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Northern Star

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Everything posted by Northern Star

  1. Yesterday was a beautiful spring day.


    We'll be below 0 f before the morning 

    It was 20 all day with 75mph(120k) winds, with snow on and off

    And to top that off there was a prairie fire that's travelled as fast as the wind that they susposedly have out. If the wind switched...well that would have been the end of 120 years of work and progress for us.

    Oh and 8+ calves born in the middle of this too.

    I'd rather deal with a flood...as then you can sandbag and pump it...instead of watching it blow.

  2. I don't get the "state a universally hated opinion and get offended when people state they don't like it, then brand the community as "unwelcoming or bad" thing... Or that some discussions on forums(have not seen it here yet) are fine, even have mods participating or being the bulk of the conversation, then a (different) mod that comes out of no where and locks it. The more I'm on the internet the less I understand of it and its people. Oh and to top that off, my processor will apparently run at 8GHZ on stock voltage, as long as its below 30c. You can't run it anywhere between the stock 4 and that 8 though, but below 30 and 8 it will run stable, until it reaches 31 or sometimes 40 then it will crash, but how do you keep it that cool? More or less why does it do that? Every one else can run it at 4-6 without issue, but I can only run stock or 8.
  3. Kinda depends on who's calling. Either "Hello?" Or "Hello?.......helloooooo?....hello?"(bad cell service) or like the old AT&T/Bell system promo: "What do you want?!" And "What?!"
  4. March 27...previous week, 50 to 70 F weather, warm. Tonight: I come in and watch a 10 minute video...and then look out the window to see that everything is white.

    First snow since October I think. Would liked rain but moisture is moisture when you're in a drought I guess.

  5. They have the entire world to live in and they decide to crawl up my wall and jump when I try to get them, or they put an invisible web strand at eye, mouth or hand level. Mostly the problem of them being attracted to me for whatever reason...like wasps and mosquitoes, you can have a room full of people and me in the middle doing the same as everyone else and they will come and land, crawl, and then bite or sting me for absolutely no reason and then leave. They'll leave everyone else alone, but not me.
  6. International Harvester Company if meaning any time frame, and I would assume Ford unless they took a nose dive in quality since 99.(They made pickups until 1975, and the vehicle which made SUVs a thing, the Travelall until 1975ish and the Scout until 1980, and still make trucks today) I haven't been too terribly impressed with GM and I am sure Chrysler is trying to kill and bankrupt me with all the problems I have had with them at this point.
  7. Aside from the "me or someone else falling from somewhere high"(probably due to me being afraid of heights and hopefully not a premonition) I had one where I was in some type of airforce aircraft chasing after a stereotypical UFO for what seemed like forever, and the entire time it sounded like a dieing lawnmower...and then whenever I tried to do anything it would either play chicken with me or move a short distance away. Woke up with the oddest feeling and couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Still don't exactly want to think about it for some reason.
  8. It appears to have been a slow day for the internet....

