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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Rio

  1. At fur the more, hence absence! will be more active around the 11th.

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Cool hope you have fun, wish I was going :D

  2. I actually have less fun drawing none pony art now. Huh...

    1. Phanact


      Yes! The transformation is complete!

    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      you have been fully converted... you're welcome :P

  3. Might I suggest this coffee? __________________ Feelings as of now; inching closer to sleepy /falls
  4. Wondering how to go about to get pricing opinions. 8I I suck at pricing but I am considering doing some Pony commissions. *sigh* Maybe I can ask on my art thread.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      Well considering what I've seen of what you make Rio I can make a safe bet that you will get interest.

    3. Rio


      Ah! Thank you again, that is for the compliment I mean. I'll look into it and again thank you for the assistance~

    4. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      No problem at all, my pleasure in fact looking forward to seeing more of your work and talking more.

  5. Art not related to the TV series or Movies. Everyone gasp dramatically! Pony not designed by me, but I bought it from the creator. Thank you!
  6. Lets get this party started! Mostly because I cannot sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rio


      would you like some oats?

    3. Solid Snake

      Solid Snake

      I already eated them. Mmm.

    4. Rio


      :< That explains where my supply went. Dangit now I will have to re-stock


  7. Just happened to notice this topic. Not exactly sure what I am feeling, probably mixed. Stressed, sad, and some how also excited. Meh, always frustrating being stressed mostly.
  8. Also a furry! Since around 2009 when I found out exactly what it was. I mostly just keep tabs on art and attend conventions on a semi-regular basis. I cannot say I really 'draw' furry art much if at all anymore, but if I get inspiration I'll doodle. The fandom is nice if you know where to look. However, be aware that not everyone is friendly. Drama is something that happens on a regular basis similar to most Fandoms.
  9. New pony character in works! This time it might have more of an image than just a head shot. Durr!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rio


      Hey to be fair that joke was totally able to be made with the disembodied comment. |D

    3. Chip Circuit
    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Either way still love your art even though some ponies don't have bodies :P

  10. I'm actually saying good night for once on this! I kinda.. Have been awake for like 20 something hours running on only one hour of sleep. I need to get some Zs before I fall over. :P

    1. Phanact


      Noot noot~


  11. W00t W00t I drew something new. About time I did something art wise sheesh!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rio


      I go by male pronouns, so man.

      Annnd I had the idea and it went poof from my mind. So now I'm trying to think of something to do with this.. Maybe just make it transparent backgrounded. They didn't really specify on rather or not the requirements outside of resolution. 8I



      I have a trend it seems to put random commentary on my drawings as I did something similar to another drawing recently. No regrets :'D



    3. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Alright noted :3 wasn't sure if you went by your true gender or physical


    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      That looks good, not sure about all the little captions that look like notes :P

  12. Alrighty! I've been working on the tutorial, I just need to refine some of the steps and such before I can make it official. ;v; _________________________________________ PS. @ Everyone who creeps here I am actually working on a new drawing! Not sure how it will turn out, but kinda hoping it comes out as good as my mind is interpreting it. @n@ I have officially concluded I cannot attach anymore offsite images. So I'll now be commenting things since most of my drawings are above the attachment limit-- I hope this is no big deal... This technically contains spoilers for Equestria Girls: Friendship Games so beware when looking!
  13. First World problems for artists - Pose why you no work for me!?

  14. New Head canon that the Crystal Heart was created during the events of Hearths Warming.

    1. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      I'd accept that.

    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Yeah sounds plausible

  15. I'm probably super late to the show, but just started watching videos related to "Princess Trixie Sparkle" and I am kinda obsessed with it. Especially the none episode related covers. @n@ Maybe fan art will happen soon hrm...

  16. Thank you~ Glad you like some of all of my stuff Cannot even words! Ahem- Anyway.. Thank you! :> Thank you! I plan to, cant stop me now! Do you want a tutorial on how I draw them in general or how I draw them Pegasus/Alicorn wise? Because I can simply create an in depth blog post about how I draw wings from the ground up. Just want to clarify rather or not you mean for ponies. I draw wings virtually the same on all critters but if you specifically want a pony version then I'd make one specifically pony version. :3 Reason I say tutorial is because it is relatively easier to draw step by step instruction versus making a huge post here simply to try and explain via wording. vwv
  17. Rio


    Welcome to the forums! Pleasure to meet you :> I was not sure exactly if you had any all time favorite pony, but here you are! Feel free to save and use the above for what ever you want! :>
  18. If you ever want an opinion or help do not hesitate to PM me :> I enjoy redlining/helping people improve. I'm working on getting dem gears turning Just need some grease and I'll get on with it!
  19. Anyone wanna give me some ideas for a profile image? I kinda wanna make something with "welcome to my page".

