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Everything posted by CHA0SXIII

  1. @Ganaram Inukshuk, I'm actually doing a tutorial on Unity for making a video game right now. What are you programming if you don't mind me asking?
  2. That feel when bird is broken...


    1. Rikifive


      There are bugs even in real life. :mlp_icwudt:

  3. A mass shooting happened at 9:00 AM EST at fountain square in Cincinnati Ohio! Four people are dead, three victim's and the shooter.

  4. Me: I know it wont be easy, but learning how to make a video game can't be as rough as I've been fearing, right? :yeahno:

    Unity tutorial:0_0.thumb.JPG.0753e491f1b0d1fef5973d50123d9a47.JPG


    Me: 0_0...


  5. I have found the saddest looking kitty on Earth. Quick, get it a tub of ice-cream and some snuggles - stat! :(


    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Look at that little sack of joy! :mlp_laugh:

  6. Sony says it believes it's too good for crossplay, well guess what? If I say I believe that Equestria is real and that I'll go there when I die, that doesn't mean that if I kick the bucket after a rousing game of drink-all-the-pretty-colored-liquids-under-the-sink that I'm going to Equestria.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kinda crazy that Sony is actually FLAUNTING their own anti-consumerism.

  7. Whelp, I'm downloading Unity right now (the free version :P). For those of you who don't know, Unity is a powerful video game engine. I am doing this to try to start learning how to make video games; which is what my dream job is. Wish me luck!

  8. Only seasons three and four are still up on Netflix! This is stupid.

  9. Crap... I keep hearing about things that were supposed to be in Revenge of the Sith, and I gotta say, as much as I respect George Lucas some of the stuff he cut from the script is just…mindboggling. A bit of tweaking here, and a bit of leaving-it-the-f***-alone there, and Revenge of the Sith could have been one of - if not the best - Star Wars movies ever! Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. :unamused: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CHA0SXIII


      @Divine plywood, I've never really thought about it before... Well first off, I want to say something pretty controversial; I actually like the prequel trilogy IN SPITE OF ITS FLAWS. I see the issues with the movies, but I can see enough good there for me to enjoy them. With that said, off the top of my head I'd number my favorite (main series) Star Wars movies in order from least to greatest as follows: Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi. No, I didn't forget to add The Last Jedi, but this list was for my favorite Star Wars movies - as in the ones I like. Yes, The Last Jedi is the only main SW movie I don't like and the sad thing is, there's a lot to like in that one, unfortunately there are a couple of - at first glance - seemingly small things that ruin all the good in it. AS for the spin-offs, I liked the Clone Wars movie, haven't seen Solo yet, and Rogue One is the movie that taught me to fear Lord Vader - so, I think my opinion on that one goes without saying.

    3. Divine plywood

      Divine plywood

      For me the episode V have always been the pinnacle of the series, New Hope being the close second. I understand why people enjoy the prequel trilogy, despite their flaws, all of those movies have their moments. Yes, even the Phantom Menace :-P Episodes II and III are actually quite enjoyable action movies on their own.

      When it comes to the sequel trilogy, I kinda liked the Last Jedi but absolutely loathed the Force Awakens :yuck:

    4. CHA0SXIII


      @Divine plywood, What get's me about Last Jedi  these 90 to 100 second long moments in the movie where it's just so damn obvious there trying to virtue-signal or box-check that really kill it for me. Granted, the scene near the end where


      Luke fights Kylo

      , in spite of the "twist" about the fight, is one of the coolest things I've seen in a SW movie ever. Unfortunately, that just makes it worse, cause they clearly knew what they were doing, but Rian Johnson wanted to make way for his trilogy so bad, he was willing to risk tanking the entire franchise just to feed his ego!

  10. Just got Infinity War and will watch it after Black Panther on Netflix this Tuesday. If Howard the Duck isn't in IW, I might have to boycott Marvel and Disney, maybe even start a Change.Org petition! #HowardDuckIsLoveHowardDuckIsLife 

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      MCU is love; MCU is life.

  11. @Divine plywood, this is so relevant to my situation here :wacko:


    1. CHA0SXIII


      The worst part @Divine plywood, is I can't think of a clever Narnia joke or reference right now for neither love nor money. :(

  12. What is so hard for people to understand? Trying to kill bigotry with even more bigotry has the literal opposite effect.

  13. I've discovered the most tedious activity in the world, eating an entire clock.


    I find it quite time consuming...


