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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. I think I liked the chapter 3 overall, so many different holiday traditions and history. I guess they have now a private jet, a toy that probably going to show up in the toy store
  2. Yes, I suppose she is, Usagi is from the Sailor Moon, Rei from the Evangelion, Utena from Utena, Bulba from Dragonball, Ranma from Ranma 1/2
  3. Somehow got hooked on the Discworld Death is a cool character

    Frosty Shivers everypony :P

  5. This is insane :confused:

  6. Interesting Some treasures had been forgotten because they were on film
  7. large.jpg

    Octavia :P

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      It says do not repost?

    2. RDDash


      @Kujamih yeah, but people are still reposting 

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      @RDDash i guess thats why octavia is mad....:ButtercupLaugh:

  8. Stars we chase /Mia Taylor (English ver., probably:ooh: )

  9. Do they even have winter? I thought earth ponies lived in Mediterranean climate.
  10. Thank you for plastic, your job is done
  11. dfid4xd-6030c0d4-f756-489c-b891-1ff0b45c

    Trying to be evil, master :fluttershy:

  12. Power of friendship is the oldest trope in the animated shows. Twilight Sparkle is forced to work together with the villains to save Equestria from disaster

    Trixie has all the dirt :D

  14. I suppose I am unofficially, 10 years younger then I should be
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