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Status Updates posted by Bendy

  1. What if the Ponies were robots in a parallel universe?

  2. What if Twilight Sparkle could fire particle beams from her eyes?

  3. What would happen if you gave Pinkie Pie a energy drink and she drank it?

    1. WhiteLightning


      (I've become addicted to this I think.) Then not only the 4th wall, but any wall wouldn't be safe from her.

    2. AJHunter


      Seeing as how she works in sweets and apparently eats quite a few, I'd say she'd just act like herself.

      But all night.

      With no sleep. At all.

    3. Skittles
  4. If the MLPFSM Ponies met the stupid Ponies from our world?

    1. WhiteLightning


      Then Twilight Sparkle would try to get them to read books, Fluttershy will try to take care of them because she thinks they are hurt or scared, and Pinkie will just throw a party for mute ponies.

  5. Who would win? Twilight Sparkle Vs Twilight Sparkle Clone Vampire?

  6. What if Nightmare Moon was the dark lord of Mordor?

    1. Fire_Fly


      Then one would not simply banish her to the moon.

  7. What if Twilight Sparkle was a little more impulsive?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fire_Fly


      Let's ask the 'What If' Machine!

    3. Bendy


      This show needs 'What If' Machine


      Well fan fiction, can do that.


    4. Fire_Fly


      My Little Pony: Tales of Interest!

  8. What if Twilight Sparkle could shape shift into Godzilla?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inkfeather


      What if Twilight Sparkle could shapeshift into a pony?

    3. Jokuc


      She wo.. wait what :L

    4. VladmireV.S.(Crank)
  9. Would you like to see a pack of Tyrannosaurus Rexs running down the street eating people and firing laser beams from their eyes?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteLightning


      As long as I'm out of their line of fire, count me in.

    3. Bendy
    4. HanPolo


      Good. Im in then.

  10. What if the Ponies were Nazgûl?

    1. LowfatEnvelope


      Then i would most definitely let them find me ^_^

    2. Finesthour


      I wouldn't be around to tell the tale of the ring.

  11. What if the Ponies were dinosaurs?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Proailurus
    3. Bendy


      My Little Dino, My Little Dino


      Rawr rawr rawr... My Little Dino


      I used to wonder what meat would taste like


      My Little Dino


      Until you all shared its taste with me


      Big Hunt



      Tons of bone to chew on



      A beautiful taste



      Angry and strong



      Sharing meals


      It's an easy feat


      And meat makes it all complete


      You have My Little Dino


      Do yo...

    4. ProjectRKA


      @Swoop: Oh you xD

  12. I want to go to a magical shiny land!

  13. Anyone here dislike those twins Jedward? I for one do.

  14. Last night was insane here.

  15. The power of the Ponies are unstoppable none can stand against them, soon they shall rule all of the Multiverse

  16. Discord and Sheogorath would make a great team don't you think?

  17. I wanna see Pinkie Pie stick her head out of a Parabox and say "Forever" to me!

  18. Would you steal Applejack's apples and eat them?

  19. What if Twilight Sparkle could fire gamma rays from her eyes?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bendy


      Alright, good night everypony going to bed soon.

    3. Scritches


      I think we wouldn't have had to worry about Chrysalis...Twi's gaze alone would have melted her.

    4. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      It could probably be implemented, though it might make her a Mary Sue in terms of magic. Overdoing her special talent.

  20. What if Pinkie Pie was really giant?

    1. Finesthour


      Then I'd crush you.

    2. Bohtty


      earthquakes everywhere

    3. Nas


      We'd all be a little bit screwed.

  21. Would you like to be able to shape shift into a Tyrannosaurus Rex and eat people?

    1. Skullbuster


      hell yeah! it would justify my cannibalistic tendencies

  22. Would you like to fire laser beams from your eyes?

    1. Finesthour


      But I'd be looking at my girlfriend, and accidently kill her D:

    2. MrL0LZ


      I already do.

  23. How about we talk about pancakes. This that offensive?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      You are insensitive to waffles! Waffles are always pushed aside when pancakes are brought up!

    3. Skullbuster


      i for one am offended

    4. Proailurus


      I knew Soarin felt that way about pie, which was disgusting enough but I never knew you could do something like that with a pancake 0.o

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