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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. screenshot2.thumb.png.989e821e04ae5006b3a84c4021732f5e.png

    Nothing really happened today, except twin-ursa rocket flew today. Now that my new heavy rocket is ready I might just go further in my technology tree

  2. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Emergency Maud therapy
  3. Pff, Superman can probably one punch Goku.
  4. Yep, we are going to drive that car and you are going to like it Dashie
  5. Okay, I guess its slow web traffic, I will probably return later

    1. The_Gobo


      Uh, okay XD
      Have fun while you're out lol


  6. Don't know if it counts but I've seen the mock-up model of Ponivile from the Legends of Equestria from the birds eye view and it's pretty large. Another clue is that the town has its own dedicated railroad station. It wouldn't even have it if its as small and unimportant as you say because why bother build it otherwise.
  7. FalloutShelter_ScreenShot_2018-06-18_155946.thumb.JPG.30e79bf7735dfb1bc9d8ba27e917f93f.JPG

    this game really suffers for not having automatic stimpack usage. Just recently I lost two dwellers to radroaches just because I had to manually apply stimpack to the chaotically moving dweller.

    1. The_Gobo


      I don't know what FO game this is, but it looks spiffy o3o


    2. RDDash


      Fallout Shelter, I really liked how Academy(2 room) looked like its now became my desktop

    3. The_Gobo


      Certainly seems like a good thing to use for that :D

  8. Now I can try one of those X-Boxes
  9. Anime is just a Japanese word for animation Thats means Anime is just a cartoon
  10. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    no we don't, but here you go
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