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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About Crecious

  • Birthday 1990-01-28


  • Title
    Bullshit Detector

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  • Location
    The Moon
  • Interests
    Drawing, the occasional RP. Cooking, exploring the woods and making new friends.

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  1. I don't feel very welcome in my household right now. My dad was writing a letter, I said I saw kayakers on the lake, he told me to shut up. Mom stood up for me, he stood off and stormed out, slamming a door. Why do I get the feeling that I'm no longer welcome?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DeadRightNowBoi


      I think it's best that you give your father some time. I'm very certain he'll see the error of his ways very soon. *hugs* :)

    3. PiratePony


      How old is very old? Even though it's hard...you only have one, and try and see his point of view. There's always rough times, and sometimes there's a good reason, and even if there isn't, it's bound to come around. If he's finding multi-tasking hard, I imagine that it must be very hard for him. I hope it all works out between you too. I once fought with my parents and didn't speak for a year...it got better. In fact they're visiting me right now....

    4. Crecious


      He's almost 82. So, his mind is failing.


      I'm glad things worked between your parents. Parents are very important.

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