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Northern Star

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Everything posted by Northern Star

  1. Northern Star

    general media Opinions on VR

    The only time I've tried it is the google cardboard at a library and for a "real" try it was at the Chevron Oil booth at a farm show with an HTC vive(?). The cardboard was a good idea but the execution was lacking, I thought the HTC was neat for the demo/show they had.(how oil acts during its lifespan in varying environments in varying engines and other things) I would like to try Valve's version, but I'm not that terrible big of a gamer...and the minute I fully" suit up" someone will show up at the door or something will happen I have a feeling...
  2. Mine was basically a meal/family reunion with some neighbors. One classmate stopped by, but that was because they(his parents) were looking for my dad... So considering that we dont really have family reunions(unless there is that rare chance that everyone's schedule lines up perfectly), and most of the time I only get to see my entire family at funerals or weddings, I liked it.
  3. Well for one it seemed to be less argumentative, more accepting, less political, more helpful, and (the biggest one for me) no one trying to dox me for whatever petty reason. Oh dont forget the random death threats when you ask for help, I didn't receive them 5 years ago when I started there. Then again, I wasn't super active at first, perhaps someone who signed up 10 years ago got to the same point 5 years ago that I'm getting to now.
  4. For me it's kinda hit or miss...I'm there for a few things, more rare and expensive machine help, but it seems to be becoming more political/argumentive in non political places or there is someone trying to dig up dirt in your history in every thread or trying to dox you or something. So long story short I've been overwriting/deleting my comments and posts there in an effort to leave...I know I'm screwing myself over and others who will ask similar questions in the future, but when those that try to dox you(for reasons unknown it seems, or I missed why) get damn close...its time to shred everything and leave. If I go back, it will be with throwaways. Its shame in the end, all the information that would have been helpful gone, but it's not the place it was 5 years ago it seems.
  5. Hello world!

    That is if I found the correct setting.

