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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Connie

  1. I kinda need some-pony to talk to right now :c <3

  2. I kinda need some-pony to talk to right now :c <3

  3. *Boops Everypony* >:3 <3

  4. These riots and unrest are making me ashamed to be an American right now.

  5. My neighbours are playing some loud music next door and its starting to piss me off. Anypony got a sledge-hammer? -_-

  6. somebody give me good news

  7. People think I'm a hateful jerk just because I voted for Trump. Now I'm depressed.

  8. Trump for president... god bless


  10. It's relieveing to see all of the show makers and voice actors/actresses against Trump.

  11. Feeling sorrow for all my LGBT friends. I'm with you.

  12. just got back from voting. I think need a drink and a shower x(

  13. If our government wasn't corrupt,Jill Stein is a REAL woman to put in office.

  14. People need to eat more vegetables and less meat and dairy. ;-; No good.

    1. Connie


      "Make the meat consumption smaller and eat only plant based one day or two a week.. And it will contribute to saving our planet from getting completely ruined"


      I will kindly ask you to stop telling me what to eat. I'm so disgusted by vegetarians/vegans who force their twisted beliefs on other people.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  15. People need to eat more vegetables and less meat and dairy. ;-; No good.

    1. Connie


      And? Everything is bad when you consume it too much.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  16. People need to eat more vegetables and less meat and dairy. ;-; No good.

  17. People need to eat more vegetables and less meat and dairy. ;-; No good.

    1. Connie


      And by the way you're not getting cancer by eating meat. You're getting cancer by drinking trash like coca-cola, pepsi, you name it. You're getting cancer by eating trash like McDonalds. You're getting cancer by smoking. Not by eating meat. Stop being so ignorant.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  18. People need to eat more vegetables and less meat and dairy. ;-; No good.

  19. Gotta love it when someone announces they're leaving the forums then comes back a couple days later under a new name

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