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Everything posted by Raspberry32

  1. Like I said, everybody has a different definition on the word "creepy" and "hilarious". His voice, to me, is creepy. I guess somehow, to you, it is rather humorous. That's fine with me, but I only asked what you thought of the show. I just don't see what's so funny about it. It's kind of creepy when a kid walks into a house and get's motioned to walk inside the oven to get cooked. Maybe it's just that he is all "calm" and unaware of everything. Honestly, I don't know what I am saying. Ignore all of the above.
  2. Oh c'mon! Why can't they just use the same type of animation whatnot they use for everybody else? It just isn't normal.
  3. Considering I can't work up the courage to do any more research on the subject, I don't think I will be "desensitized" to the "creepy factor" any time soon.
  4. It looks bad, I know. But, in all honesty, it is way much faster than it says. I compared the speed with my friends internet (it read about an A) and I swear there is no difference. Maybe I am just an idiot?
  5. Uh... Fair enough, I guess. I really just want to know how bad it is. What really goes on in the video? Seeing creepy things at an early age is the worst. Almost every scary movie, nightmare, and personal experiences that happened when I was young have stayed with me ever since.
  6. I don't know if I want to watch the video or not. I've been told not to, but my curiosity is starting to get the best of me.
  7. Oh... My... God. I read a creepypasta about that video. I was so freaked out, though, that I didn't want to watch the video. You know what? I have a poster on my wall. It's a guitar, made out of a whole bunch of instruments. It says the words "make a joyful noise" at the bottom. The scary part is, (and I noticed this almost right after I read the creepypasta) if you turn it upside down, you can almost see Squiwards face. I will show you. Put in spoiler due to it's (somewhat) large size. Sorry about the glare. (Yes, it was taken upside down.) Anyways, that is pretty creepy having that thing on my wall. I see that face every time I look at it.
  8. I guess I can see the "interesting" points you guys are talking about. Remember, I only watched one episode, so I am guessing most of these episodes are "interesting". I guess one thing that freaks me out is the bizarre things that happen in the show that could obviously never happen in the real world.
  9. Honestly, I don't know. It's not like I am going to watch any more of it anyways, so why not?
  10. What?... Seriously... What? Explain yourself! Don't get me wrong, I can sort of see a "hidden meaning" i almost anything. But, I don't think this is one of them.
  11. Thank you. I have been waiting for somebody to say that. Although, everybody has to at least understand why it would be creepy or scary to somebody else.
  12. Don't you know that everything sounds creepy in G Major? It's never a good thing to hear something that has been "redone" in G Major. It sounds... Unnatural.
  13. Maybe I just have a special personality. I can't really remember too much, but I have seen many things almost exactly like this from when I was about 3 years old until I was 7 years old. They just make me uneasy. It doesn't help that I have had dreams about creepy things like this. You can say my "early childhood" has been scarred with things like this.
  14. Don't get me wrong, I am all up for horror and fear. A lot of the games in my "Games Folder" on my desktop are horror games. Some of them I have yet to finish for obvious reasons. But this show was very disturbing and creepy. I remember one episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog freaked me out. I believe it was "King ______'s Curse" or "The Curse of _______" (Help me out here.) They had some plaque and this ghost guy started plaguing their house. The ghost's voice and bodily movements... No. I am still very much into horror. I am almost ready to buy another horror game from Steam. But this... "show" is something I will never watch again.
  15. I admit, I have told some people they are pretty ridiculous for thinking it isn't that sad. Now, don't take me for a jerk yet. The only people I have said that to are my really close friends. I say they are ridiculous because I know them, and most of them try to act all hard, but they aren't. They are really emotional actually. They have cried at things less emotional than MLD. So, when they said it wasn't as sad as I said it was, I knew they were lying through their teeth.
  16. So, supposedly these videos are really old. Apparently before YouTube was online. But, I kind of want to know how many people have seen these videos and what your opinion on them is. I personally think they are pretty screwed up and creepy. The only thing that comes from them is paranoia. I can't stop the feeling that somebody is behind me. (I just heard my house creek as I am typing this. No joke. Everybody in my house is asleep, so you have no idea how freaked out I am...) I don't know too much about the videos. I only watched one by complete accident, and I am never watching one again. What do you think about them?
