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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Bendy

  1. I wonder if I'll get more feedback on Magical Shiny Land (Now in prose): http://mlpforums.com/topic/18288-magical-shiny-land-now-in-prose/

  2. I made a shameless promotional video of my fan fiction "Magical Shiny Land" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDHCr6rfI9o

  3. Would Twilight Sparkle enjoy reading Twilight?

  4. Would you welcome our Pony Overlords to our world?

  5. What would happen if you gave Pinkie Pie a can of Red Bull to drink?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pencil J. Doodle

      Pencil J. Doodle

      She would constantly speak, without breaking for breath. And she would circle whatever room she was in at over 328094mph

    3. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      mushroom clouds

    4. Strife


      And thus the neutron bomb was born.

  6. Would you rob Twilight Sparkle's books?

    1. WhiteLightning


      If I did, I think she will transform into

      Twilight Rapidash and beat me to death with the books I tried to steal.

    2. Ember_star
  7. Taste the wrath of friendship! Rawrrrrrrrrrr!

    1. Bendy


      Feel the wrath of friendship!

    2. Ember_star
  8. What if Pinkie Pie became the new dark lord of Mordor?

    1. StingeMuffin


      She's practically omnipresent, so they'd all be screwed. :3

    2. Mephala


      Then I'd be her slave five-ever.

    3. AppleShy Sparkle
  9. What is Pinkie Pie's favourite colour?

  10. What pie would you give Pinkie Pie?

  11. What would happen if you fired the Wabbajack at Pinkie Pie?

    1. TomokoKuroki


      She's absorb it's power in her mane. and have it's powers FOREVVVVERRR!

    2. TomokoKuroki


      She's absorb it's power in her mane. and have it's powers FOREVVVVERRR!

  12. What would happen if you robbed Pinkie Pie's cupcakes?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteLightning


      My guess is that YOU would be an ingredient for the next batch of cupcakes....

    3. AppleShy Sparkle

      AppleShy Sparkle

      You'd become a cupcake.

    4. Bendy


      Yeah, those are good reasons not to take her cupcakes.

  13. Ponies are truly all over the Internet.

    1. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      I have no idea what you mean.

  14. Billy West and Tara Strong Coming to Calgary.m2ts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVoaHj-kwME

  15. Could Rainbow Dash destroy the whole entire universe?

    1. KPM


      Nope. The two ponies best capable of that are Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.

      Twilight with some literally insane magic, and Pinkie Pie... By being Pinkie Pie.

    2. Tom


      And Discord, even though he's not a pony.

  16. So many new members steamroll on in here. Good.

  17. What if Pinkie Pie "put a smile on peoples" faces?

    1. KPM


      ... But she does.

    2. ProjectRKA


      ... what Ouker said.

  18. What if Rainbow Dash could fire laser beams from her eyes?

    1. ToridAkbolto


      A freeze ray would be better. "You look a little warm. Let me make you about 20% cooler.

  19. Darth Vader is a Brony:

    1. Dreadmallon


      Well, when you have the horrible life of Anakin Skywalker, then watching My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic becomes an obsession.

  20. I find this site's lack of Ponies disturbing.

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i find the ponies' disturbing of site lacking.

    2. WhiteLightning


      I find the ponies' lack of site disturbing.

  21. Would Darth Vader go back to the Light side of the Force if he saw Secret of My Excess?

  22. From yesterday I still must admit even after so many posts related to Ponies on this site, I still find the lack of Pony related posts on this site disturbing.

    1. Phoenix Dirac Wright

      Phoenix Dirac Wright

      I'm not sure whether to raise an objection or not...

  23. If Twilight Sparkle was Gandalf's steed?

  24. I must admit even after so many posts related to Ponies on this site, I still find the lack of Pony related posts on this site disturbing. XD http://i.qkme.me/35h9qb.jpg

    1. Nightfall
    2. Bendy


      It's an awful shame isn't it?

    3. Nightfall
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