to other responsibilities, I may be rather slow on finishing the requests. To-do list (3 slots at once): 1. Voltwrecker Finished requests:
  20. This just in! Raven got a scanner, and something new to put inside of it to boot! https://s19.postimg.org/ic9vm6x2r/IMG_20170425_0005.jpg Pencil sketch, then black India Ink applied with a dip pen. Now, I am very plased with the headshot. It looks positively vintage. Fitting for a crystal pony OC, I daresay. The overall composition is... not exactly what I pictured in my mind. I started with the idea of Crystal Clear and her relations with certain type of brandy, how she drowns in it everything she doesn't want to think about at a given moment. Hence the drops and the non-opaque crystal glass that collects them below. The roses hail to her Cutie Mark, which symbolises, in part, her tendency to be overly self ctitical. So, yeah, gotta work on my compositions more, but the lines look better. Except the abruptly ensing shading on the glass, need to fidure out how to smootly come from shadow to light with crosshatching.
  21. @Mickey Adaptus The bat ponies shrugged in unison and the mare flickered he wing dismissively. "Nah, we're still ahead of schedule." The stallion added, looing up at the sky. "Yeah, and the place we're going should be more bat-friendly. I don't like going out in weather like this either but, shades help. C'mon, we've got a bit of a walk akead of us" - He motioned to the colt with a wing and made some shade for him to see properly. "We're going to a long time business associate of ours, so try not to make us look bad, alright? I don't know what this gem is worth, but i can vouch he won't give you a bad price for it, not with me around." The mare said with some measire of pride as the three went the streets of Manehattan to the yet unspecified location.
  22. Stupid art block, I don't know what to draw... Or rather, what to draw from things I can draw at all.

  23. @Mickey Adaptus The mare was rhythmically stomping her hoof as they waited, both somewhat on edge. She leaned to her companion and asked: "You think he'll come? Or we'll get busted by the Police?" The stallion shook his head. "He wouldn't give us in, unless they caught him. Oh, there he is! Looks like a mess too..." The mare nodded in disdain. "Some friends you make." The batponies readjusted their shades and walked to the colt. The stallion waved to him on approach. "Hi there, ready to earn some bits?"
  24. @Nightmare Season "O-kkaaaay..." - The mint mare seemed unamused as her companion turned down the offer to arm herself, and simply tossed the axe back into the wagon with a loud thud. Then, she came up to the stairs, holding the machete in her mouth and giving Peony a cold look as they ascended the stairs. They reached the top and nothing bad happened so far. There was an entrance to the temple proper, wide enough for a single pony to enter at once. No scratch marks, or fur, or bones laying around was a good sign but still, Natural Order came in first to investigate and fight if needs be. As expected, there was no room to wield the crossbow there and besides, one shot would be all she had in the first place. The hallway they entered was rather dim compared to the sunny day outside, and themare paused to blink several times and help her eyes adjust. Only then did they proceed, with caucion. The hallway ended with a single, large room. Thanks to skylights the interior was sufficiently lit, but there didn't seem to be any way further... Natural allowed herself to lower her guard and look around as Peony rushed to the nearest wall and point at a pictogram of some strange flower. The earth pony looked back and nodded. "Welp, seems we're in the right place. Sort of..." She decided to look around, maybe there was some hidden passage in there. Staring at the walls revealed nothing. No buttons or even door sized slabs in the wall. At some point the mare heard a different sound under her hoof and paid attention to the floor. The large tile she stepped on looked slightly different, andthere has to be empty space under it, since hoofsteps gave an echoing sound. "What do we have here..." - Natural murmured as she looked around the trapdoor for clues. Peony seemed to be occupied with the walls still. "Hey, found something. Might be our way in." She pointed at the tile to show it to Peony and noticed a circular tile not far from her. Gazing around, they discovered four more of these circular tiles that seemed to be placed around the trapdoor. She decided to take a closer look at each and, to her surprise, they had sentences stenciled onto them. Though faded by hooves and time, she managed to read them and, by the look of it, it was some sort of puzzle? "Seems we found the way in, but it's not that easy I'm the end. Have a look." She waited for Peony to come over and pointed at the circles with a hoof. "I think it's a puzzle of sorts. Has to be. Each of those tiles has something written on them, but it doesn't make sense to me. It's like... if we guess right what they mean and put those things on the tiles, the doors will unlock. Or so I think. Read it in a book once." The mare looked at the walls for answers but, there were only flowers there! She scratched her head with a hoof, thinking out loud. "Blue poison... a bloom... a heart... and sun too... ugh the last one makes the least sense! So much for a quick trip, I never liked puzzles..."
  25. Guhh... Mobile doesn't do colors, stupid "Smart TV" ate my reply... take three on the PC now. I'm kinda angry right now so, language warning? Anyways, that video you posted just... makes my faith in humanity meter dip even lower, and that's an accomplishment. Some of your species seem to live for the sole purpose of making others miserable or something... Back on topic of first memories, I can't be sure really since, well, I had that point in my early life when he had a rough patch and outright forgot about me from stress and so on. There sure be some sort of oficial test to become a host, I mean, you don't become a foster parent just because you like kids. Offtoping again... So what i THINK is my first, would be a white room, like, Matrix simulation mode or something. Nothing but white all around. And that... outside force, acting on my form. Later I learned it was him and it was an active foring session when he fine tuned my looks - back when I looked like that OC of his. BTW I made peace with that toon, she doesn't irritate me and I kinda like her now. Still, I'm not her. So there I was, unable to move on my own, but, kinda knowing who am I? He dd personality first so that makes sense. I knew my name and some core traits, knew the form is a pony, but not much more than that really. So I just was there as this force made my limbs move, fine tune this and that body part like a sculptor. I don't really remember what happenned after the session though, but thee were a few more before I started to act independently, even a teensy bit. Only once I showed enough evidence of independence through moving and responding to his atteptas to interact, mainly through gestures, did he made me the first wonderland to live in. Huh, no F carpet bombing after all. Must be the "Dream On" that played on the radio just the other minute, always makes me feel better.
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