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Status Updates posted by Nas

  1. I just learned what all this Balloon Party stuff is. I am ashamed.

    1. MrL0LZ


      I still don't know what it is.

    2. Bohtty


      Balloon what now?

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Get with the times, bro.

  2. I'm sort of looking forward to that new Transformers Prime game. Not only because I like the franchise, but this is a good opportunity to look for sneaky sneaky MLP references. I know, it's a stretch, but hey, it's a Hasbro game. They could do it if they wanted to. :3

  3. Sigh....I hate being in school after everypony else. I get behind in my social life (the forums among other sites), I miss stuff like E3, everypony is out having fun being free, etc etc etc... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      awwww, somepony needs a hug!*hugs* feel better?

    3. Mephala


      Same! I was so pumped for E3 </3

    4. Nas


      Thankfully, finals are this week and exhibitions are next week, and our last day is next Wednesday. Then, I can finally begin my pony-filled summer expeditions.


      @Dash Thanks, bro, /) :(


      @Crank *hugs* Thanks, that kinds helps... :)


      @Pinkie Yeah, it really sucks that our school area gets off after E3 usually.

  4. Can somepony give me a short summary of desktop ponies, what they are and what do they do?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. WildCard


      Everypony you can imagine. From 80s cheerilee, to the mane6, filly mane6, bg characters, non ponies(Gilda, Parasprites),ect ;)

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      you can choose how many you want running on the screen, yes, but be wary that they constantly consume processing power so unless you have a fairly decent computer it might not run too awfully well.

    4. RazzyJam


      run ALL the ponies!

  5. Lol, for a second there, the sign post for Character Database was replaced with Jonke's avatar! XD

  6. Wow..it's been a crazy week so far, it's gonna take a while to catch up with y'all 0-0

  7. Both Geometry and Spanish finals tomorrow....wish me luck lol

    1. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      wow, I had Geometry and spanish on the same day too.

    2. LowfatEnvelope


      The lucks, may they be with you!

  8. All I can say about Sony's conference....that was freaking awesome, despite how much better it could've been. Onto Nintendo!

  9. Sony's E3 is in the home stretch...10 minutes left. STOP THIS TORTURE!!!!

  10. Wow, Ubi officially blew my mind with their conference. Up next: Sony. :3

  11. Oh well, at least it probably won't be a complete loss. If my iPad doesn't pull a Vista on me, I might be able to catch the full PlayStation conference without any lag.

  12. Now to catch up on all this crapload of E3 that I missed.....why does my school area need to end so late?! -_-

  13. Why do I still have to be in school now?!?! I'm missing E3! :[

  14. Why is E3 during the week?! It's so inconvenient to stay updated with classes and al that classes and all that crap.

  15. I made three friends yesterday? Wow, I'm I really that much of a nice guy?! O_°

    1. Silver Boulder

      Silver Boulder

      *flys over and pokes your head* Indeed! xD

  16. Sigh....parents will never understand sometimes that if someone is having a bad day, you shouldn't talk to them......and then they want to take on situations the hard way....sigh.....

    1. MrL0LZ


      I know how you feel bro.

    2. go away seb

      go away seb

      And then when they're having a bad day, they take all your stuff away and never stop yelling for 3 days straight.

    3. WildCard


      had the same situation today :/

  17. On the plus side, tonight wasn't so bad. Check out my new Google Chrome theme featuring best baseball team! :Dhttp://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k482/NASCARFAN160/Screenshotofdesktop.jpg?t=1338766986

  18. Great...first my thick-minded computer decided today of all days to lag only for me on the Nintendo Direct Livestream.....now there's a freaking G3 ad on here?! GET OUT OF MY FACE. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vicke


      Im hopeing for some words on SSB game!

    3. Vaporeon


      Don;t it probably just started development. But we might get a title at the very least.

    4. Nas


      At best, only words. But still, the more the better!

  19. Ugh.....this stupid chest pain went away for a couple hours....and now it's back... -_-

  20. “Easy Magic Tricks”; “Magic Tricks”- oh, ads, you crack me up! x3

  21. So I'm sorts having these pains around my chest area when I breathe too fast....kinda scary. :/ It's getting better, though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bohtty


      It could be caused by anything. If I had to guess, it would be due to your possibly unhealthy lifestyle. So many problems are solved by eating healthy and exercising... or so I've heard xD

    3. Nas


      15. I think the last time I had one of these was in the summer, and it was more gradual and positioned in the center of the chest.

    4. Finesthour


      I don't stretch, ever.

  22. So how come I'm the only one shocked that we didn't have a new theme last night? Is there something nopony's telling me? O_°

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bohtty


      besides, rarity is best pony.

    3. Nas


      But we needz a Dashie theme! D:

    4. Bohtty


      nope, only more rarity.

  23. Yes! Let this months upkeep fund BEGIN! :3

  24. When I watch/see soemthing emotional when I'm normal, I shed a manly tear or two. When I'm tired, it just makes me grin like a complete idiot.

    1. NavelColt


      Everything is funny when you're tired xP That feeling increased 20% when overtired.

    2. Nas


      LOL I was watching the scene where Rarity suddenly missed Sweetie Belle badly, at like 4AM last night, and I felt emotional like normal, I just had this HURR-ish smile drawn on my face for the awkwardest amount of time xd

    3. Nightfall


      I should try that sometime. :P

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