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Colon Leftbracket

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Status Updates posted by Colon Leftbracket

  1. Well day 2 without sleep... today ought to be hell like yesterday was!

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Oh no... Try to not think about sleep for now.

  2. My friend cosplayed as N from Pokemon for Halloween.... And I just sat here and did nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonyPoni


      .... congrats?

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      He did a pretty good job with his cosplay with all the cool accessories.

      Yeah I guess it would be a bit easy compared to some other crazier character designs.

    4. AnonyPoni
  3. I swear school would be pretty cool if the Yoshi's Island Soundtrack played constantly in the background.

  4. No school... we're in Atlantis now.

  5. Spongebob, do you think HURRICANES from Texas are dumb?

    1. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      Sandy: WHAT DID YOU SAY?????

    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      And that children is how Hurricane Sandy started.

      Now its time for you to take your raft to school.

    3. Retro*Derpy
  6. Ladies and gentlecots, I present to you... The Adjustment Burro http://imgur.com/a/sm7p6 (MAD MLPxWhinnyThePoohxAdjustmentBeuro Parody)

  7. Intense lower stomach pains where you feel like you're going to burst is the WORST way to wake up at 4 am! ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      stomach pains suck. i've had stomach problems my entire life, so i should know that.

    3. Retro*Derpy


      I would suggest taking a food analysis from the doctor. My dad found out it was red dye causing his upset stomach.

    4. Nas


      I agree, stomach pains are one of my biggest fears and the bane of my existence. The ones that wake me up are really scary. I hope you're doing alright.

  8. *Turns on a Studio Ghibli film* My Dad: "Wow what is this retard shit!" *Facepalm*

    1. Nas


      He doesn't know true quality when he sees it.

  9. "Please, level with me understand, I'd do anything for you. Seize every moment while you can, this void is coming after you. Loneliness is why you hurt, just don't kill the messenger."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Yes, a song that really didn't deserve to be pushed back as "bonus content"

    3. Crispy


      I haven't had a chance to listen to the new album yet. ._. But I saw your Tumblr posts and the lyrics looked pretty rad.

    4. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      The lyrics are pretty phenomenal this time around.

      The Homecoming, Domino, Evagria, and Goodnight Fair Lady are my favorites!


  10. Some of the questions on the survey seem a bit uncomfortable... Quick she's gone! Now tell us all the nasty things you think of her.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      @Clarity forum stupidity? bad RPlayers? really? do I need to study to be a good RPlayer? XD

    3. Clarity


      @Motion - Not trying to make her look bad, just quoting:

      "The reasons are a relatively complicated affair that involve my absolute frustration at the management here, and the overall heightened stupidity since I joined."


    4. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      This conversation is really going nowhere.

      And I feel the topic's been run to the ground by now, so for my own comfort I'm locking the topic.

      Play nice now, just not in my yard!

  11. Debating on moving my Screenshot/Text Let's Play of Pokemon Black 2 on a blog here...

  12. So now there are 2 Transgender characters in the Mario franchise hidden by American censorship. Birdo from SMB2 and Vivian from Paper Mario 2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket


      I've known about the Birdo thing for ages now, but that video brought to my attention that their's probably even more interesting characters that were butchered for silly American censorship.

      But hey if I ever play Paper Mario 2 again (which why wouldn't I, its probably one of the best RPGs I've ever played) then I'll know a small amusing characteristic that the translation doesn't want me to know! :D


    3. VladmireV.S.(Crank)
    4. Nas


      Birds is one of the freakiest characters of all time. It (as I like to refer to it by) has a female voice in the GBA remake of SMB2 (the remake is a childhood game of mine). o_O

  13. I know with Future Twilight everyone makes Solid Snake comparisons, but I think she also looks almost exactly like Ninth from Mirai Nikki.

  14. I am actually legitimately getting pissed off at an anime right now! I shouldn't have started Otaku Weekend.

  15. That moment when you are having a lovely chat with your friend and they suddenly fall asleep. Some people might find that moment upsetting, but I find it very endearing.

  16. Apparently I got a rather large group of friends on Facebook to ship Obama x Romney as their OTP. Do I win yet?

  17. MLP Forums turns one years old, I abandon it all day. I am such a good member!

  18. My Mittle Romney

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Crispy




      is ok devin bby u no i luh u

    3. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      Taking part in organized crime is most euphoric, gentlemen.

    4. Crispy
  19. A truely amazing animated music video for those who love various cartoons from Cartoon Network

    Apparently I'm only 2 years younger than Cartoon Network... an odd thought.
  20. Legends of Equestria: "Poop Butt Fart is not a valid name" Don't tell me what to do!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ProjectRKA


      Well obviously... you're new to the game :P

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      I got disconnected... boo.

      Its like the club can't handle me! :P

    4. ProjectRKA


      Hah... it'd definitely not be able to handle me, then :P

  21. AHA! My slow download speed on LoE has been fixed! Apparently Steam decided to download Psychonauts when I was trying to download LoE!

  22. 20 minutes later... Legends of Equestria at 16% :( I need faster download speed!

  23. Apparently an upcoming anime in Japan called Aoi Sekai no Chūshin de is an anime based on the Nintendo vs Sega console wars. It includes multiple characters based on popular games. Brb, become Otaku.

  24. Watched the new TMNT cartoon on Nickelodeon... its... okay... I guess.

    1. Nas


      It's Michael Bay. One does not simply call it "okay".

    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      No your thinking of the movie that Micheal Bay is apparently making which sounds horrible.

      I'm talking about the new cartoon series on Nickeldeon that I don't think Micheal Bay has anything to do with.

  25. Just preordered Halo 4. It's probably the only popular competitive shooters that I really enjoy and I am impressed with the changes made.

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