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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


Poniverse Staff
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Status Updates posted by Batbrony

  1. Oooooooo, I love this new banner! Derpy don't give a buck about Nightmare Moon, she just derps along. XD Happy Nightmare Night ya'll!!! :D

    1. Noei


      yes,happy nightmare night then.

    2. Jeric


      Happy Nightmare Night!

    3. CheeryFox
  2. Oooooo, Bat-Rarity. The Batbrony is pleased by this. :3 Anyways, just wanted to say congrats on the new Poniverse newsletter! Just read through it, and it looks great! I'll forward for next month's the three Poniverse Nightmare Night winning entries and their reviews to you, if you want. :)

    1. Batbrony


      Oh, and I know you said that your writers can do reviews for featured fics, but these reviews are for the contest, so it's fine for me to write them this time. :)

    2. Jeric


      Danka on both the avatar and the Newsletter. And that would be perfect. XD

  3. Hey man, loved your contest entry and definitely plan on checking out more of your work on Fimfic. If you get a chance to look at it, I'd love to hear what you think of my fic Batmare Begins: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/79481/batmare-begins

    1. ThisAccountIsDead


      I would absolutely do that! and thank you for your praise, oh dark one :P

    2. Batbrony


      Darn right I'm the dark one! Look how serious I take my job.



    3. ThisAccountIsDead


      quite the batmare, I'd say.

  4. Welcome, welcome, welcome new PR staffer! :D

  5. Hello friend, long time no see! Looky what I got!!! https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8335141888/hD6DE46A4/

    1. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      Diabetes! <3 Thanks for sharing. :3

    2. Batbrony


      Of course, always happy to share diabetes. XD

    1. Stellafera


      Awww, for me? Thanks!


      I suppose I've been a bit Applejacky lately, actually. More social life, more work, but the business level that I'm at is making me feel more productive and happy.


      Also, I've been watching Gravity Falls. Dipper is literally 12-13 year old me I cannot believe

    2. Stellafera


      *Is it business or busyness?

    3. Batbrony


      Nice! And I don't know, it might be busyness in this instance, LOL. I've been quite busy myself; grad school is pretty killer, but fun all the same. Glad to hear everything's going well on your end! :3

  6. 829 pages read in 3 days. That is all. Also, love the new banner. http://media.giphy.com/media/IOCXHPvn3WErm/giphy.gif

  7. Huh... so "Gotham's" pretty good so far. Definitely a fan of seeing more the city in the years before Batman. Ben McKenzie seems to make a good Jim Gordon. All in all, definitely think I'll keep watching this.

  8. Got to go back home to good ol' St. Joseph, MI for some poker with some of my high school football buddies last night. Had a great time, and just happy I could get back at all! :D

  9. Off to some graduate school TA (teachers' assistant) training. Wish me luck ya'll! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Batbrony


      Thanks guys, orientation was fun! Looking forward to working with some actual students. :D Oh, and Artemoose is EPIC!!!!!

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Glad to hear it turned out so well. Keep us posted. :)



      And thanks! I think my rack is glorious. x)

    4. SCS


      I'm glad it went well :D

  10. Hey ya'll, guess what? New chapter of Batmare Begins, that's what!!! Click on the link below to find out more!!! http://mlpforums.com/topic/107731-batmare-begins-chapter-7/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DND


      I will! I really enjoy your story~ c:

    3. Batbrony


      Aw shucks, thanks! :3

    4. DND


      Of course~ You're a pretty cool~

  11. *gasp* There's a Derpy-pet in the Xbox Live Avatar store... I NEED THIS!!!

  12. Awwwww yeah. Just beat Bioshock Infinite on 1999 mode. 50/50 of the game's original achievements, 1,000 sweet achievement points in the bag!!! And no, I have no intention of playing Burial at Sea anytime soon. Next up on my game list, the LONGGGGGG overdue playthrough of ME3 that I've waited far too long to get to!!!

    1. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      Tell me, when you beat ME3, what you think of the ending.

    2. Nuke87654
    3. Batbrony


      It's basically Infinite's equivalent of Insanity or Legendary, basically a Very Hard mode (the hardest thing was just scavenging items for an achievement instead of buying them from vending machines, but I practiced that on my Hard playthrough, so it wasn't that bad, and actually got easier as the game progressed). And I'll be sure to do so Ezio, I've heard much about it. ;)

  13. I know you've had this avvie for awhile, but I just gotta say this: apparently someone's on an Anna-kick right now. XD See Frozen recently, or just really like her character? ;)

    1. SCS


      Both :D I love Frozen, and her character is awesome

    2. Batbrony


      That she is, that she is. :3

  14. Myself, my mom, my sis, my aunt and my uncle showing up and surprising my Gma and Gpa on their 50th wedding anniversary = awesome, awesome, SO AWESOME!!! :D

  15. Happy birthday buddy!!! :D

  16. God's blessings and safe travels to anybody travelling to BronyCon this weekend. Stay safe and have fun ya'll!!! :D :D :D

    1. kelseymarie805


      Yes definitely!!

  17. Hey man, you doing alright? :)

  18. So much unpacking and shopping for groceries in the last two days! Still, all things considered, it's hard to believe that the only major thing really left to get for my apartment is a couch (though I was up till about 4 in the morning last night unpacking, so I guess it's not so suprising XD).

    1. Shanks


      That is one busy night, I don't know what time you usually go to bed but either way get some rest.

    2. Batbrony


      Oh don't worry, I did. It was well worth the effort though. And no, I don't usually go to bed at that time, but I'm young, I can manage. :)

    3. Shanks


      That is really not that far from the time I wake up actually, sometime between 5-6 depending on the day for me. I remember when I was on the graveyard shift (11pm-7:30am) and went to bed in the afternoon so I could last longer until the fatigue inevitably hit me.

  19. One of the most gorgeous pieces of cosplay I've ever seen!!! Doesn't hurt that Tali's my favorite romance from ME. http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/075/0/a/tali___hope_by_hidrico-d4sxs5u.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Batbrony


      Oh yeah, I- wait... what are we talking about? X_X *proceeds to ponder that question for some time*

    3. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      I dunno, turians or something?

    4. Batbrony


      Whatever, all I know is that you humans are all racist.


  20. A big thank you to everybody who was kind enough to wish me a happy birthday yesterday!!! I love all ya'll!!! :D :D :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clod
    3. Thrashy


      Dammit, this is what I get for sticking to PM chats and ignoring the rest of the forums. X)


      Day-late happy birthday. Hope you had a great day. :P

    4. Batbrony


      Thanks man, I did! :D

  21. Off to grab some birthday pizza and drinks at Silver Beach Pizza!!! Later guys!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Batbrony


      Thank you very much Blue for what you were going to say. :P

    3. Nouth


      Hey, late happy birthday because timezones x3

    4. Batbrony


      Thank you Nouth! :D

  22. So apparently Batman's 75th anniversary is specifically being celebrated TODAY (on Facebook at least) on my birthday. This is far too appropriate to be coincidental. XD https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/batman75?source=whfrt&position=3&trqid=6039275893350345506

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kelseymarie805


      Happy Birthday to both of you!!! :D

    3. Batbrony


      Thank you kelseymarie, and happy birthday Dsanders!!! :D

    4. Jeric


      Happy Bday!

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