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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by MaryxMelody

  1. IM ALIVE! Just not very active lol

  2. My friend Kalei made a Red Bubble! I was wondering if you wanna buy anything



  3. pro tip- My oc is 50% normal pony, 25% bat pony and 25% vampire pony

    1. Widdershins


       Hmph. I know we've been over this, but I'm still a bit confused of the difference between bats & vampires. Like, there are vampire bats.

    2. GrimGrimoire


      What percentage does the firebreath come from?

  4. Anyone like the movie Camp Rock (1 or 2)

  5. Has anyone heard the news from Magpiepony?

    1. Catpone Cerberus
    2. Widdershins


        ...I'm too afraid to click on that. She's been around for ages, so I wouldn't dissuade her from dropping out of the community, but I worry its something intense like... "Sorry, guys, can't do videos anymore because I'm dead now!"

  6. Ommgggg, everytime I see your sig. I think there is a bug on my screen ;; xD

    1. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu


      So legit I even fall for it myself. :nom:

    2. MaryxMelody


      Hahah, oml. Thats great XD


    1. Widdershins


                          !       ,     '                         ?

    2. MaryxMelody



       X             D                !                           !

  8. Im seeing you everywhere! I am now following you x3

    1. Zachary


      Thanks for Following me!

      Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was Sleeping!

    2. MaryxMelody


      Lel, me too andno problem x3

  9. Morning Everypony! =)

    1. Lunarpalette


      Good morning!

  10. Why is this red? DId I do something wrong >~<?

    Screenshot 2017-05-01 at 4.45.53 AM.png

    1. Widdershins


      Well, when I click it, I only get another picture of it. But, like, we've got the title to search for so we got that to go on!

    2. MaryxMelody


      I put a picture there. 

       Why do I have a red sign thingy?

  11. Alright. I think Imma head off to bed now! Night everypony! Ill be on tomorrow!


    Love You All, I Know You Peaked ;)


    Be Strong, Be Creative, Be Out Of This World


  12. Thanks for the follow =3

  13. Hello! I just wanted to say hello and how are ya? x3

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Lunarpalette


      That's always a good thing everyone needs some positivity in their lives.

    3. MaryxMelody
    4. Lunarpalette


      Yeah. I actually got to see a good friend of mine just yesterday! So that was fun.

  14. Morning everyonee

    1. catnet


      Good morning! :)

  15. Hi everypony! I will be a lot more active on here as, I went on hiatus on everything else. A close friend of mine passed away today... 04-13-17 7:22pm

  16. until an answer. Night

  17. A ton of Drama happened on DeviantART today. Would anyone be interested in hear about it?

    1. Widdershins


      Why, yes! Never looked into how that whole site worked other than browsing for pictures. It seems a bit more... Youtubey in the comments section.

    2. MaryxMelody


      It is, okay! I will message you about it.

  18. Is everyone dead today? I just got on and no notifactions x3. Oh well, I should get sleep early today. I have church in the morning, night =3

    1. ShinGojira
    2. Widdershins


      Weeell, the more ya type, the more ya get. I find it helps to "follow" any topics you make. Or are interested in.

    3. MaryxMelody



      Okie! Shall do that!

  19. Good morning everypony! The lucid dream didn't work.. so Ill try again tonight

  20. I should get some sleep. Night everypony! I am gonna try to lucid dream as well. I learned that biting your thumb once in awhile works too! So, I will try that! In other words g'night

    1. strongwilled_pegasus
    2. Lunar Echo
    3. Widdershins


      Phooey, you let us know if it worked! I barely get a dream once a week! I hear sleeping on your belly helps with that.

  21. Anyone have ideas of a job I could try, I am 13 and need 13 dollars for a Beginning Microphone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Widdershins


      Well, just thirteen dollers doesn't merit a full-time job or anything. It's winter, so maybe snow shoveling?

    3. Widdershins


      Ask around, I suppose. Your parents or maybe neighbors if your place seems friendly enough. I know if I had a wood burnin' fireplace I'd sure hire you to chop wood. And chopping wood is FUN!

    4. MaryxMelody


      Thanks for the advice everyone!


      Widdershins, there isnt much snow this winter for me.


      Lunar, I will try that, thanks

  22. **Is obsessed with a girl named Kalei**

    1. Widdershins


      *is obsessed with a girl named Rhajat* Hey, had to thro' my two sense in!

    2. MaryxMelody


      Haha! I dont mind!

  23. Does anyone know how to make a topic?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MaryxMelody


      Actually, no worries I found it! Thank so much!

    3. Miss


      Alright awesome!

    4. Lil Pip

      Lil Pip

      Welcome to the forums.

  24. I Love This Site! So, Much Randomness XD

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