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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Am I supposed to ignore this episode until official air-date? Pony playing is perfect. The episode could have been handled a lot more intelligently, like, Hey Pinkie maybe you should just practice in private and not being a public hazard to every pony. but instead Applejack goes in and tells Hay all lets tell her that she is bad at it, however all of us are actually too afraid to tell her so I just push the responsibility to the pony next to me, sounds good, sounds excellent. All of them together :You stink at playing this instrument, you should never do that again Pinkie Pie : Oh, okay. I didn't even wanted to play this stupid instrument anyway, baka * transforms into Pinkamena, runs away crying In reality this entire episode felt like passive aggressive garbage that you would you see in season 1 but not in season 8 where every-pony knew each other feelings and should have behaved like normal intelligent people
  2. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    old school, or just eew
  3. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    beards are okay, mustaches are awful
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