  9. I'd debate the part about HDDs being outdated... I say this as I have ~15 TB of HDDs...and them being former enterprise drives, do beat the cheap SSDs in speed and reliability, in my experience atleast. Also storage per $ is much better with HDD. I will agree that if you are running windows 10, the OS definitely has to be on a SSD then. They both have their place, and will for the foreseeable future, just like tape.
  10. Nope. Stayed home and had to pull 3 calves in 2 hours...I was even asked by girl I somewhat liked to go, but it was spring, we were calving, we were planting, Dad had a broken arm, etc. The thing was...I was apparently the only one who didn't go...so guess what English's assessments focused on. (Basically "was prom what you expected and dreamed of" and what not) "What do you mean you didn't go? Everyone was there!" "You want to see video evidence?"(barn cameras) "Well yes!" ... "Alright that's enough, I don't want to see the other two..." As to if I would have went otherwise...probably not.
  11. "Hey where'd that other discovery channel go?" "Hub? What that that stand for? What is it?" Then quickly to "well there's nothing else on, might as well kick it to 179(Hub/DF on Dish) there isn't a bad show there most of the time" It was a good idea but it felt like there was no one backing it up, aside from putting shows on it. It could have went somewhere but...no one really seemed to want it to go anywhere. Nick, Disney, and CN, to me, don't really have anything on, unless they are showing something old...they're somewhat stale if that's a way to put it. I will say catching your program on TV...there is something...magical? Good feeling? A feeling that streaming can't replace. You know the "there's nothing on, I don't feel like watching anythi-HEY that actually sounds good" thing.
  12. What's the interest and terms of it? I'd either: A. Farm until it's gone B. Dump it in the stockmarket on tesla or something, C. Play around with grain futures, or D. The terms suck and I'd only use it in a last resort scenario.
  13. I guess I don't really have a favorite...as every time I begin to like one, they update it so I don't or it has some issues with no workarounds.
  14. To put it lightly: I never understood how they even became a company when just about everyone had something better and cheaper on the market. Also how did they not go bankrupt with the Macintosh? Literally everyone had a better machine out then and were cheaper at the same time. Yes I did have an ipod touch 4 and 5, still do, but they seem to naturally become so slow and have no battery by year 2 or 3 that...it sucks because they aren't cheap. My school went from windows to apple computers...to chromebooks. That kinda says something. Also they demoted the "tech guy" who convinced the board to spend something like 6.5 million on new apple computers, because "even though we bought these windows computers last year(they were actually decent and running on an enterprise system) they are completely obsolete and extremely susceptible to hackers". 1 year later the school said they went through something like 60 keyboards and 70 mice(because right click is a standard to everyone but apple apparently). 2 years later they had approximately 40 different apple devices in a "bone yard" because, surprise, surprise, they got viruses that affected the hardware, not just the OS, but the hardware. The "hacking group" (which I will give them credit and say they do have a future in IT somewhere because what they were doing was true hacking) probably didn't help much by "accidentally" downloading and executing files from certain websites and finding out that the "tech guy" didn't really know what he was doing. I will say, as the "library assistant" during that time, the library got very solitary...as no one knew how to use them, as the world runs on Windows and has a Linux backbone...so it seemed like to me, you have to do about the opposite of what you would do in Windows for apple. Also it seemed like apple was extremely...locked down? Hand holdy? Babying you? Not to mention slow, I mean I thought IE launching was bad, but wow I was wrong. I did receive some credit for my opinions though...as my home made PC beat those macs at rendering a video by about 30 minutes if I recall correctly...and it cost less than half of those macs. Safe to say, I don't like them, so I kinda agree, as I type this from a Samsung Note 8, while my PC is being a small space heater rendering a video.
  15. Tornadoes, prairie fires, and drought. Kinda hard to decide there.
  16. Spring is here. First Calf today, only took 15 minutes to get 89 heifers and 9 out of 12 bulls in and 3 hours to give up on one brain dead one.

    (After we gave up on the last one, after it went through/over 3 different fences)

    Dad: " Watch the calf while I see if the cow went in"

    Me, with sunglasses at dusk: "What calf?"

    20210320_023320.jpg Little Red Angus Bull calf. Got a ride into the corrals to its mother and thanked Dad, who was on my 4 wheeler, by...relieving itself on the 4 wheeler seat...I wonder if someone has done a study on why cows do that, once they sense they have quit moving(in a stock trailer, rotary milker, etc) they immediately...relieve themselves. 

    Calf is above the center of the image and to the left, behind the tree/branch. Hopefully compression doesn't kill the picture...first image I shared here, it's even in "Living Color".

    1. Northern Star

      Northern Star

      Yes it is dry...we are now in what's called "Extreme Drought" and the only level worse than that is "Exceptional Drought" and we aren't too far from it. Lots of fires already, lots of farmers wondering if they should just take "Prevent Plant" and leave the equipment in the shed this year.

  17. Well they put a tennis ball on the horn...so I would assume that would neuter its last useful use if there is no magic.
  18. Well I have one I wrote down immediately after I woke up...still remember most of it too...just I'll have to find it and edit it in. Basically MLP+RDR2+our farm yard and house+some chosing of a spouse for a person that looks familiar from high school and it's a big deal, like royal families in Europe getting married big deal... Here's what I wrote down, names and locations edited out. Still don't have a clue what it means or why I had it. So...yeah...awake 36 hours haying, come home to sleep and have that.
  19. Never hugged a sheep but have hugged cattle before, mostly to see what they would do. They react about like you would when someone hugs you randomly, around the neck. Or they just keep eating or waiting for you to keep scratching their back. Very warm and now both of you are hairy.
  20. Eh it's not that bad. I like working in the evenings and at night, plus its not light at 430 AM which helps on the farm. If it does end though, permanent DST, not standard time.
  21. Depends on the house...mine? No. Certain neighbors? Yes.
  22. Coveralls/the outer layer of multi layered outfits? Yes. Inner layers/single layers? No. Unless I end up sleeping in the sleeper or something and forget the suitcase at home.
  23. I have been told horses are somewhat girly...so most of my childhood I guess...from G1,2,3 & a bunch of horse games and such I was given by my grandmother...but I didn't make the connection or care as we didn't have much. Care bears were a thing at grade school though. Oh cooking was something I was told was "girly"...until it came to meat processing class, then I smoked everyone else.
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