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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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  • Gender
  • Location
    On average, about 149,608,900km from the centre of the sun.
  • Personal Motto
    Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
  • Interests
    - Engineering (particularly geotechnical),
    - Physics,
    - Mathematics,
    - Formal logic,
    - Philosophy,
    - Adorable things (especially ponies, cats, bunnies, and grey ducks),
    - Collecting/accumulating various aesthetically pleasing oddments,
    - Collecting/accumulating various interesting antique miscellanies,
    - Collecting/accumulating various second-hand dictionaries/thesauri,
    - Collecting/accumulating various nifty and often archaic vocabillularary words,
    - Finding and categorising various forms of genetically mutated daisies,
    - Making things up on the spot (intellectual ad-libbing is my forte),
    - Owl City, Pentatonix, & chipper chiptune music,
    - Reading Sir Terry Pratchett & Brandon Sanderson novels,
    - Reading C.S. Lewis' classic theology books,
    - Reading the surviving observations and deductions of various ancient philosophers and scientists (e.g., Da Vinci, Aristotle, etc.),
    - Lego (great for modelling simple engineering problems),
    - Minecraft,
    - 8-bit games,
    - Irony,
    - Being interesting.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Chancellor Neighsay
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
    All six of them
  • Best CMC
    All three of them
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    The Last Problem
  • Best Song
    Open Up Your Eyes
  • Best Season

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  1. To one of the smartest people I know, Merry Christmas. And I do mean that, by the way. You seem very knowledgeable and are a very nice person. I think maybe you will appreciate this, then:

    Not much of a gift, but Merry Christmas again !

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Duality


      @Stone Cold Steve Tuna

      Tch, only a few, you say? You undersell yourself, good sir. The finest of men can be considered a broken clock if it is noted that their hands do not twitch in a circle to mark time.

      Ooh, yes, I quite enjoy a good splash. Haven't had any in a while, though; the swimming pools near where I am have hiked up their prices. Just got to get the beaches at the right time so that they're not hopelessly overcrowded or bleakly drizzle-spattered. Do you prefer the beach or freshwater swimming?


      It's closer to 'create a general yet precise axiomatisation of integer operations that gives rise to intuitive addition and use this as a sound logical foundation for it', I think. Peano algebra is hardly an arbitrary system; it's one of the simplest and most adaptable sets of mathematical axioms in use.

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Unless the man in question is digital. The you're SOL. 

      I appreciate you saying that. It means a lot. You're a good guy. Glad i know you!

      I don't mind where i swim so much as just if i can swim. Granted water almost gave me my death twice and i was in a rip current before, but i got out fairly quick. Currently i live around the corner from a bay, except most of the bay is blocked off for swimmers. I know a guy who used to regularly swim across it though.

      Three. Water almost killed me three times.

      What's your favorite movie?

    4. Duality


      Aw, thanks, Tuna. I'm glad I know you too. :blush:

      On that note, I hereby disavow any affiliation with the disgusting effluent-pools of water that tried to murder you. I'll hunt them down and force-feed them through a nuclear cooling pond.

      My favourite movie has to be Wreck-it Ralph, I think. Sure it may be for kids but it's got one of the best-executed plots I've ever seen and heart to spare. How about you?

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