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Kevin Tang

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About Kevin Tang

  • Birthday 2003-08-04

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
    Kevin T.#8685
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  • deviantART
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Peaks of Peril, Equestria (but actually 🇮🇩)
  • Personal Motto
    Practice makes way for improvement
  • Interests
    Hobby : Online games especially Roblox, reading anything interesting, and drawing ponies!
    Passion : definitely something related to economics
    Interest : MLP fandom and the show ; economics

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Autumn Blaze
  • Best Episode
    Sounds of Silence
  • Best Song
    A Kirin Tale
  • Best Season

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  1. My mother : (gives a long lecture about life)"... I understand that you're good as a school student, but seriously you really suck as a social being. ..." (Not really what she said but that's the point) :stressed:

    Oh mom, you never fail to make me realize how shitty I am as a person who lives around other people. :bea:

    1. CypherHoof


      Some people (particularly introverts, and I am pretty introverted) just don't do social situations; people on the spectrum tend to find them difficult and/or pointless, and generally not everyone is an extrovert (and shouldn't be told not being one is bad)

      But that said, a more common cause of social difficulties is not being socialized and around other kids enough as a kid, and if so, that's HER failure, not yours.

    2. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      Wait... I think I you get it wrong

      It's not me being an introvert.

      It's me being such an asshole to other people, like being irresponsible, insensitive, and rude.

      It's not her fault, she taught me literally everything to be a decent member of the society but yeah... I am that kid who doesn't listen to her and keep doing stupid things.

    3. PiratePony


      If you want to improve socially, practice at it. It's a learned skill that can be improved.

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