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Kevin Tang

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About Kevin Tang

  • Birthday 2003-08-04

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
    Kevin T.#8685
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  • deviantART
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Peaks of Peril, Equestria (but actually 🇮🇩)
  • Personal Motto
    Practice makes way for improvement
  • Interests
    Hobby : Online games especially Roblox, reading anything interesting, and drawing ponies!
    Passion : definitely something related to economics
    Interest : MLP fandom and the show ; economics

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Episode
    Sounds of Silence
  • Best Song
    A Kirin Tale
  • Best Season

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Kirin (10/23)


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  1. I will have to give a speech tomorrow at Youth Conference 2018 held by my school. (I can't even find a suitable emoticon for this)

    Just with one big problem, this thing is like a dilemma. If I do good, I will be giving another speech at the second stage which will be held at the local mall. But if I do it badly, my score will be crap.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tropical Melody

      Tropical Melody

      How about .. :wau:

      That's a helluva dilemma


    3. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      What is the speech about?

    4. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      @Wannabrony I don't like public speaking. Like it's ok to have a conversation with few people, but a speech where everyone shuts their mouth with eye contacts. No! Just no! Hmmm... Actually there are plenty of my friends who are better than me, so I think it's ok to do my best. :) Thanks for the advice!


      @Tropical Melody uhhh... Idk

      @Totally Spicy BronyNumber 2A It's about young ambassadors of UNESCO wannabes giving a speech about their countries' tourism and destinations although it isn't their "country". This, of course, sounds ridiculous at the first time I heard about it. XD

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