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Status Updates posted by twiia

  1. hhhh I haven't been here in a long time and sorta forgotten how things work

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. twiia


      I suppose that makes sense

      I am Twiia, formerly Queen Twii the infamous 11 year old post spammer if you remember that time period. I'm 13 now and I spend more time drawing than posting, which can be a good thing. How did I get to the Pony rank in less than a year without roleplaying? It's because of what I did in the summer of 2016, and I don't feel good about it.

    3. Babyyoshi309


      I have been on for almost 3 years and I am only bird. :orly:

    4. twiia


      That's probably better than what I did. I got a good amount of hate from my shitty behavior back in the day.

      I literally made 1500+ posts over the span of two moons.... how is that even possible without roleplay? ah yes, posting in every thread imaginable as soon as someone responds after me

  2. Today... my rabbit Oreo died. He still had a good 5 or 6 years before him, and he died suddenly in what appeared to be sleep. He was one of the only ones who wouldn't mind me venting, and petting him almost always makes me feel better. He was also really cute. Worst of all... my family blames me for his death. I already have enough to deal with, but grief, with a side of blame, is making this worse. I can't bring myself to finish 12 commissions, when Oreo's on my mind. Still don't know the cause of death. Yesterday, I noticed he had blood on his nose and he wasn't jumping around outside and he rejected our greens and ate grass instead. His heart seemed to be beating faster than normal. He also seemed abnormally warm, like he was running a fever. But... maybe his death is my fault. I was the one who first noticed the symptoms. I should have told my parents, but I didn't, and simply tried to convince myself it was nothing. I know my dad thinks it's illogical to take anything other than a dog or cat to the vet, but he said that in extreme circumstances, we would rush over to the nearest vet (only about 15 minutes away). So... maybe I am the one to blame. And I need to finish 12 commissions... can I have some time to... grieve and then try getting over my eh, issues.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Damn it...That is rough. :c This month will mark 1 year since my dog died. It is painful. It isn't your fault though. People underestimate things all the time, I think it is human nature. I hope the pain will subside soon for you.

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      I'm sorry... May he rest in peace.

    3. Denim&Venöm


      My condolences. I know how you feel. I lost my one of my cats last month after 14 years together. Similar disease that claimed another one of my cats a few years prior. 

      Don't blame yourself, as that will solve nothing. Blaming yourself won't bring Oreo back. It will only hurt you, and Oreo wouldn't want that. Maybe you could've done something, maybe there was nothing that could be done. Point is, now is not the time for blame. Now is the time to morn. Now is the time to heal. Now is the time to remember what joy he brought and why he mattered so much. 

      Go ahead. Take your time. You have all of it in the world.

      May Oreo's legacy live on. 

  3. I'm gonna admit something

    I just turned 13. About 8 ish days ago. I joined this place when I was 11 and never got caught.

    I think my artwork's pretty good for someone who's only 13 and doesn't attend any art classes.

    btw sorry about the wait on requests. dA commishes come first and only when I complete those then I'll get started on completing requests.

    1. Snow


      ooOOOoooOOOh we got a rebel in here, happy birthday for before! 

    2. Johnny1226


      Happy recent birthday then and congratulations 

  4. I can't use this site anymore


    everything's extremely comfusing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. twiia


      As in, its completely different than what I'm used to. I can't even navigate the site as I used to.

    3. Babyyoshi309


      Yeah, I have no idea how to work it now. Before it was very user friendly, but now it is just a chaotic mess.

    4. catnet


      Hmm, it really is that confusing, huh? I gotta admit, while it took me a while at first to figure out how to get a list of recent status updates (which I'll admit is definitely less user-friendly now) and change notifications and such, I don't really seem to experience anywhere near the kind of difficulty I keep hearing people have... on the whole, things seem about as standard as usual, nothing much really strikes me as all that far away from where it was before.

      Don't get me wrong, I do consider how the forums were before the update to be more user-friendly than it is in its current state, most likely that's something that will need to be improved in time. And there are other things that'll need to be addressed as well, I've seen valid criticisms of the overbearing whiteness for one. But the update being called a 'chaotic mess', it's not something I really understand so far. Which isn't to say that criticism is invalid, I just don't really relate to it too much.