    1. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      perhaps the pony you have as your avatar could be off to the side of a large welcome holding a hoof out in a welcoming manner :P

  20. Alright! Since I can now create blogs I am going to make one based on a sketch I just in the recent days completed. It has a bit of unrefined back story to it, which is why I am even bothering posting it as my first entry. Regardless I'll mark off things that are actually spoilers to the show with the spoiler tag so please heed this warning when I say that spoiler tag doesn't hide art. It actually hides spoilers to the show! Before you ask why I am blogging sketches and story ideas ... The reason is because I am uncomfortable making it 100% public and made a discussion. Where blogs tend to be more personal and less people will voice entire opinions on them. While some will gladly share opinions I do not really want any, at least toward my writing skills. I am a horrible writer personally and probably will never pursue anything like that, but I do like drawing things based from story ideas so I want drawings to make sense hence sharing story ideas too. Anyway Completely spoilers the story idea ... Contains Spoilers from Season 5, Equestria Girls, and IDW Comics so read at own risk! Now the art I drew based on the story idea. PS. If someone actually wants to steal this story idea and use it for something bigger I really do not care or mind. If it is actually branched from this at least credit me some and ask permission/let me know you are doing so.
  21. Unlocked Blogging ability. Time to share sketches and meanings and or story ideas that I probably will not ever finish. GAME ON!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rio


      Ohhh, care to share? ovo

    3. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      sure I can share my first one via skype, unfortunately I have yet to fully revise it lol so it's still in rough draft :P

    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      I just ended up getting caught up in other stories for myself and others lol


  22. Thank you! Do not mind at all. In fact I always willing to share brush settings, etc... to those who wish to know. But as for my tools of trade they are the following; Wacom Intuos 3 - Drawing Tablet Painttool Sai - Art Program Painttool Sai I believe is around $60 so its pretty cheap! Only down side is it does not have a text tool so you'd have to either use Paint or another art program like Open Canvas, Gimp, or Photoshop to likely add text. Though personally it is very rare I ever add text. Bright side is as far as I am aware Adobe Photoshop CS2 is free on their website so you can grab that to make up for the lack of text tool and maybe even dual wield them as a combination. Since Photoshop is fantastic for adding special effects to art. If you want a recommendation for a tablet I'd recommend Wacom Bamboo Pen tablet as they are cheap and mine lasted around 6 years before a cat chewed on the cord. *coughs* Regardless so this question isn't asked frequently I shall edit my main post and add my tools of trade so they know what I work with. Again thank you and never be shy about asking questions~
  23. Much like most childhood shows My Little Pony has been in my life since I was very young and now it rekindled into adulthood. It will probably be similar to how I am with Pokemon. I'll follow it into new generations and continue to support the fandom as much as I can. I'll also try and retain friendships and activity on forums if I stick to it long enough. Eventually it just evolves to become a part of you and once that happens its really hard to let it go. So I'd say I will stay part of the fandom and follow the show regardless what the future holds for it! In terms of how I will cope if I ever actually find the fandom not worth staying in I'll more than likely shift to a new cartoon ( If one sparks interest like the flame MLP has ) and move on to that. Otherwise Anime and Manga will likely kindle into a bigger spark again in my life and I'd fall back on that. Possibly fall back on other art interests if I find any. I do not like to think about when a show will end, regardless if it is a good idea to prepare since all good things come to an end eventually. Outside of this I just pray they end the show pretty much open ended so that way people can continue to build from what they started. Basically allowing bronies/Fandom members the ability to start their own new chapters and maybe even later another company opening the doors to a new story.
  24. Thank you! Glad you find my style interesting. :> Thank you so much! I like to take my own flavor and incorperate it to MLP also slightly obsessed with glowing/bright light situations.. Meh. Regardless thank you again and I'm glad you especially like the Discord + Fluttershy one. <3 Don't be jealous! Practice makes perfect and time definitely takes account as well. I've been drawing for about ten years now so it took me a long while to get where I am. Though people develop skills faster than others and some slower than others as long as you keep at it you will find something that works and build from there. In regards to more artwork to share not at the moment, but I have plans to make more soon once more creative gears get grinding.
  25. Good good and the art is yours so you can use it which ever way you want! :> Also thank you for the compliment~
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