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Status Updates posted by Bendy

  1. What would happen if Justin Bieber sang to Discord?

  2. Would you feed Justin Bieber to Cerberus?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gingerpotato


      I wouldn't want Cerberus to feel ill. I'd just boot him into the River Styx.

    3. Bohtty


      No, but I would feed Cerberus all the people that hate Justin Beiber. Although it may take him several days to finish due to the quantity of ignorant people.

    4. Goodra


      If he was thrown in the River Styx he'd make all the people in "Anger" even angrier and they would escape from Hell and enslave the mortal realm. I say we Just freeze him in "Treachery".

  3. Would you like to see an episode where the main six become giants and go on a rampage firing laser beams from their eyes and eating Ponies?

  4. What if the Ponies could breathe fire?

    1. Nightfall


      They wouldn't be ponies...


    2. WildCard


      Somepony in their family tree would probably be a dragon^^

    3. Bendy


      Yeah, maybe.

  5. My Little Reaper: Indoctrination Is Magic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnGCqIcwhbU

    1. MrL0LZ
    2. Whiteshade


      I have seen the light, and the error of my ways!

  6. Here's another Multiverse one I don't know if this has ever been done before but If the good Pinkie Pie met the Evil Cupcakes Pinkie Pie from a different parallel universe, I'd say she would save Rainbow Dash from her fate and kill the Evil Cupcakes Pinkie Pie.

    1. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      nah, other way around. you can't kill Pinkamena.i've tried.

    2. Luurilka
    3. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      ....*shudders* never again....0_0

  7. Is Twilight Sparkle's name Twilight Sparkle?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Swit Swat
    3. Silver Boulder

      Silver Boulder


    4. Bendy


      Ah this was fun! Do we should have a Silly Questions Thread here? Where we ask ridiculous stupid questions like "IS Twilight Sparkle colored purple?"

  8. What if Twilight Sparkle read Twilight and got to the part where the vampires in Twilight sparkle?

    1. Nightfall


      She would kill all the vampires.

    2. Glaceon


      Ask Twi

      "Why do vampires in Twilight sparkle?"

      She will be

      "Vampires in me what?"

  9. What if the Ponies could shape shift into Tyrannosaurus Rexs?

    1. Tom


      Then those parasprites wouldn't have been a problem.

  10. What if the ponies could fire laser beams from their eyes?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pulcinella


      I agree, WhiteLightning.

    3. NavelColt


      My Little Turret: Ponies are Deadly

    4. Pulcinella


      Lolz, Discord!

  11. Would you break a Pinkie Pie promise?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jadefire


      Nah, my eyes prefer it when they don't have cupcakes in them.

    3. letterone


      Noooo I would rather not, after what happened on The Last Roundup.

    4. Proctra Music
  12. Will we ever see Ponies firing laser beams from their eyes? XD

    1. Talemage


      Pinkie Pie would probably do that..

  13. If my luck holds and I'm not as bad as a writer as I think I am, my fan fiction Magical Shiny Land (prose version) may be posted on Equestria Daily. For all they said is "it just needs a little proofreading" and I have someone doing that.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Strife


      Interesting. Ever use http://www.fimfiction.net/ ? That is one of the places I put mine. [here are some of my posted ones, if you're interested http://derpy.me/S2HPC ]

    3. Bendy


      I check out your fan fiction as long as isn't creepy slash fan fiction or anything.


      I'll see what the site's like.

    4. Strife


      Naw, mine is safe. I don't do clop / creepypasta / shipping / grimdark / HiE ... I don't like those genres.

  14. I have made Magical Shiny Land (Now in prose)

  15. Ever hear "A Symphonic Metal Tribute To My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" on youtube? "

  16. Any info on when the new season is starting?

    1. _Flitter


      I heard it was in September sometime D:

    2. Nas


      Nopony knows....yet.


      It is most likely to be in fall sometime. The timeline is the same though, 2012 - 2013.

  17. Just posted "Magical Shiny Land" here. Hope you like it.

  18. Could I post "Magical Shiny Land" here? As I asked in my "Welcoming Plaza" thread

    1. Bendy


      I've posted it.

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