  6. Well that's... somewhat confusing... From "The Last Problem"..."The Magic of Friendship Grows" I think is what it is called, roughly a minute into it. I dont think it's a tempo, as it doesn't change speed, any example of modulation I can find doesn't seem as extreme, and I'd have to look into the last one more.
  7. The easiest example I could think of is right at "the greatest spell you'll know" in the last song of MLP, the music "shifts" 3 times, what is that called? I know I've heard it in other music before, the multiple "shifts" but I haven't been able to find what that is called, I can find a single shift(or a few different terms for that), but the multiple shifts seem to be something different. I assume it has it's own term anyway. Thank you.
  8. 4:37 A.M. Don't know why I am still awake and not tired after getting up at 6(am)ish yesterday.
  9. To answer that a little late: different companies, and I believe 7up is more carbonated than Sprite, and a slightly different amount of lemon/lime/water mixture. Kinda like mellow yellow and mountain dew.
  10. Very extroverted according to the VHS tapes and what little memories I remember. Then after the first week of school at age 4 in kindergarten, very introverted. Still introverted to this day, aside from online, then I think you can call it "normal introvert".
  11. Thank you for the welcome. I also like tea, only cold though.
  12. CPU: I7-5930k, at stock voltage at ~4.5 Cooler: NH-D15 Motherboard: Asus Rampage V 10th anniversary edition GPUs: two Nvidia 980s, one a reference, one a new in box Gigabyte Winforce, in SLI Ram: originally 32, but since one stick will only work alone, 24 of 2800mhz Corsair Dominator Platinum Storage: 15 TB of HDDs OS: Windows 7 Ultimate PSU: 1600w EVGA P2 Made it myself for under $1000 US about 5 years ago(when the 7th gen intel was announced), all of it was used aside from the PSU and cooler. Currently no case, its sitting on a stand on a table. Then sitting beside it in a drawer is the " legendary" I7-4790K(trying to find a motherboard for it) and the introvert ram stick.
  13. I'm about 40 miles by road, 20 "as the crow flies", from the closest small town(of 20) and about another 10 from there to the closest town with things such as stores, the school, and such, that town is about 500 people. Then I suppose I should add to explain the title, less than an hour drive to the border with Canada. On average we are colder in the winter than the three closest provinces, but this winter it's been about 5-10 degrees above freezing.
  14. Thank you for the welcome. I meant that, for us, it was dialup only until then, so my impatient family decided it wasn't worth it.. Our Co-op got a grant about that time to update their end, so we got blazing fast DSL...that I rarely remember it getting over 3mbps, if it got to 1 it was a good day. The worst part was discovering steam at the same time. Weeks to download anything and slowing down the already slow internet stunk. Luckily our co-op got another grant(and more customers) about 3 years ago and now just about their entire network is fiber. 1Gbps x 1Gbps is quite nice, until you realize it's a waste because whoever is on the other end cant do it. Yeah farming has come a long way, all the way that you can put a seed sub inch/3cm from where you want it, fertilize just around it, and do that across 60 feet at 14+MPH while the tractor is driving itself is certainly a long way from horses and single bottom plows. We don't have that yet as...well we paid less for the tractor and airseeder than just the brain box costs, and quite a few neighbors don't either, for us it just doesn't make sense but to some it does. To me it's sad that politics and scrimping are a major part in farming anymore. I grew up hearing about the "soaring 70s" and how it was about impossible to go broke and then that went to the "excruciating 80s" where it was about impossible to not lose money, so I suspose it could be worse. But like you said there are upsides. I like it because theres a certain type and amount of freedom that goes along with it, sure its alot of work but, when you can go "let's try this" or "what happens when you redesign that like this" or "theres a vineyard 100 miles north of me, why can't I grow something less sensitive like apples" or even "does it really matter what time of day HRSW(Hard Red Spring Wheat) is planted" and then proceede to be the opposite of the neighbors and get up at dusk and go to bed at dawn(I will note that I got more done due to less phone calls and distractions). I did try to have an in town job for about a year but when you have that freedom...its hard to walk away from that, no matter the paycheck.
  15. Thank you for the welcome. I will have to say I have a hard time choosing a favorite, but I suspose in the end she would be the most relatable to me. It did surprise me how realistic their farm is(for a cartoon), one or two big paychecks and then the few small ones from the diversification, the "eternal harvest" or similar season(it does feel like that sometimes), the distance that the trees are spaced out, and the sadly realistic "if x happens, we could lose the farm" and "if x happens, we could afford to do y or z". We have small grains, cattle, a custom planting and harvesting business, and hopefully next year a small producing apple orchard again(that isn't crab apples for once), and we still end up in that same spot sometimes, but that I suppose could be attributed to the "grow or be eaten" of today's world.
  16. Thanks for the welcome! Thank you for the welcome, and for the second part that's basically what the entire area knew, the "well I'm just going by what I heard from so and so". You do get used to it, and in a way, prepared me for the world of today's farming.
  17. Thanks for the welcome. I have listened to some music that has popped up in my YouTube recommendations, but have not heard those two yet, so thank you for those. As for fan stuff, about all I've done is find Fimfiction...and promptly get stuck there for hours. I never really was a fiction reader, but there are some genuinely good series there I found out, and then some series that are very good and then look like they will never be finished...many a bored night has been solved by reading there. Otherwise past that, I've read a few posts/chains here and that's about it. I think "an awful lot of content" is definitely an understatement.
  18. Thank you for the welcome. I did read that right away to make sure I (hopefully) wouldn't screw up. The forum software appears to be similar to another I am on...aside from that quotes actually work here.
  19. I assume this is the message/blurb box, on Samsung browser on dark mode there is no title above this box it seems.(unless "required" is the title) I originally got started/interested in MLP by a widower neighbor who collected things for her grandchildren that never happened, and my family(who bought her farm and ranch) adopted her as another grandmother when I was born, and as a result, I got 30 years worth of western/horse/farm/etc related items, and a shetland pony who was "only 10" for 20 years. So when G4 started, I was in high school and usually got stuck watching my sister and cousins, I was browsing through guide and seen it was coming on, turned it on and thought it would be like the old ones and...it wasn't. It was good and, for me, there really wasn't much else on, so I watched it when I could, and my sister and cousins liked it. MLP was a good escape for me from school (apparently buying a farm & ranch from a widow was greatly frowned upon in our area, so first day of school I had made lots of friends and by the second lost them all as parents didn't want their children to be affiliated with "the family who stole that poor widow's ranch" , a claim the widow gets somewhat ticked at) as I was somewhat forced to take the "Twilight" approach all through school, and in the years that are 2020 and 2021, it still is. And it only took until the summer of 2020 after trying to come with a farm logo, at 3AM while waiting for the baler to catch up, that ended up being a dead ringer for big mac(and me not realizing it until I texted it to my sister who told me) to actually google and see there is a very large online community for MLP. To my defense, we didn't get internet until 2014 or so. Otherwise for why I am joining? I dont really know, aside from repeatedly stumbling across this site and then lurking for a while, I might as well. I probably won't post much and when I do, it'll either be a bare minimum or a post like this where I end up rambling, even after 3 rewrites to first lengthen it and then shorten it. So hello.
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