  17. You know what? I think it's time for me to get back into posting pictures. It's been a while. There is a story behind how I found this one. I was sitting in TeamSpeak with a few friends, and one of them, BEN (his username and real name.), happened to be a brony. He was browsing through tumblr looking at pony pictures. I'm just staring at my computer when I hear this. " *GASP* TWILIGHT EATING PANCAKES! REBLOG!" If only you heard what he sounds like... I go to check out the picture he saw... Here it is. I have absolutely no comment for this picture other than... Frickin' adorable. I know I only have two images, but I am really struggling to find good ones. I'll keep trying. Sorry.
  18. I'm getting to the point to where I just stop reading all YouTube comments to avoid getting angry at idiots. But, then again, it's always a little funny. I had no idea they were even aware of ponies. Now that I know there are several bronies from RT, it makes me want to watch them more.
  19. Wow. There are a lot more celebrity bronies than I thought. I can't imagine how much hate they could be getting from their admirers. This person isn't exactly a "celebrity", more of a YouTube star. His name is Pat (Last Name), and he is from a popular YouTube series "Two Best Friends Play" (Machinima). Those of you who know about that, might have seen this. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jWsiyXoTz0 Just skip ahead to 11:00 (Or watch the whole thing. Very funny) Then again, he may have just done that for troll reasons. I feel like these guys are staged, but maybe not.
  20. If it was sort of bound to happen anyways (as in you were already hanging out somewhere) then I'd just go with it. If it was out of the blue... I'd still go with it. What else should I do? I'm sure whatever it would be, I would make a complete fool of myself. But, she might not even feel the same way. It's hard telling with her, so I am trying to get her to let something slip. You know, try a slight sweet talk... What? You want me to just outright tell her? You think I'm mad. Nobody just "tells" somebody anything. What world do you think we live in? Not a world where we just tell people things.
  21. You know, I would rather have a cat, but whatever sheds the least. Cats are more calm and chill, and most dogs I've had have been nonstop jumping around the house. But, thats sort of a good thing, because I can actually play fetch with them and all. I get really tired of vacuuming the entire house 5 times in one day, so really I don't care. Just don't drop hair.
  22. That is actually pretty well made. The only thing I would have a problem with if I had one, is that the hair is practically wrapped around her neck. It looks as if it is suffocating her. Other than that, it's pretty awesome. A good size, too.
  23. This is all about opinion. It's almost like the whole "XBox or PS3" argument. Each has it's own special features and each has it's own imperfections. Everybody is going to like this feature better than that feature. Oh, and while I'm at it... Rainbow Dash wins... I think a lot of the reason I like her most is because without her, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie would not have their cutie marks. She's kind of... important. You know, like the chocolate chip in chocolate chip cookies. Without the chocolate chip, it would just be "cookies". Doesn't sound to appetizing, now does it?
  24. As I have said in another topic a while back, I don't really like referring to myself as a brony, because when people hear "I am a brony", they get the idea that you are exactly like every other brony in the world. I'm not going point anybody out, but there are some... Let's say "awful" bronies around. And I don't want to be thought as the same as them. But, that aside, I am a brony. In a guy sense. I don't really care for the whole female=pegasister thing. Brony is easier.
  25. I think it would be easier to tell you what doesn't make me cry. Literally, just about everything makes me feel awfully sad. I don't know why that is, and I wish it wasn't that way. Now, I don't walk around all day with my head down and a frown on my face, I still know how to laugh and smile. But, everything I see, somehow, leaves a so called "mark" in my emotion. It sucks. I will tell you, one of the things that make me have a sad feeling, is the lesson learned in the end of every MLP episode. Why? That is supposed to be a good thing. Why does that make me sad? Well, I don't know. Hopefully soon I will find out why I see sorrow every flipping day. But, I'm fine and stuff. You know... ponies and all. Helps. EDIT: You know, I am going to go ahead and start listing some of the gaming moments that made/make me cry. (They are all Zelda moments) -------------- ZELDA MOMENTS -------------- --Ocarina of Time-- --Twilight Princess-- --Skyward Sword--
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