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Everything posted by Finding_Marty

  1. I just can't resist commenting if the movie I watch is bad. Some family members hated it but I just kept being stubborn and complained about some nonsense in the plot. They got used to it and now we all talk when watching a movie
  2. If I am not able to fall asleep anymore, I make some coffee and start working.
  3. I come across these clumsy creatures every year. It's hard not to call them cute They're the main natural reservoir for rabies in Europe - at least after foxes have been vaccinated. But it was some time ago so the reports' number of foxes with rabies has been slowly increasing. Never ending story of infectious diseases yay
  4. I feel like I've just discovered G5 and now it's ending? C'mon! Give me a second.... I totally agree! G4 was far from being perfect. Yet, the fans didn't care and just rolled with it.
  5. I don't know about all of them, but there has been one in Czech this year https://www.czequestria.cz/about-czequestria/
  6. It looks great. I'd love to have one for myself! I don't know why but I feel the need to buy a cap at every place I am. I am a cap-o-holic
  7. Oh @Sparklefan1234, I've been here for such a short time but it's obvious to me that you spread the joy in this place. Forums are just empty places. But what makes places special are people. And the presence of people like you make this place special. You were the 1st person to send me a friend request. And this tiny act really put a small smile on my face. Thank you for that. Thank you for your strenght and for your positive attitude.
  8. Ok, forget what I said. I really hoped it would be something, but it turned out to be nothing special.... The first episode was pretty cool, but they completely spoiled the ending.... dissapointment
  9. Oof... I'm glad I'm not alone in treating my birthday like a normal day. Thank you @Dreambiscuit This is mainly because my birthday falls during the summer, when all the friends I had during my school days were on vacation. The same during my college days. I wouldn't mind treating this day as special. But I can also make any other day special if the opportunity arises.
  10. I think we need to break up You can do this! We just need to surround ourselves with the right people and never listen to the toxic ones As for me... I really don't know how I behave here lol. In real life I like to laugh with people and smile. We really need kindness nowadays... I often joke around, I like being sarcastic and avoid being serious. I also avoid conflicts and rude people. I have no problems with being rude, serious and demanding myself. I really prefer not to act like this unless I really need to.
  11. Not sure if it's outstanding but I like wearing caps with names of different countries. The one I wear now has Ελλάς (Hellas) on it, which is one of the greek names for Greece (I just couldn't find one with the name Ελλάδα). A month ago I even met 2 guys from Athens who really liked my cap Previously I wore one with a Scottish tartan and the name “Scotland”, but it had a very thick material and was not pleasant to wear in the summer....
  12. Welcome @gloompony. Have fun among us!
  13. So we disagree that we agree? Or we agree that we agree? It's fine I should have been more specific with what I meant in my pevious post.
  14. Yes, it's true, I never said that everything you can find on Wikipedia is 100% true, but sometimes it's a good starting point to get a general idea if you don't have a clue about a topic and figure out what to look for. And you can't cite Wikipedia articles in your research papers. Wikipedia articles are not reviewed in any way. No journal would accept them for publication. And you want to publish your article in the journal with the highest possible IF, so citing wikipedia would be like wtf?
  15. Hi and welcome! It's so cool you're so experienced in the RP! I've always wanted to do it myself. Not necessarily as a pony character but any RPG session. Somehow it never happened... Oh well... maybe one day
  16. Welcome! Have fun here
  17. Hi and welcome! It's so good to have you here! Now you can share your thoughts on MLP with us!
  18. Hi! True, the Smile clip is horrible and I don't know why it's gotten so popular I know nothing about bad reputation of the French on the Internet. I know only yummy French dishes and tasty French wines
  19. I started watching mini series The Gentlemen on the Netflix and I know I will watch the whole series because it's brilliant
  20. I eat absolutelly everything and I am always very happy to try something new. I'm so glad that my family and friends don't ask me anymore about what I'd like to eat because they know I'll eat anything and still tell them it's tasty. When I am at a restaurant and I am asked what I want, I like to say "surprise me". But the staff doesn't like hearing this. Probably because they may fear I will not like the food and give them a bad commnet. People love writing bad comments nowadays...
  21. I guess becoming a brony had no effect on my music taste. It has been changing over the years and i defiantelly don't listen that much metal as I used to. However, I would like to visit some metal festivals soon because they're the best
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