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Rhythm Red

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About Rhythm Red

  • Birthday June 22

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    Ponyville, Equestria
  • Personal Motto
    It needs to be about 20% cooler.
  • Interests
    Guitar, saxophone, basically anything related to music, basketball, video games, and mlp.

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    Rainbow or Twilight
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  1. I’m jumpin’ onto this trend. Nosotros is one of the ways to say ‘we’ in Spanish. I chose it because it sounds cooler than all the other Spanish pronouns. ;) 


    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide


      So you're an Mexican version of me! 

      Bienvenido amigo!

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @We. Soy una versión en español de ti, no necesariamente una versión mexicana. ;)


      Yes, I had to use a translator for part of that. This is only my first year taking a Spanish class lol. :P 

    3. Shrug


      At least that username still makes you pretty easy to identify. :lol:

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