  5. rip Ni's laptop- 2015-2016

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CheeryFox


      It's OK to have a laptop on all the time - just be sure to keep it where it won't overheat. I recommend that you buy an external hard drive instead. If you have any questions, send me a PM. =]

    3. twiia


      thx for the advice

    4. CheeryFox
  6. I know I said I was going to be inactive, but... There's this site that has been stealing art from me and others. I clicked on the site, then found this page, warning people to not click on the site. I did... And now I think I might have some kind of malware. My laptop is acting up again, and I don't really know what's going on.

    1. CheeryFox


      Download Malwarebytes, yo.

    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      I'd recommend running 2 or 3 virus scans, but that's just my over-the-top levels of caution when it comes to viruses/malware.

    3. twiia


      Thanks for the advice. I saved all my files in a flash drive, and now I might try running a scan or two. Worst case scenario- reset computer again

  7. 'Retired' MLPFs member. Its been so long... I'll miss you all. I might pop in and say hi, but for the most part I'm ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. twiia


      Thx for understanding

    3. StarNote


      i am glad to see you again no matter if it's every day or every week whatever

    4. twiia


      Thx for understanding as well

  8. how to solve quadratic functions. I suck at that

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. twiia
    3. Rulerofblocks


      I can assist if necessary in anything Algebra related.

    4. twiia
  9. Almost 1 year anniversary on this forum~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. twiia


      Thx everyone


      Yeah, I've been around for awhile

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Happy pre anniversary!

    4. twiia


      Thx everyone


      and as of today I've been here for a year

  10. Well its been nice knowing you guys, but... I don't feel entirely welcome after vanishing for months and then coming back as an entirely new person. I guess I'll stick around for some time and yea...

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      You don't feel welcome? What? D: Of course you're welcome! *trots up and hugs you* :)

    2. twiia


      Thank you Lyra.

  11. Welcome to forums. Btw luv your art and watched over on deviantart

    1. LeftDuality


      Thank you! :D I think I'm gonna blush >////<


    2. twiia
  12. Hello, welcome to forums. Thx for all the brohooves

  13. After my long hiatus, coming back feels so weird...

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Hey! Welcome back Queen! Err, it's actually Ni now. :D

    2. twiia


      Thx Lyra


      I've been using the name Ni-Fall since getting membership on dA, and wanted to use the same name here as well

  14. wow... its been a year since I first joined this fandom, and nearly a year on this forum. Wow time flies

  15. Hey people, back (again) Now that I'm quitting dA and digital art, I'll have more time to spend on forums with you guys! :) I know no one gives a ___ about my art, so yeah

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      You're art is awesome! I just usually don't post in those threads because I'd feel bad requesting art when I have no skills in that area to offer anything in return.

    2. twiia


      well, thanks. I decided to stay on dA, but try not to overreact too much.


      in art trades section, it doesn't even need to be art.

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Well, welcome back to the party, Twii (again) ^_^

  16. Leaving forums for a short while, got a heck load of hw.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kenshiro


      You are a rising star Icy Wind. We hope we can see you more around the forums ;)

    3. twiia


      @Kenshiro Thx, but I don't really go by that name anymore :)

    4. Kenshiro


      You are welcome =)

  17. Whelp, I finally got my name back after the last joke.

  18. Everypony, Princess Bella just told me that her account is suspended until September 2017.

    1. Luigi


      That's gotta be harsh. You know if she's getting the birthday wishes we're sending her?

    2. twiia


      I'll contact her on wattpad. She might see your birthday wishes. I'm not sure though.

  19. Happy Birthday

    1. chaosprincess


      Thank you very much Queen Kiara =)

    2. twiia


      Your welcome

  20. A joke I played on myself just backfired...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. twiia


      I changed my name as a joke, later realized I forgot to check out what was the last time I changed it. Now I can't change it back for two weeks...

    3. Wingnut


      Haw, haw! You'll be all right. :)

    4. twiia
  21. Is it too late to make amends, or is it all over? I will post blog entry soon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Princess Bella

      Princess Bella

      Who are you making amends with? By the way your blogs are cool

    3. twiia


      Someone on forums who now hates me.



    4. Princess Bella

      Princess Bella

      Aww you should definintly make amends! Its never too late!

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