I assume this is the message/blurb box, on Samsung browser on dark mode there is no title above this box it seems.(unless "required" is the title)
I originally got started/interested in MLP by a widower neighbor who collected things for her grandchildren that never happened, and my family(who bought her farm and ranch) adopted her as another grandmother when I was born, and as a result, I got 30 years worth of western/horse/farm/etc related items, and a shetland pony who was "only 10" for 20 years. So when G4 started, I was in high school and usually got stuck watching my sister and cousins, I was browsing through guide and seen it was coming on, turned it on and thought it would be like the old ones and...it wasn't.
It was good and, for me, there really wasn't much else on, so I watched it when I could, and my sister and cousins liked it. MLP was a good escape for me from school (apparently buying a farm & ranch from a widow was greatly frowned upon in our area, so first day of school I had made lots of friends and by the second lost them all as parents didn't want their children to be affiliated with "the family who stole that poor widow's ranch" , a claim the widow gets somewhat ticked at) as I was somewhat forced to take the "Twilight" approach all through school, and in the years that are 2020 and 2021, it still is.
And it only took until the summer of 2020 after trying to come with a farm logo, at 3AM while waiting for the baler to catch up, that ended up being a dead ringer for big mac(and me not realizing it until I texted it to my sister who told me) to actually google and see there is a very large online community for MLP. To my defense, we didn't get internet until 2014 or so.
Otherwise for why I am joining? I dont really know, aside from repeatedly stumbling across this site and then lurking for a while, I might as well. I probably won't post much and when I do, it'll either be a bare minimum or a post like this where I end up rambling, even after 3 rewrites to first lengthen it and then shorten it. So hello.