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Colenso Rivers

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About Colenso Rivers

  • Birthday July 15

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  • Personal Motto
    Do what you believe is right.
  • Interests
    Stuff. But only some of it. If you want to know, you have to ask. No books are open until somepony opens them.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. I think I am done here. Bye.

  3. Colenso watched helplessly as his whole squad volunteered but him, eyes shifting towards the ground. He would have like to have helped, but in such a enclosed space as they were scouting, magic such as his would do more harm that good. Intelligence outweighed his need to be with them, to make sure they were safe, and obedience overruled his worry about who they were going with as horrible it made him feel to admit. He gave a worried expression visibly as they walked forward away from him, and he had to bite his lip hard enough to make it leak blood to keep himself from stepping forward. In his mind, he was begging them not to leave, but as with most parts of his inner workings, it was held under lock and key. One thing apparent though, as he looked to the pony whom was taking them with her, the pony whom would throw any amount of ponies at a problem to solve it, seeing as they already lost a squad, he hated her. The amount of contempt in his heart was enough to scorch the world that was already dying. (Sorry, I wanted to post, but like explained here, there is not much Colenso could do at this point. Also why the post is so short)
  4. The pony behind her flew back a few meters at the blast and recovered expertly, landing on it's hooves, it's gem shards heading into the space around it, sparking with magic as the unicorn figure rose into the air in magical concentration. The large figure began to sprint towards Twilight, it's heavy footfalls impacting the ground enough to shake it slightly. The red dot in the far window suddenly flashed and a large, winged, and covered in a sickly poison javelin shot from there, heading towards her at breakneck speeds. The remained silent, and showed no indication that they had any interest in what she was saying.
  5. My emotional state is deteriorating, no friends to hang out with and no girls interested... It doesn't feel any different than prison, just lonely all over again..

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      Hope you feel better soon.

    2. Ruby Splash

      Ruby Splash

      Hope you get better



  6. @@Ruby Splash, Out from an alley, after the attack but before she could leave, stepped out from the shadows of an alley. It was a hooded figure, the cloak it donned bearing the same grey glyphs that Amarok had used to dispel Twilight's magic before. Probably the reason why the figure wasn't dead. It was a large figure, big for a pony. Then, from behind her another hooded figure, smaller and with a horn. A multitude of gem shards with machine parts floating around it's form. They didn't speak. The larger one advanced, stepping forward with heavy footfalls, and a small dot of red light appeared in a window across the street as well. It could be told, these weren't hunters that took prisoners. This was a death unit. The intent to kill painted across a canvas of indistinguishable features and woven silence.
  7. How do I post things directly from my computer?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Colenso Rivers

      Colenso Rivers

      It means hug!!!!

    3. Vulcan


      It can also mean Hug, as well as one half of Fusion, "Seriously?!". and a few other things o_o

    4. Colenso Rivers
  8. Anypony wanna RP a real doozy of a disturbing RP!?

  9. Hello, wanna talk?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Colenso Rivers

      Colenso Rivers

      I;m told, unfortunately the ladies don't seem to know that!

    3. TheRockARooster




      Well, I'm gonna let you.

      I'll soeak to you more in the future.


      Take care, my friend.

    4. Colenso Rivers

      Colenso Rivers

      Alrighty m'pal, see you another time!

  10. They are transfixed by your symphony in C

  11. Your art is very nice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Colenso Rivers

      Colenso Rivers

      Nice color scheme, never can say no to purple.

    3. LonnaKitty


      its her favorite color :D

    4. Colenso Rivers
  12. Rio Linda: The bane of my existence.

  13. @@DwhitetheGamer,@@Ruby Splash, Regenerating in his spire of ice, he approved of them not killing the alicorn hunters, but believed the alicorn standing before him was much too naive. He adressed his other concerns, "First, you must understand that having her on any aspect of this goal is going to result in bloodshed, plain and simple. She will kill the hunters, along with anypony else she feels like killing, which is everypony." He gave her a pointed stare, "She will never be anything more than a murderer. If you believe anything otherwise then I don't know why I am having this dispute with a foal." He didn't care if he upset her, and chances were that this wouldn't, however he knew the truth of the horrid heart within her, "Second, I don't plan on doing what's best for me. I still serve the one true Equestria and if ponies are unable to find my power, they will stop killing and dying for it. So you can go search for answers that may not even exist, be my guest." He was pretty solid on his side of the dispute, seeing copper as a flailing yearling without any idea of what to do. "You better remain wary, you are teamed up with a monster."
  14. Anypony else going to Aftershock 2016!

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