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Everything posted by Finding_Marty

  1. Now when you mentioned it I remember getting my degree. Because of the lockdwon during COVID and online final exams I got my degree sent via post. We didn't have any closing ceremony nor solemn speeches at the end. It just ended like that. Most of the people wern't even near the college that moment. We just gone our own ways and never seen each other again. Shame...
  2. But that means you made some good memories. Some people hated school and would never come back to these times in their memories. If I were a teacher I would be very happy if any of my students feel this way
  3. I usually like being sarcastic and say that at least it's not raining when things don't go as planned. But seriously... Why isn't it raining?
  4. Ooff, It's only 34° in the place where I am Stay hydrated everypony!
  5. Oh how much time I spent playing Heroes of Might & Magic... must say the Heroes III is the best and something wrong started happening after the Heroes V... I have never played Need for Speed as I have always been an RPG player
  6. Bavaria Cruiser 50 Even thought I was born near the sea and spent there most of my life I never thought about sailing. It changed completely after I visited Corfu last year where I started imagining how cool it would be to travel between the islands on the Mediterranean Sea... I learnt that it may take some time before I can sail the sea as it requires more than just finishing a simple sailing course, but I will get there... someday
  7. I love her image and the heart-shaped frogs (or rather soles?) are just disarming everytime I look at them ^^
  8. I remember that several times my dreams were so absurd that I forced myself to wake up while sleeping. Is it lucid dreaming? However, apart from that, I have never been able to control my actions in dreams. I am also quite fascinated that we are able to dream a continuation of our previous dreams. It's amazaing how our brains work. Nevertheless, for few year I have been unable to remember my dreams. When I wake up I know I was dreaming but can't remember anything from it. Oh well...
  9. This is just something I learnt when I was preparing for my final oral exam from the literature. I guess that subdivision of the fantasy genre is much more complex than what I know
  10. Yes, I needed to be told this. It's true! I am old :s And you're right. It's not like the whole plot focuses on the phones, the Internet or such. It's fine I just always hoped for some more pony-adapted items and not just human-like world. But it's kid's show. The producers know better what they should do to attract their audience.
  11. I just watched it and enjoyed it. However, it's hard to say anything about this show after seeing only a 5 min episode. What I don't really like are the phones and live streams. Maybe it's just me but I think that these things do not go well with the horse/pony world. Same with G5... not a big fan of Pip using her phone et cetera. ... or I am just grumpy *shrug*
  12. I love The Transformers soundtrucks. The tune gets so inspirational in some moments. Recently I just can't stop listening to songs from Thelma the Unicorn, especially three of them - Fire Inside, Just as Your Are and Only Unicorn ( a bit sad). They just have that something which makes me positive and full of energy when I get inside my car, drive to work and sing them at 5 AM... Please tell me I am not the only one who does it...
  13. I always read commenta about a movie before I go see it to avoid surprises but sometimes I am just a bit disappointed. For instance I thought that The Revenant with DiCaprio would be better... I just got a bit bored...
  14. Now when you mentioned that it's mine too hmm but if I think about it, I always like to go back in my memory to my chemistry classes. Our teacher, who was very strict with us at first, liked to talk and make jokes with us during our final year and it was a nice escape from the thoughts about upcoming finals and worries about what's next...
  15. The weather is crazy! It's hot and we are having storms almost everyday. My poor dog goes nuts :c But still, it's nice that you don't really have to change clothes when going for a walk outside (unless it rains! D:)
  16. It's not that I have never heard about it. References to the book can be found in many places, even games. I just always wanted to read it The only Conan image I know is a half-naked barbarian fighting with a sword which doesn't mean this is the only image. And the Howard's stories have had a huge impact on the literature. Together with The Chronicles of Narnia they led to a creation of the fantasy genre (or at least this is what I onced learnt :D).
  17. Yes! We are old fans 'cause you've been through a lot in this fandome but we still very young for more adventures to come (and new to mlpforums ^^). Are you maybe a metal fan and/or familiar with Brutal Assault in the Josefov Fortress in Jaroměř? Gosh... the best metal festival I have been to... 3 times... Made lots of friends... but that was few years ago. Now I am into diffrent kind of music. But still, festivals aren't about the music, are they? I need to visit this festival soon
  18. No, I never liked his image and I have never seen any serie nor read any comic book concerning him... Feels like I am coming from the Stone Age
  19. I knew I remember this avatar and nickname You are the one posting information about Czechquestria on mlppolska! Let me welcome you here (even though I am also new here :P)! But hey aren't we all old-new to the fandom?
  20. I sometimes feel like a barbarian because I have never read Dante's Divine Comedy and I can imagine it's not easy. My guess is you need to be focused and have some knowledge about the medieval world to enjoy it...
  21. Aww I remember how much fun people had when arguing which pony is the best and why. Back then I always claimed it was Pinkie Pie Thank you all for the welcoming!
  22. I remember the times between seasons 2 and 3 when ponies and bronies were everywhere. As I was an active gamer back then, I always tried to find some brony servers in online games. I remember one in particular - My Little Mercenaries in Team Fortress 2. The time I spent there and the people I met... that was quite amazing time and frankly after the server was down I have never experienced such joy when playing with randomly met people on the internet again. Sometimes I miss those days but hey maybe such place still exists somewhere and I just need to find it (maybe it's here :D)
  23. Control Ultimate Edition. I got it only because of a huge discount on the Steam. The plot seems ok at the moment and it is scary sometimes. I hope it only gets better
  24. Still looking for time to finish this amazing book. It is my 2nd attempt since I stopped reading this in the middle and then I felt like I want to read it from the begging. It's quite amazing how far we've come with the medicine and how it looked like only 150 years ago. Got some other Jürgen's books (The triumpf of the surgery) but I feel like I am really bad with time organazing... Anyway, the book tells the story how the surgeries looked like before antimicrobals and general anasthesia were discovered or it acctually describes the events when it is being discovered and how it effects the world. This book is a blast and I can recommend it to everyone, no matter if you are interested in medicine or not
  25. Hello everyone one more time, I know that the best fandom days may be over but some pony websites still exist... and there are still some ponymeets organised all over the world so maybe it is not too late to find some soul mates who like ponies and to talk about something interesting. You are still here so this means we good by the way... it is just cruel to pick only ONE favourite pony :c Have a good Monday and let's get through it
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