    1. Telferi
    2. CHA0SXIII


      @Roseluck Feri, this doggo is now my new spirit animal.

  14. I'm gonna be honest, season 8 so far -  not doing to hot in my book. In fact, I was ready to write off the season as a bad season - certainly the worst of G4 MLP, but I just read something about Cozy Glow that I don't know if it's a theory or if it's actually in the season finale and I wont go into detail here as I don't want to spoil it if it is what happens, but if this is legit and they do it right, not only could this save season 8 (assuming the rest of the episodes aren't the worst things ever *knocks on wood*), but this could be one of the best episodes of all of G4, set up the final season (and maybe the next movie), and change everything we thought we knew about the series up till now! :mlp_blink: Either way, this season finale is gonna be big - even by G4 season finale standards! :yeahno:(also, might want to have tissues at the ready, just in case :()

    1. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      I don't like it either.

    2. CHA0SXIII


      @Califorum, well with any luck, maybe they might manage to turn it around before the finale. Either way maybe they'll be able to make up for it with the final season to end all final seasons. *knocks on wood some more* 

  15. I've never watched any of the purge movies (and I don't intend to), but from what I understand, the real reason behind it is to kill the poor and the political enemies of those in power and to cover it up they created the purge - which in reality from what I gather doesn't even help the country as much as they claim - right? If that's the case, then it stands to reason people could either hack all the politicians and in the process, stumble upon all of this, and/or kill the people behind it. Either way, such a policy would be short-lived - in other words, the fatal flaw of the purge both as an idea and a franchise is the purge itself. It might as well be a snake that devours its own tail.

  16. Full disclosure: I don't have an issue with youtube reactor's as long as the people who own whatever it is they're reacting to ok it or it's in public domain, but a frick'n reaction of video footage of a mass-shooting!? NO! If anyone reads this who support something like that follows me, then please DON'T! I do not want to associate with your kind and you can politely go f*** yourself back to wherever it is you came from and stay there!!!! 

    1. Castle Bleck
    2. CHA0SXIII


      @A.V. Don't know their name - don't want to! No way I'd link the video here (even if I thought the modds would let me), but this is what I saw on my twitter feed!Capture0.JPG.40714903a5c15bc2be34c5a73d10a383.JPG

      Don't you just looovvveee how he makes sure his patreon is displayed so prominently? Gotta make that money after all! 

  17. So...it seems you can message yourself on Fimfiction...because reasons?...


  18. You know what I DON'T need to wake up to in the morning? This, freak'n this!


    What effects me directly in the short-term is 'royalty-free music', which I use in ALL of my videos. Now I don't monetize my videos, but any chance of ever doing so start to disintegrate more and more with each policy change. In the long-term, they just nuked every single fic reader in the fandom, which is horrible for the fic readers, but pretty bad for the fic writers (like myself) as well! I'm getting sick of this crap from youtube and I know why their doing it. Their trying to phase out user-generated content to make way for celebrity content. This is BS I don't need right now! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jordan D

      Jordan D

      I'm not good with legal stuff, but isn't Royalty-Free Music allowed to be freely used as long as you credit the source? How can YouTube punish people for that?

    3. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      YouTube censors conservative content. I would never give them money.

    4. CHA0SXIII


      Me: *makes lets plays on channel for fun* -_-'


      @A.V. That would be nice... 
      @Jordan D There are all kinds of law that exist specifically to keep people who post this kind of content up...that yr has ignored - or even broken - for years.

      @Totally Spicy BronyNumber 2A, yes, conservatives get it worse, but yt censors ANYONE who isn't radically-left leaning/SJW. I've heard of people who are self-described as left leaning or liberal, that yt more or less attacks on a regular basis simply because they won't say "if you're conservative, then you need to be put on the business end of a firing squad!". We live in an era of extremism.



    1. Divine plywood

      Divine plywood

      What's that Musk Simulator all about? Attacking against people in Twitter? :laugh:

    2. CHA0SXIII


      Look at the one below it. ;_;

  20. Well, at least micro$oft did something right.


    With this 'take notes' thing, I can finally mustache EVERY. FACE. I. SEE! :umad: #CowerMortalsYourGodIsDead

  21. I'm going to take a shower, maybe make a CHA0SXIII Talks, maybe get some writing done, and then I'm gonna sleep the rest of this day off like a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD hangover! :stressed:

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